Chapter 1861: Complete Freedom.
The things they could gain from the game were just too much to pass up. The chances of eternal life were just too tempting to waste time on protesting when they could be preparing for God's Domain. Besides, if they got eternal life, they would have a lot of time to protest in the future.
Of course there are others who didn't care that people could die and didn't bother to protest right from the start. AB is one such person. He is an outlier, but there are a lot of people who don't care for other reasons.
One of them is Black Knife. That is not his real name. It is a title given to him in the criminal underworld.
He was in jail when the game was beamed to everyone. No human was spared from the invitation no matter where they were, so he received one too.
This invitation was sent out to everyone, including children, handicapped people, and deathrow criminals. Anyone who could bear the pain of the game making a connection to their minds can join it.
He survived the initial pain that the invitation caused and didn't black out, so he saw the invitation to participate in God's Domain. If he were too young, he would have blacked out. So the pain screened out participants based on age.
Black Knife was in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison deep underground. He was bound hands and feet. He couldn't move beyond the 4-meter square of space he was locked in, and he certainly couldn't escape the prison.
He was unlikely to escape because the prison was built in such a way that it would collapse first and kill all the prisoners within it before a prison break could happen.
So he was a doomed man. He should have been killed after he was captured for all his crimes, but he was imprisoned because he ratted out his boss.
That meant that even if he somehow manages to break out of prison, prevent the prison from falling into a lake of lave below, and dig through thousands of meters of solid rock to reach the surface, he still wouldn't live long because he would be hounded by both the criminal world and law enforcement.
The invitation couldn't have come at a better time for him. He literally had nothing better to do than to risk his life in a game. Apart from the fact that it was a virtual world, it was no different from what he has experienced in the real world.
So unlike many others who chose to return to the real world after passing the survival trial, he decided to wait in God's Domain. He asked for different types of food and amenities that the game produced for him. The white world has changed into a bar just for him. He was having the time of his life in it.
He doesn't have any connection to the world above, so he didn't know that there were people complaining and threatening to boycott the game. If anything, he felt regretful about leaving the white space when the time for training started.
The bar disappeared, and the white space merged with that of others. This made every participant appear in one large white space. That changed when the white space became a large hall in an even larger building.
Each of them was spaced 1 meter apart as if they were soldiers in an army. Black Knife couldn't see how many there were, only that they were far more than the amount of people he has seen in the last 13 years he had been in prison combined.
Actually, he has never seen any humans in the last 13 years. He has never left his cell or moved from his bound position. He is literally rotting away in prison as robots took care of his needs.
For many people, it was their minds that gave out first. The lack of communication and interaction with others causes their minds to fray long before their bodies follow. So all of these humans being around him felt like a dream.
He had fantasized many times about meeting other people. But when it finally happened, he widened his eyes in disbelief, and he became engrossed with staring at the people around him.
A man appeared in front of them. He looked human except he was 100 meters tall and he had four arms. He was bare-chested, so his muscular body was on full display.
The man was already terrifying for being 100 meters all, but his muscles ensured that he would be terrifying to other 100-meter-tall humans. He was surely terrifying to normal humans.
The man spoke to them in a loud, booming voice. He said, "I am Ragna. I am the spirit of this training facility. I will be in charge of your training programs. The first on the agenda is the orientation."
"You might have asked yourself, "What are we supposed to do in God's Domain?" I will tell you now. You are not obliged to do anything. You are free to do anything you want, when you want, and how you want it. Many of you came here for different purposes; you will find that you can achieve those purposes without any limit."
"God's Domain is not the real world you came from. Your rules don't mean anything here. You can do anything to yourself and to others. Sure, there will be repercussions and resistance. But as long as you have the power to overcome those resistances, the world is yours to play with."
Ragna paused to look over all of them. He smirked and said, "I know what some of you are thinking. I will answer some of them now. Yes, you can rape. Yes, you can murder. And yes, you can eat your fellows. There will be repercussions for doing that in various forms, but if you can overcome the resistance to such actions, then you are free to do so."