Chapter 750: Lily's Toy.

Alucard walked over to the table, and with a wave of his hand, a black Throne with blood-red details was created. He then sat on the Throne and rested his head on his hand.

The Maids stood behind Victor and looked at all the Wolves with cold, uncaring eyes as if they were just walking bags of meat.

"I will give you two choices." Victor snapped his fingers, and a red portal appeared next to him, and the image of a dark place with red plains full of Demonic Creatures was seen.

"Be the meddler that you are, and I will drag you vermin and anyone who supports your thoughts to the depths of Hell, where you will not be able to die and will exist forever in torment."

The portal's image changed and showed the field of Hell that Lily personally cared for, where those who went against Victor remained in torment to this day without being able to move on.

As a King of Hell, Victor had certain privileges, and those privileges were concentrated in the afterlife. If he so wished, specific individuals would never be able to follow the natural course of Life and Death.


Normally, that privilege was only possible for the Ruler of Hell, and for him to enjoy such a privilege, he should've been the Ruler... But why did he need to be the Ruler if his trusted subordinate could take his place?

Victor didn't like working for anyone, least of all Primordial Beings, whose thoughts were unknown.

Of course, there was a problem with this method. The balance could be broken if too many Souls didn't move forward... So ideally, he wouldn't overdo it, and the Primordial Entities wouldn't have to worry about what Victor had been doing since the whole system they created worked as intended.

"..." Everyone's faces visibly darkened, and some even started to shiver when they saw the literal image of the scorching Hell where Souls were punished.

A few Wolves were already shivering as they looked at Victor with fear-filled eyes.

Even though the sound couldn't be heard, they could completely imagine the screams of torment those Souls suffered.


"Or..." Victor's Dragon Eyes gleamed menacingly with a sadistic glare, "Kneel and announce: I'm sorry for being a useless mutt who stuck my nose in a matter that has nothing to do with me."

Victor looked at Vincent's group:

"Now, choose."

Humiliation or an agonizing death? That was the Demon King's proposal.

From the beginning, Alucard didn't come here to talk. He came here just to show the difference between them and the reality that... No matter how much they screamed or were full of 'justice' their hearts were, none of that mattered in front of Alucard.

He was the one who made the rules, and those who were weak could only follow the rules he had created.

"...You-..." An old man swallowed hard when he saw Victor's gaze moving toward him and clenched his fist as a way of gaining courage and said:

"You cannot do that-." He didn't even have time to finish speaking, and before the old man realized it, he was already flying toward the portal.action

The old man fell through the portal, and everyone watched in horror as several Demonic hands appeared out of nowhere, grabbed the old man's body, and dragged him down to the depths of Hell.

And that was the end of it, with just a simple gesture from Victor.

Vincent's group fell to the ground as they looked on in horror at this scene.

"You seem to be misunderstanding something... I never allowed you to spew your useless opinions. I told you to choose."

"Those who cannot choose and those who don't understand something as simple as this will merely meet the same fate as that man."

"Now, choose."

"..." Silence fell over the room. For anyone else, the choice should've been obvious... But these men were not just anyone; they were Leaders, Alphas who would remain in power for a long time, and for them, humiliation carried the same weight as death.

Vincent looked at Volk.

"My King, you're not going to do anything!? He is killing our kind! We have to do something!"

"..." Volk maintained a neutral gaze, and no emotion was seen on his face, but the same could not be said for within.

He wanted to interfere. He wanted to fight Victor, but that decision would be the most foolish thing he could do. He didn't have the military power to fight the largest Hell in existence. They would be crushed.

How do you go to war with a Race that practically has a new member born every minute? The answer is... You don't. You run away or avoid conflict.

Only a few Beings could fight the endless hordes of Hellish Creatures coming straight from Hell... And these Beings were the Angels or a Pantheon of Gods.

The Werewolves might be strong, but they weren't as strong as a Pantheon where multiple Gods existed or The Heavenly Father's Armies of Angels.

Not to mention... The statement that the Angels or Pantheons could fight Demons needed to be revised carefully for the current Era. After all, unlike before, Hell was now united under The Demon King's banner of Tyranny, and Alucard was a frightening existence alone.

Biblical Hell had never been as strong as it was now. Even when Lucifer was in power, Hell was not as strong as it was now.

"Volk will not help you, Vincent."

Vincent looked at the woman and felt a surge of anger rise inside him when he saw Maya's look of disdain at him. "He can't help even if he wanted to."

"..." Volk's lack of response was a silent confirmation from The Werewolf King.

And this lack of response filled everyone's hearts with despair. They were literally without any protection and were completely at the mercy of The Demon King's will.

"... Impossible!" Vincent wouldn't take it. He came from a Founding Family, you know? His family had been around since the Progenitor of Wolves created Samar. He was important!

"How is it that the King can do nothing-"

"You invited The Devil to your door, Vincent." Maya cut the older Wolf off.

"I warned you not to open your mouth and stay quiet like a good dog, but no... You had to open your mouth and get yourself into trouble that wasn't even yours, right?"

She spoke with amusement in her tone.

"As if you've forgotten the Primordial Law of The Supernatural World."

She added in a more serious tone: ... The one with the biggest fist is the one who is right. You forgot about it, and now you are at a crossroads."

"Well, at least you're not alone, right? You brought all your supporters with you." She smiled.

"Now, choose. The Devil gave you your options, humiliation or eternal suffering?... It should be an obvious choice for you, right?"

Maya didn't want to admit it, but she was enjoying this quite a bit. It wasn't just today that she had problems with that old man.

He was always looking for trouble with her, and even though she really wanted to crush his whole family, she knew she could not do it without good reason, as her act of doing so would weaken Samar.

Not to mention that this action would affect the Lykos Clan's reputation in the eyes of the other Wolves.

... Vincent looked at Victor with the expression of a man who seemed to have lost something essential in his life, and soon he fell to his knees.

Looking at Vincent making this gesture, his supporters followed him to do the same thing.

"I'm sorry for being a useless...-" He ground his teeth angrily: "-mutt who stuck my nose in a matter that has nothing to do with me...

The others followed suit and repeated the words.

The feeling of humiliation that the Wolves were feeling was visible to everyone present... As well as the feelings of anger and desire for revenge.

Victor looked at this display, clearly unimpressed.

"Even a blind man can see the insincerity in your words."

Victor raised his hand, and a red mist formed on his gauntlet then spread around him.

"A lesson is required..." Victor's heavy tone sent shivers down their spines.

Maya, Volk, Leonidas, and Anthony prepared in case Victor wanted to attack them.

The atmosphere around them began to get colder by the moment, and the feeling of impotence, emptiness, and a lack of salvation enveloped the surroundings.

The Red Mist began to gather in one place and formed the body of a Being, as slowly, the creature began to take shape until... He came into existence.

A grotesque creature that looked like it appeared straight out of a horror movie, with a body with raw flesh showing, several eyes and arms, and several mouths scattered around the body, wriggled unnervingly before them. The being had multiple legs and arms hanging all over its body.

It was the perfect picture of an abomination.

"Hail The Demon King of Tyranny." A grotesque voice, as if several people were talking simultaneously, was heard.

The creature then 'looked' at the Maids.

"Hail The Seven Deadly Sins; it is a pleasure to witness the King's distinguished Special Forces. Today is a very happy day."".." The Maids just raised their eyebrows at the creature. Why was he calling them that way? They wondered.

Little did they know that Victor had already given them a 'post' in Hell.

heard. It was so absurd that he was silent for a few seconds.

'I expected Lilith to be entertained in the city I created, but I never expected that she would get addicted to gambling...

"... Who is this Mon-..." Seeing Victor's gaze, Maya quickly corrected her words:

"I mean, who is this...?" Maya asked the question everyone wanted to know, even Victor's Maids.

"How inappropriate of me. I forgot to introduce you. This charming knight is Lily's Toy. A subordinate personally created by my General, Lily, a General who is in charge of all the sectors of Hell where sinners are punished."

".." Everyone really did not know how to react to the adjective 'charming' that Victor used. After all, this creature didn't have anything charming about him.

"Lily's Toy is the executor of the Sector of Lust, directly responsible for sinners who commit the crime that I most repudiate, the sexual exploitation of the weakest and most defenseless... Today, he will play with you for a while."

"!!!" Everyone looked at that creature with horror in their eyes.

"Don't worry. He won't apply all the punishment especially reserved for the sinners he deals with... He will heard. It was so absurd that he was silent for a few seconds.

'I expected Lilith to be entertained in the city I created, but I never expected that she would get addicted to gambling...

"... Who is this Mon-..." Seeing Victor's gaze, Maya quickly corrected her words:

"I mean, who is this...?" Maya asked the question everyone wanted to know, even Victor's Maids.

"How inappropriate of me. I forgot to introduce you. This charming knight is Lily's Toy. A subordinate personally created by my General, Lily, a General who is in charge of all the sectors of Hell where sinners are punished."

".." Everyone really did not know how to react to the adjective 'charming' that Victor used. After all, this creature didn't have anything charming about him.

"Lily's Toy is the executor of the Sector of Lust, directly responsible for sinners who commit the crime that I most repudiate, the sexual exploitation of the weakest and most defenseless... Today, he will play with you for a while."

"!!!" Everyone looked at that creature with horror in their eyes.

"Don't worry. He won't apply all the punishment especially reserved for the sinners he deals with... He will be more flexible."

Victor smiled widely and declared:

"Rejoice, little Wolves. Today, you will learn a lesson you never learned before in your life... A lesson your mothers forgot to teach you growing up, a lesson in humility and about not stepping into matters you have no say in."

"... don't play with us-" Someone from Vincent's group shouted angrily, but he could not go on for long when suddenly, hundreds of hands came towards them and dragged them into the air.

"Disrespect to the King will not be tolerated." The creature's calm voice completely changed into a distorted and fanatical voice.

"You wretched worms do not have enough humility and respect for His Majesty. Stricter discipline is required." "My King, permission to use The Hell Hounds?"

Victor visibly thought about the request until he spoke: "Granted."


"Volk, please help us!" The Werewolves looked to Volk for help, but... As stated before, the King's hands were tied, and he could only watch...

The creature's mouths smiled widely, and in the next moment it raised its arms and dragged all the noisy  Werewolves through the portal, shortly after which the portal closed.

And dead silence reigned in the room.

"Won't they die in Hell...?" Maya asked.

"They won't since he's taking them to the Sectors of Hell where there's little Miasma, a place where I can reduce the Miasma to acceptable levels so living creatures can stay without problems."

"Oh... So it's okay." Maya shrugged as she went to sit in the chair.

"..." Volk, Leonidas, and Anthony looked at Maya with indescribable gazes. They didn't really know how to react to Maya. After all, the woman seemed to be the most casual about it all, and she was the one who kept the conversation going with Victor from start to finish... As they could tell, the woman was quite social and flexible.

Something all three of them could not manage to be. Volk was a King, and he was used to having what he wanted when he wanted it. He never had to deal with an existence bigger than him.

Leonidas and Anthony were so used to only responding to Volk that they subconsciously didn't know how to react to Victor.

"Now that these nuisances have been dealt with and put in their proper place... Do you have anything to say to me,Volk Fenrir?"

"..." Volk looked at Victor with a neutral and calculating gaze. All thoughts regarding the men dragged to Hell were completely forgotten, and his attention went to Victor and the problem he had on his hands now, a much bigger problem than any family of Werewolves who had forgotten how to live in the Supernatural World.

"... Yes, I have something to talk to you about."

Victor flashed a neutral smile: "I'm listening."