Chapter 1855: Carrot And Lots Of Stick.  

No one doubted that the Heavenly Corporation had the technology to produce the elixir either. Not after they announced the ground-breaking virtual reality system they have developed.

This virtual reality system is one that doesn't need any equipment, so anyone can participate in it wherever they are. Apparently, the game will be beamed directly into everyone's head no matter where they are in the solar system.

This technology is the first of its kind. Frankly, it sounds like a joke or a hoax to claim to be able to beam a whole game into someone's mind. But if it is true, then the elixir of life is probably real too.

Either way, he doesn't have a choice but to believe it. He has to believe, and he has to do his best within God's Domain if he is to save his mom.

He also doesn't have a choice but to wait anxiously. He, like everyone else, regardless of their station or wealth, will be given an equal chance and opportunity.

He thought to himself in melancholy, "At the end of the day, we are all the same."

He waited for a while until he felt a sharp pain in his head. He almost fainted because of it. It was for an instant and gone so fast he thought he had hallucinated the pain. But the sight of a projected holographic message in front of him made him sure that it was not of his own making.

-Do You Want To Participate In God's Domain?

He smiled and replied, "Yes."

Many people replied yes immediately. They did it as fast as possible so as to gain as many advantages as they could as soon as possible.

The only ones who didn't choose to participate were the ones living off-grid and didn't hear anything about the heavenly cooperation. They were too afraid to participate. Even so, some of those people chose to participate just to see what it was all about.

So billions of the consciousnesses of humans connected to God's Domain on the very first day. It made the God of Power content as he watched.

But as usual, his good mood was destroyed by his sister, who has been following him for a long while.

The God of Souls said, "It is good that they have decided to participate willingly, or we would have to try the stick to encourage them."

He grunted in agreement.

It is true that he has many plans to force the humans to participate. This time, the Heavenly Corporation only used incentives to lure them into God's Domain. But if that hadn't worked, the Heavenly Corporation would lay down a curse on all of them so that the plants they planted would stop growing.

If the humans can't plant, they won't be able to farm. If they can't farm, they would lose access to a major source of food. If there is no food, they will become hungry. When they are hungry, they would be willing to participate in God's Domain for food.

If that still doesn't work, they would curse the animals and stop them from reproducing. That would push the humans to a whole level of desperation. After that is a disease that will make them so hungry that they will eat each other.

Fortunately, things didn't get to this point. It is a good thing for both the humans and him, as he doesn't want to die and waste the Chaos sparks that they are carrying.

As he was thinking, his sister asked, "So what's the next plan?"

She had been badgering him like this every step of the way. He knew that he couldn't ignore her because if he didn't reply, she would cause trouble for him.

So he sighed and replied, "I will put them through the hero selection process and make some of them become heroes. That will ensure maximum flow between their souls and my world while also encouraging the rest of them to work harder."

She asked, "Is that really a good plan? They will come close to the immortals of the void universe if you make them heroes. Look at Legion, for example. He is already trying to crack the rules of your world. What if he manages to interfere with the consciousness of these humans? He might interfere with your collection of Chaos sparks."

The God of Power scoffed. "Legion is not the only one wasting their time on that endeavor. There are many of them trying to crack my world. It is nothing special. It was expected to happen when I allowed a hundred million Origin gods to gain access to my world. I have planned for. They will only try, and they will fail."

Thenbhe chuckled with confidence and said, "Frankly, it is for their own good that they have failed. The repercussions will be dire for them if they succeed."

She nodded and said, "That's true. You may be right about the others, but Legion is not normal. It was already risky when you allowed them to participate in God's Domain. Don't forget that they have shards of power. There might be an untoward reaction between them and your world."

The god of power shook his head and said, "The Supreme is dead. It doesn't matter that they have his Origin flame. He is dead, and so their shard of power has to rely on them, not the Supreme. Besides, we too have something to rely on, and it is better than what they have. It is just that we couldn't bring it to this universe."

She would like to agree, but she knows that the one thing that shouldn't be underestimated is potential even if it is from a dead source. Especially not when that potential is a flame used as raw material to create a universe. But she knows that trying to convince POWER won't work.

So she asked, "Do you plan to steal their shard of power?"

He sneered and asked with disdain, "What do you take me for?"
