Chapter 1867: Sacrifice.  

If someone had the technology to beam authentic virtual realities into the minds of billions of people across the solar system without needing any hardware to receive it, then surely they could make a fake video that looks very real to advertise their game.

People could already think of one way that the fake video could be made. They believe that it was created in the virtual reality game and recorded for them to see. They refused to believe that the video was real.

The Heavenly Corperation did provide a response to these deniers. They said, "Only time will tell."

Taylor saw this and sighed. "Time will indeed tell. But if I don't get on the bandwagon now, it will be too late by the time it becomes certain that the video isn't fake."

He shut down the video and returned to his research for God's Domain. He didn't feel awkward at all that he would be studying so hard for a game because this will not be the first time he is doing such a thing.

It is common practice for a serious gamer to do research on what decisions to make in games. That's why there are a lot of game guides on the internet.

Except, this time, there is no better reason to do research. In fact, the whole world is probably doing their research on God's Domain too.

He also spared some time to go through the articles written by others about God's Domain as every bit of information can make a difference for him.

One thing he found odd was that there were few guides for God's Domain online. It is because the people who usually write these guides don't have the time. They would rather be playing the game instead of losing time to write guides.

So he had only himself to rely on a way out. Fortunately, his research on how to please gods worked out. He found a lot of examples in history that satisfied him.

Then he returned to God's Domain 30 minutes later. He moved around looking for a target. His behavior was suspicious, but so was everyone else's.

Everyone was looking at each other with wariness. There was very little trust amongst the trainers after what they experienced in the trial. In fact, it was more likely to receive violence than favor from others.

Taylor knew this, so he knew that what he planned was going to be difficult. Not only is it difficult physically, it is also difficult emotionally.

He has done research several times in the past, but he has never done this before. He is going to do it anyways because what he read said that gods love sacrifices. They love sacrifices of animals, but human sacrifices are the best.

So he steeled his will and did what he had to do. He befriended many trainees in a bid to lure them to his room.

His plan failed many times, but he didn't give up. Even though people were wary of others, they were also in need of help. So he believed that as long as he continued fishing, he would catch his prey.

He worked hard in the gym while being nice to everyone and offering them advice. His plan worked just after two days. He was eventually able to lure a lady to his room. Then he subdued her and tied her up.

He took a knife from the kitchen, which he used to stab her many times. It was gruesome work both for him and her.

He struck bone many times, which made his knife get stuck in her body and very difficult for him to stab her.

There was blood everywhere, and she was crying. He didn't hear her cries since he had his ears plugged, but he could imagine the kind of pain she was going through. That and the sight of all the blood made him vomit.

That didn't stop him, though. He continued doing so while saying, "I offer her pain to the gods as a sacrifice. I offer her body to the gods. I hope they will be pleased with my offering."

She couldn't log out because she was not in a safe place. That meant she had to experience the pain until she lost blood and died.

Her body disappeared after her death. It was then that he called for Ragna and asked him to take them to the sixth floor. He found the gods waiting there for him.

He said, "I hope you were pleased with my offering."

There was silence from the gods. They didn't look like they would speak anytime soon.

He tried again. "I did everything for you."

A god finally spoke. "No, you didn't. You did it for yourself. You also had nothing to lose."

Their voice battered his mind with the power and truth of it. He kneeled on the ground and held his head as he considered what they had said.

They were partly right. There was a lot at stake for him because someone could recognize him. He would have a lot of problems in the real world for what he did to her.

Then was the trouble he would face in God's Domain. He could deny her accusations, though. But his reputation would be sullied. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be good enough for the gods.

He pleaded, "Please give me another chance. Preferably tell me what to do."

Another god spoke. "It is easy to cause pain to others, but difficult to cause pain to oneself. Show us your dedication."

A shiny gold sword appeared in front of him. It made what the gods were asking him clear to him. He knew what he had to do. So he took the sword with his right hand.

Another god said to him, "Very good. Whatever you cut off will be lost forever. The blade you use to cut it will be your reward."

He realized that they were warning him. They were also tempting him to see if he would go through the act despite the warning. But he thinks he can handle it.

He thought to himself, "It is only a game."
