Chapter 1854: Need For In-game Currency.  

Taylor is one of the humans waiting for the launch of God's Domain. He is an avid gamer, so he is very familiar with virtual reality games.

He has been like this several times in the past, waiting for a game to launch. But never in the past has he been this desperate. This is because if he does well in the game, he will be able to save his mom's life.

Taylor is not poor. In fact, he is very rich for him to be able to afford virtual reality games. So he is not doing this for the money.

He is desperate for God's Domain because they have something no one else has been able to produce. They have the elixir of life that can heal any type of disease, regenerate lost organs, and even extend lifespan by reversing age.

This reward, amongst others, is why so many people of the human federation have been riled up. He, like many others, is looking at the time anxiously.

Maybe there are those who just want to play the game for the fun of it. But he is certain they will be the minority because the different versions of the elixir of life are just the least valuable rewards that the Heavenly Corperation is offering.

Not only have they achieved breakthroughs in technology, they have achieved a breakthrough in riling up anticipation. Because, for the first time, people are waiting for a game not because it is a game but because it is a matter of death.

Taylor looked at the time again and tried to settle his restless hands. But his hands continued to shake, and his fingers continued to tap the armrest of the sofa he was sitting on.

His hands didn't want to listen to him, so he folded them against his chest to stop them from shaking. But that made his nervous energy transfer to his legs, which began tapping on the ground restlessly.

That didn't last long either. He was soon on his feet, pacing about. Then he threw his hands up and cursed.

"What kind of sick bastards are they? Do they want to live on the pain and suffering of others so much?"

He has a lot of money, so he is considered a rich person. He didn't work for his money, though. It was his inheritance when his parents had a car accident.

His father died in that accident while his mom became comatose. Their vast wealth came into his control, and he thought he could use it to get anything he wanted in life. He thought he could use it to acquire the elixir of life when it came out. He and many others were wrong to think that.

They had offered their money to the Heavenly Corporation for the elixir only to be rejected. Many individuals didn't take that rejection lightly.

These were powerful individuals who were at the top of the world in terms of wealth or military power. One thing they didn't have was longevity.

They were going to die, so they were already doing everything they could, including dangerous and questionable things, to extend their life span. So imagine their reaction when they confirmed that the elixir of life was real and safe, but they couldn't buy it?

They went nuts is an understatement. The headquarters of the Heavenly Corperation was surrounded and besieged physically and online by an army.

Many people spoke out against them for hoarding such a revolutionary technology to pressure them. When that didn't work, they began to look for economic and financial ways to pressure them.

When that didn't work, they resorted to legal methods to restrict them and force them to capitulate. When that didn't work, they brought battleships and soldiers to their headquarters to arrest them.

But none of those worked. The warlords and generals simply returned a few minutes after arriving with their armies. No one knows why they decided to retreat with their armies, and the individuals themselves refused to give a reason.

The only thing people could say was that they had come to some sort of understanding with the heavenly cooperation. Which is a nice way to say they had collected bribes.

It is understandable that the Heavenly Corporation would be rich if they rejected money for their elixir. It is also understandable that money won't hold any sway on them if they can live forever. But if not for money, what do they want? The answer to that was pleasure or entertainment.

The Heavenly Corporation didn't admit that. People came to that conclusion when the company announced that they would only use an in-game currency from one of their games to exchange for their products.

So here Taylor is and many others waiting for the game to launch so that he can perform for the Heavenly Corporation and earn some in-game currency to save his mother.

Just thinking about it made him nervous, anxious, and afriad. It is not something he usually feels about games. He usually feels excitement and anticipation for a new game.

He is not alone in this because God's Domain is not going to be a game for many people. It hasn't even launched yet, and no one knows what it will look like, but many people have already quit their jobs to make time to play it. That's how serious this is.

He can't truly blame them. He wishes he could, though. He would like to say that they don't even know what they are getting into and that it is stupid to quit one's job for a game. But he knows what they are getting out of it, so he understands why they are taking it so seriously.

No one is doubting the authenticity of the elixir of life. Not after the ruckus that many governments, military paragons, and space warlords have kicked up about it.

That was the best advertisement that any product can get. After all, if corrupt, morally bankrupt, and selfish politicians can go to war over the control of a particular resource, that resource has to be real.

A/N: For those who have forgotten, Jason created the world government which is not called the human federation.
