Chapter 749: The Demon King of Tyranny, Alucard.

In a world with red skies and a great forest of red leaves, a gigantic tree lay on the horizon.

"... It looks like the fusion has been completed," Victor spoke as he looked at a humanoid-shaped shadow that was much fainter than usual.

"Finally... I'm where I should have been from the start."

"It's been a long time, hasn't it, Alter?"

"Indeed... A very long time."

In Victor's training in Hell, he managed to fuse 99% of his Progenitor Powers inside his body, but 1% remained unwilling to join for some reason. Because of that, Alter was still present in Victor's fight with Diablo.


But... That was no longer the case: as of today, Alter will fuse with Victor.

The only thing that prevented Victor from fully merging with Alter were his thoughts toward his Wives. This worry and longing did not let him calm down to complete the fusion process.

"What happens when we merge completely?" Victor asked.


"... What do you mean by nothing?"

"Exactly what I mean. You already have all of the Progenitor's Powers and the memories that Progenitors inherit."


"The only thing that will happen is... You will feel complete. As if the final piece of a puzzle was finally being placed."

'And maybe now you'll get a clue on how to reach Grandmaster Level.' Alter thought but didn't say it out loud. After all, it wasn't necessary. As soon as he returned to where he belonged, Victor would know everything.

"...Complete, huh..." Victor thought a bit about these words. He was curious about what would happen to him: "So I guess this is goodbye, Alter?"

"Wrong. I will not disappear. I am merely returning to where I should never have left." Alter raised his ghostly hand and made a fist.

"...Take care of them, Another me."

"Always." Victor raised his fist.

The two Beings' fists collided in a friendly gesture, and in the next second, Alter's shadow began to enter Victor's hody During this entire process, Roxanne was watching from afar beside an older man with gray hair and a muscular body.

"His Soul is finally returning to what it should have been..." Roxanne spoke as she looked at Victor with a gaze that could see much more than just his appearance.

"... What do you think will happen, My Queen?" the old man asked.

"I don't know."

"Victor has long been an abnormality. There are so many things within his Soul that if the basis of his existence were not a Progenitor of Vampires with a Great Soul, I fear he would have already been blown apart from containing so much Power."

Victor's Soul contained the grand existence of Roxanne and the billions of Souls he'd consumed in his growth.

It also housed part of a Goddess's Soul, a piece of the Soul of The Progenitor of The Gorgons, and part of a Dragon's Soul.

He was connected to so many great Beings that Roxanne wouldn't be surprised if he exploded at any moment because he had so much stuff in his Soul, but such a thing never happened.

Roxanne watched as Victor closed his eyes as he concentrated on himself.

Soon his whole Inner World began to change. The environment became more turbulent, and on the horizon, a Being made of pure darkness with shades of crimson stood up and stared at everything with its blood-red gaze.

"What is that...?" The older man opened his eyes wide.

"The representation of Victor's Soul..." Now Roxanne understood why she could never find that representation in Victor's Soul. She couldn't find it because, from the beginning, the representation of Victor's Soul was Alter himself. Now he had returned to where he belonged... Protecting Victor's Inner World like a Guardian.

In a closed room isolated from the outside with the Power of Ice, a man was floating in the lotus position.

Victor opened his eyes, and although there were no visible changes, the sharpness of his eyes was more visible. His very existence felt more overwhelming as well.

"I see... That's what he meant by feeling complete, huh... Victor felt it was difficult to describe how he was feeling...

It was the same feeling as when someone traveled for long years and returned to their parents' house. The sense of 'fulfillment' he was feeling now seemed to have that emotion... Only much more intense.

'Alter, you sneaky bastard. Why didn't you tell me I'll now  have a clue to reaching the Grand Master Level?'

All Martial Arts had a rank level ranging from Apprentice to Grandmaster.

In the grand scheme of things, only the rank of Master and Grandmaster mattered.

The reason for this was that only a select few could reach the rank of Master in a Martial Art, and even fewer could reach the rank of Grandmaster,A ranking that not even the Gods could achieve so easily.

Victor only knew two Beings who had achieved a Grandmaster Level Martial Art, and those two Beings were Scathach and Rose.

Scathach was a monster in her own right. She'd reached Master Level in several Martial Arts, and only with Spearmenship had she reached the Grandmaster level.

On the other hand, Rose hadn't learned many Martial Arts and devoted herself purely to the Sword her entire life. Because of that, her Martial Arts level might even be higher than that of Scathach, who devoted herself to learning various Martial Arts instead of just focusing on one from the beginning.

Unlike God-King level Beings, the ranks of those who entered the Grandmaster Rank were even more confusing.

The reason for this was simple. Few Beings had reached this state. The number could even be counted on both hands.

'I wonder if I can achieve 'Enlightenment' now, Victor thought.

He'd previously asked Scathach what this 'Enlightenment' was, and the woman's answer could not be more enigmatic.

"You will understand when you feel it."

Did this mean that Scathach refused to answer Victor's question?

Wrong. What she meant was that 'Enlightenment' could not be described with words because it was a unique state for each individual Being, and talking about it could compromise the listener's training.

After all, they would be searching for a similar 'feeling' while their 'feeling' of 'Enlightenment' would likely be completely different.

It was one of those things you had to experience and feel to understand.

Victor came out of his meditation position and fell to the floor.

Victor raised his hand and waited.

Moments later, everyone in the capital heard the sound of multiple sonic booms. Something was clearly heading toward the Werewolf King's Castle at high speed.

With a gesture of his left hand, Victor defrosted the window and opened it. The next moment, something passed through the open window, impacting his right hand.

"Now, I am complete," Victor spoke with a slight smile. A weapon that appeared to be a Katana but had a blade that was too large to be called a Katana, a weapon that carried an Aura of Pure Destruction.

Junketsu's base material changed to Demon Metal.

With this upgrade, the Progenitor's Weapon became a weapon capable of destroying a God forever. Not just Gods, all life touched by the weapon would be taken away.

Rather than evolving to become an Anti-Divine Weapon, it evolved to become an Anti-Life weapon.

But make no mistake, those killed by this blade would not go on to the afterlife but would become part of Victor.

This was a weapon that was born from Victor's Blood and Soul.

'Mizuki has no idea that the weapon she made with my Blood has become something completely beyond her expectations.'

"Tell me, Junketsu. How many forms can you assume


Upon touching Junketsu, he realized it wasn't just him that had changed. Junketsu itself changed too. The more Victor evolved, Junketsu, which was a part of him, would evolve along with him.

The blade buzzed as if to say, 'Are you underestimating me? I can be whatever I want."

"Oh? In that case..." A red aura began to cover Victor's body, and the next moment, he was encased in his Royal Armor.

His long black hair of Pure Miasma was floating around him, and a black cloak formed around his shoulders.

This cloak was not something that could be grabbed by someone and consequently get in the way of battle; it was a cloak made of Pure, Unaltered Miasma. Any Being that 'contacted' the cloak would receive a one- way ticket to Hell.

The Demon King's Armor was a set made to fight the Gods.action

Victor let go of Junketsu, and the blade floated in the air.

"Become my two gauntlets."

Junketsu floated around and noticed the two gauntlets on Victor's armor. The next moment, the weapon began to morph and envelop Victor's arms.

Victor could clearly feel Junketsu becoming part of his armor.

He looked at his gauntlets and noticed that they had become more 'thorny'; his fingers looked like sharp claws, and his forearms, as well as his elbows, had blades that looked like they would easily tear anything.

"Now, we will be together everywhere." Victor chuckled as he clenched his fists, then opened them.

He felt a feeling of 'satisfaction' coming from the gauntlets.

Victor gestured with his hand, and soon the ice around the room began to melt and eventually become water until it evaporated completely.

Footsteps were heard, and soon someone knocked gently on the door:"... Master, are you ready?" Kaguya's voice was heard outside the room.

"Yes, My Maid."

Kaguya opened the door, and the moment she entered the room, she stared at Victor with wide eyes.

... It doesn't matter how many times I see it. As The King of Hell, he always seems so imposing! This was a feeling she couldn't get used to. The disparity was just too significant as if Victor had been replaced by someone else.

But she knew that wasn't possible. The gentle, loving, playful Victor they were used to, the battle-crazed Victor who loved a good fight, and this new Victor who was a'King' were all parts of the Victor she loved.

"Are you and the girls going to accompany me or stay in my shadow?"

"....." A moment of silence fell as Kaguya was clearly talking to the Maids in her shadow.

...We'll accompany you," Kaguya declared, and in the next moment, several shadows began to appear behind her.

Soon Eve, Bruna, Roberta, and Maria were behind Kaguya. Victor nodded. "Don your battle attire, my Maids, and accompany me."

"Yes." Kaguya received the orders for all of them.

"Are we going to fight, Master?" Maria asked as blood-red strands floated around her, and a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

"For a fight to occur, there needs to be two Beings of the same Power Level... When I fight, only a massacre occurs, my beloved Maria." Victor gently corrected Maria.

"To answer your question, a battle won't happen... And yes, I will put all the bugs in their proper place."

Maya did her best, and she managed to contain her entire Clan and those Clans who were under her influence, but... it was just that. Maya was not an existence capable of ordering the entire society of Samar.

Therefore, those who wished to intrude on Victor and Leona's relationship showed up like cockroaches.

... And it was worth mentioning that the Demon King of Tyranny was not pleased with this development.

[Big Guy, you know what to do.]

[Leave it to me, Victor.]

In a room big enough to hold multiple groups, several important people were gathered.

"I must say you are brainless idiots. I wonder how you managed to live to be over 500 years old." Maya, who was in a full battle suit made of full armor, spoke.

"If I, the Clan Matriarch of the girl involved, don't want to get involved, why are you so obstinate? This matter should not concern you."

"... Just because you gave up, Maya Elizabeth Lykos, it doesn't mean we will turn a blind eye to such a heinous act."

"Before being a Demon King, Alucard is a Noble Vampire.

If a Noble Vampire has a child with an Alpha Werewolf coming from a long line of Alpha Werewolves, I don't even want to think what kind of abomination will be born."

"We need to nip it in the bud."

An aged-looking man spoke calmly and matter-of-factly.

"... Old age has caught up with you completely, Vincent Demetriou," Maya spoke in disdain.

"Did you even just listen to what you said? Has your IQ hit negative? Or are you just growing senile?"

"Do not mock me, Maya Lykos!" Vincent's eyes narrowed.

"My Clan is on the same level as yours!"

Just like Clan Lykos, Clan Demetriou was from a long lineage of Alpha Werewolves.

"I'm not. I'm just stating facts. You said it yourself. 'Before he is DEMON KING, he is a Noble Vampire"."

"If that sentence fails to point out your misguided thinking, I don't know what else to say to you."

"I hate to say it, but Lady Lykos is correct. You are being very obstinate, Vincent."

"Am I being obstinate...? Are you really considering not doing anything like this woman, Anthony?"

Anthony Bianchi was a middle-aged man who, like Lykos and Demetriou, came from a bloodline of Alpha Werewolves. However, his family history was less extensive than the Lykos and Demetriou's.

"I'm telling you to calm down, Vincent. We are not dealing with just anyone but a King."

"King?" Vincent snorted in disdain: "A respectable King would not subiect himself to soiling his Lineage"

Maya's eyes narrowed, "Are you implying that my Parentage is dirty, Vincent?"

"Instead of Alucard, maybe I should wipe your family off the map?"

"Hah, I'd like to see you try. Why do not you just return to your sex toys and leave the job to someone more competent?"

When the air around Maya became even wilder, an order was heard.


Immediately, all the 'Alphas' in the place calmed down and became meek, except for Maya, who was still looking at Vincent and his supporters as if she wanted to cut him out alive.

"Patriarch Uruky, you who recently met our 'guest', do you have anything to say?" Volk asked as he looked at Leonidas.

The older man opened his eyes and declared, "...Yes." He looked at Vincent and his group.

"I understand your feelings.

Personally, I also don't like someone 'growing' a Hybrid in front of me... But that's just my personal opinion, not my logical will speaking... "

Vincent, you have clashed with someone you shouldn't. have, and if you do not deal with the consequences of your action... I terror the long Lineage of Clan Demetriou will end today."

"Clan Demetriou helped create Samar, The King of Werewolves wouldn't abandon us, right?" Vincent snorted as he glared at Volk.

"..." Volk was silent.

"... Right?"

... Volk remained silent. Before he was an Alpha, Volk was a King, and as the King, he would always put his people first... Usually, he was like that, but when he came across an existence like Victor that only Fenrir could handle, he had to make a choice.

And Volk had already made his choice.

Vincent broke out in a cold sweat.

Suddenly, a weight as if gravity itself was increasing fell on everyone in the room, and the atmosphere became much darker.

Suddenly, women in maid dresses appeared around the room, each one carrying a weapon that sent chills through the Wolves around.

Vincent looked at the entrance, and as soon as his eyes met the man's violet eyes, he felt... Small... He felt how insignificant he was.

'Demon King...? Is he the Demon King...?' It was worth noting that Vincent had met Diablo in the past and even that Demon did not have as overwhelming of a presence as this man.

...I should have kept quiet.' He wanted to curse the Being who didn't give him the correct information.

'What do you mean he looks weak and insignificant!?' He wanted to kill that informant of his!

"Rejoice, worms." The flat, emotionless voice that seemed to come from the deepest corners of Hell was heard all around:

"You managed to attract my attention."

An Aura made of Pure Darkness erupted from Victor's body, and a frigid 'desperation' that made the skin go cold, that made the heart beat faster, and induced feelings of unimaginable fear was felt by everyone.

Volk immediately remembered the Form Victor used on the battlefield, a Being that brought despair and the feeling of impotence everywhere he went. This was the Being that was called Alucard.

They're now facing a small fraction of that horrible feeling.

Volk looked at Maya and nodded.

Understanding Volk's silent message, Maya prepared herself to face... This monstrosity...

This despair-inducing Being, generating feelings of horror beyond imagination, was here to fight for her granddaughter's sake. She could not help but think:

'My granddaughter is so lucky!"