Chapter 1866: Ignorant On Both Count.  

Ragna heard those audacious words but it didn't say that call him an ignorant mortal that didn't know just how out of depth he was.

As one of the programs in charge of analyzing human behavior on earth, it knows a lot more about humans than they know of themselves. It also knows more about God's Domain than humans. So it has the right to call AB ignorant.

But it didn't say that. Instead, it went along with its programming and encouraged him by saying, "Don't you worry. We just need to raise your individual attributes by 2 each, and you will be ready to complete missions. It should take about a month of intensive training. Maximum of two. Then you will be ready to take the world by storm."

AB said enthusiastically, "Sign me up for the storm."

The duo then teleported to the third floor for training. It included a physical workout and mental exercise. He was no stranger to physical exercises. However, mental exercises truly broadened his horizons.

The mental exercise was the least intensive but probably the most painful. He didn't need to do much for them. He only had to sit in front of an image and concentrate on it. This simple act bypassed his immunity to physical pain and made him shed tears.

He couldn't see what was drawn on the painting clearly, so he has to focus on it. That act made both his eyes and mind ache. The ache turned into piercing pain the longer he stared at the picture on the wall.

It felt as if something was stabbing his brain through his eyes. He didn't cry out, but his eyes shed tears. It made him long for back-breaking physical labor. But he didn't give up on it. Black Knife didn't give up either.

Black Knife had been given a class by a god named 9 Crowns. The god had said they liked how he bowed in fear but was secretly plotting to kill them.

He had indeed been secretly plotting their downfall. That's what he does to people stronger than him. But first, he always tries to appear harmless and subservient to them.

This has always worked for his previous boss. He would ingratiate himself to them, and they would feel that he was beneath them. But it didn't work this time around.

What's odder than them not being fooled is that they actually rewarded him after knowing his true intentions. That scared him far more than anything he had ever encountered. Now he is not sure if he should be glad he got a class.

They said he looked like a wayward child. They gave him the class so that he could become a wayward adult. He doesn't know what it means. But he knows that wayward people get punished.

So he was very worried as he left the sixth floor. Then he was advised by Ragna to raise his base stats first. He didn't like the painful exercise, but he did it anyway because he is not a stranger to pain and because he recognized the importance of power for what he hoped to achieve in the future.

Taylor and many others were not so lucky as AB and Black Knife. Taylor hasn't gotten a class yet. His best bet is to complete missions to earn training points, which he will use to purchase a class.

As usual, Ragna advised him to exercise and raise his base stats. It is a good use of his time since he doesn't need a class to raise those. If he reaches level 25, he will have a better chance of completing missions and might even be able to buy his own class.

But Taylor wasn't willing to give up on getting a class from the gods. It is because they are the best option to get a class as soon as possible.

He recognized that the beginning of a game is very important. Little advantages like classes can become massive advantages in the future, all because of how early they got it before others.

So even though he decided to exercise, he still took time out of the game to go back to earth to do some research about how to please gods.

He knows it is a bad idea to leave the game for any period of the thousand-times difference in time. But he is hoping to make up for the investment with quick access to a class.

He went online with his neuralink immediately he regained consciousness. But something distracted him from looking up how people of different religions pleased their gods and the many times the gods were pleased by mortals.

He saw a video circulating the web. It was from the Heavenly Corperation. That alone was enough reason for him to check it out. What he saw made his heart tighten.

He saw a naked man face a hail of bullets from a squad of assault robots. The bullets smashed into his skin and created sparks. Not one bullet managed to hurt him. Not even the rounds from sniper rifles.

That alone was impressive. Then the man went on to destroy the robots with his bare heads. He was naked, unarmed, unprotected, and not enhanced by any machinery, physical armor, or force field. Yet he wasn't hurt in any way.

At least that's the claim of the heavenly cooperation. It might be false claims, but the act of the man tearing and ripping the robots apart with raw strength seemed to be too real. Many people were analyzing the video to authenticate it. But they couldn't determine if it was real or not. It is because most of them decided that it was more plausible for the Heavenly Corperation to be able to create a fake video that they couldn't detect than enhance a man to become that powerful.

They would rather believe that the video and the man are fake. This time the technological advantage of the Heavenly Corporation worked against them.
