Chapter 1862: Real Life Power.  

What Ragna said made Black Knife smile in glee. He thought to himself, "It looks like I died and went to heaven."

Ragnar continued, "Don't be happy yet. These things can be done to you too by the native inhabitants of God's Domain. Let this be your first lesson."

"I hope to use this training to increase your resistance to them. So pay attention carefully. Learn as much as you can. Display your excellence, and you will be rewarded for it with the power to do anything you want."

"There is exactly a million of you here in this training facility. 10 of you who have shown themselves to be above the others will get to sign a contract of employment with the gods of God's Domain. This will grant you the Hero class and will put you on a fast track to becoming a god yourself."

"I know many of you are not here for the power. But don't look down on the power you will gain in God's Domain. Not only will it help you achieve what you want to achieve in God's Domain, you can also take this power with you to the real world."

A vehicle appeared in front of Ragnarok. It was an airplane. It was large, but Ragnarok picked it up with one hand and crushed it into a ball of metal with his four hands.

He said to them, "You can wield this kind of power in your world. Longevity and curing of illnesses are just the tip of the iceberg of what God's Domain is capable of giving you. Work hard, and real power might be yours to wield."

Black Knife's eyes widened in disbelief. He was not the only one who was like that. He was not the only one who thought it was impossible.

But all of that wouldn't prevent him from trying his best, though. If only for the power to do anything he wants to do in God's Domain.

He can't ask for more than the freedom he has already been given in God's Domain. Just looking at all the pretty bodies around him made him look forward to what he could get away with doing with them. It made him lick his lips in anticipation.

"The next item on the agenda is a tour guide of the facility. I will show you around and help you determine the best training method for you."

Ragna's body then broke apart into smaller versions of himself. They were 1 million smaller versions, to be exact. Each one was about 10 centimeters tall. They floated in front of each of the participants to guide them.

The first thing that Ragnarok pointed out were the two large electronic boards that appeared where he was standing. One was white with black words on it. The other was black with white words on it.

The boards had a long list of activities or names on them with a number beside them.

Ragna explained their functions: "The black board is the mission board. It contains a limited amount of missions on it. You will earn training points when you complete the missions."

"You need these training points to activate the various training services and to buy special tools in the facility. Training points are the most important resources, and missions are the only way to earn them, so the missions have to be prioritized."

"If you fail a mission, you will lose some of your training points. This will be used to maintain the mission until it is passed by you or others. Eventually the missions will finish after they have been completed successfully a number of times. So training missions are limited."

Then he pointed at the whiteboard. "The whiteboard is your ranking list. It tracks the total amount of training points that you spend."

"Note that it doesn't track the amount of training points acquired. Only expenditures to acquire the goods and services of the facility are tracked. The exchange or gifting of training points between you trainees doesn't count."

"This ranking is important because it will determine how well all of you have done. The top 10 of all of you get to be heroes."

Black Knife caught on to the hint. He asked, "Can we give our training points to others?"

Ragna replied with a smile, "Yes, you can. It is like currency."

Black Knife became excited when he heard that. Instead of working hard to complete missions and risk losing training points when he fails them, it would be better to get them from others. He will then use them to strengthen himself and repeat the cycle. His scheming eyes began to light up just thinking about it.

He asked Ragna, "Can we attack others in the facility?"

Ragna chuckled and replied, "All forms of violence against each other and even the facility are allowed. I will not defend you trainees, but I will defend this facility. If you think you can best me, then you can have a go at stealing anything you want from me. Just be prepared for a very painful lesson in case of failure."

Black Knife thought to himself with anticipation, "Gods, I have missed this."

He had a criminal mind, so that was the first thing that came to his mind. But not many think about taking advantage of others at the first chance they get. Taylor, for instance, was worried about something else.

He asked Ragna, "What other repercussions do we face for failing missions? What if we die during the missions? Will we lose half of our power?"

Ragnar replied, "For now, only the loss of training points is what you need to worry about. You will not lose your power and can repeat the mission as many times as you want. But your debt of training points will rise even if you have zero training points. You can get negative points if you are not careful."

Taylor nodded as he listened attentively. He asked more questions as he wanted to have every piece of knowledge available for him to make the best decisions.
