Immediately, Wamie's Life Domain was suppressed to the point where it almost ceased to exist. All the Laws she was controlling were also being eaten away. Her Light Protection diminished by more than half in power, which made Krune's Tribulation Storm Lightning Bolts start to pass through it.

Krune's other elemental attacks being sent out by the Wills in the Shields also increased in power due to the domain of their elements. So what was already powerful and fast, became even more so.

One of Krune's most significant advantages in a Soul Forging Realm level battle had always been his Rainbow Domain. When he used it for the first time, due to the Purple Tribulation Lightning Laws' characteristics, he could only keep it for more or less a minute. But now that he is in the Soul Forging Realm and has much better control over his laws, Krune is able to sustain the Rainbow Domain for at least 10 minutes! In a battle of this level, 10 minutes could be considered an eternity.

Wamie tried her best to resist. But let alone being able to defend herself, she couldn't even spare anytime to send attacks in Krune's direction anymore. Also, she was already on her limit with the Light Fusion skill. Sure enough, her Light Fusion dissipated, and her strength dropped far below what it was when she first arrived in the arena.

That couldn't be helped, this was the backlash of the Light Fusion skill. The longer Wamie kept it activated, the worse it would be. She had hold that state for as long as possible, but any more than that and her Dantian would be damaged to the point of no recovery. Not to mention that her Soul and Body also received their share amount of damage.

But Wamie didn't give up victory yet. Suddenly, she took out a token from her Spatial Ring. That token had the will and power of one of the Divinity Realm elders of the All Life Sect. Of course, it couldn't really release an attack at the Divinity Realm level, but one at the Divine View Realm should be possible.

Krune immediately recognized what she was trying to do. However, he didn't feel the least bit afraid. He took out a token from his own Spatial Ring and showed her. That was the token that his Grandmaster had passed him in the past.


"What? Do you think you are the only one with one of those?"

Wamie was alarmed. If both of them release attacks at that level in such a small place like this, she will be dead for sure. But the same can't be said for Krune since he is still in battle condition. Besides, he has his shields. Of course, it is not like Krune can resist an attack of that level just because of that. Both tokens' attacks would first hit each other and generate an enormous shockwave mixed with all kinds of laws and energies. What Krune would need to resist is the side effect of the attacks, not the attacks themselves.

Wamie greeted her teeth and put the token away. The only outcome of such a choice would be her death and Krune acquiring her Heavenly Fragment in the end.

"Fine, I give up. This is your victory."

Krune nodded and then returned to his human form. After that, he deactivated the protection and concealing formation. Outside of the arena, there was an elder who had been waiting. He was the one sent to make sure that whatever agreement that was made would be followed. Krune had paid quite a high price for this when he talked with the employee back then.

That Elder was in the Divine View Realm, so whether it was Krune or Wamie's group, neither side would be able to go back on their words. Unless, of course, they wanted to leave their lives here.


Of course, the Elder did not see the battle, nor did he have any interest in the fight of two Soul Forging Realms. He only cared about the payment that he received beforehand and the result of their quarrel.

The Elder then looked at Krune and said.

"It is quite rare for someone to pay the price for the enforcement. Especially when the payer is only at the Soul Forging Realm. I guess you have quite the background if you were able to afford it."

He then looked at Wamie and continued.

"Anyway, the victor is decided, so you have to follow one of his wishes as long as it is something that you are able to accomplish. Understood?"

Gilia wanted to take Wamie away, but she knew that in front of that Elder, they would have no chance of escaping. Wamie also can't use her token with the Elder's will inside. After all, the protection of the arena has been lifted already. That means that using it now would be considered as a battle being initiated without permission. Big cities in Dalin have stringent rules, and such an action would just make things worse.

In the end, Wamie just nodded. She was even prepared to give her Heavenly Fragment away. At least, she will be able to cultivate from the start again. Although she will lose her Life Divine Soul and Heavenly Fragment, she is still in the Dalin Universe. Her cultivation will be a lot faster than in Luvile. She couldn't complain about the results since there was almost no difference in cultivation. In fact, she was even a stage higher than Krune.

Krune took a look at the Elder, and he immediately understood. Suddenly, a Spiritual Energy barrier covered Wamie and Krune, leaving everyone else outside, including the Elder. No one would be able to see what is happening there.

Krune smiled and then said.

"Very well, give me a slive of your Soul. After that, you can just leave and do whatever you want."

Wamie was taken aback.

"What? You want me to become your Slave?"

Krune shook his head.

"I don't need a Slave, what I need is that you don't open your mouth about when I'm out of the Wisp Main World."

Wamie then understood.

"Oh, I see. You are afraid that I would follow the Heavenly Fragment connection to catch you outside. But in that case, why don't you ask for my Heavenly Fragment straight away?"

Krune was taken aback.

'Could it be that she doesn't know about the must kill rule for Major Divine Soul Wisps?'

Krune was right. Wamie really didn't know about such a thing. In fact, it is to be expected. She came from the Luvile Universe. The Wisps' situation is usually passed down only in big Clans, Sect, and Organizations. Since she isn't part of any of them, it is understandable that she never heard about it. Hobbek and Rannia had been lucky in this aspect. One of their companions just so happened to know about it, but it isn't the case for Wamie and her group. That meant that Krune's fear of being ambushed by the Dalin Universe management while being here in the Jacare City was unnecessary.

"Cough, cough. I told you before, I only took those Heavenly Fragments because they came to me first. Both me and Feifei don't want to have anything to do with the Heavenly Divine Soul, Heavenly Competition, or whatever. In the case of Hobbek and Rannia, I even tried to destroy their Heavenly Fragments. Unfortunately, it seems like even a Divinity Realm cultivator or demon beast wouldn't be able to do it."

"Anyway, as long as you let me keep a slive of your Soul, it will prevent you from having any harming thought about Feifei or me. That includes telling anyone about the fact that I came from the Luvile Universe. It would be better if you never talked about me ever again, even if someone asks you. That being said, you can just leave and do whatever once I get what I want."

Wamie couldn't help but hesitate. After all, if he really wants, she will become his Slave with a single thought. There was no way to know if he was telling the truth about not using it against her. But then again, she has to follow one of his orders as long as it can be accomplished, and giving away a Soul Slive is definitely possible.

Wamie then gritted her teeth and separated a slive of her Soul. She then sent in Krune's direction, who immediately stored it in his Wisp Core. As long as it is there, no one will be able to take it away.

"Very good. From now on, you are free to do whatever you want as long as it is not harmful to Feifei and me. If there is a day when I don't need to be afraid of the Sacred lands anymore, I will release it."

Krune then touched the Spiritual Energy barrier, and the Elder quickly dissipated it.

"Are you two done?"

Krune nodded.

"Yes, she kept her part of the agreement. Thank you for your help, Elder."

The Elder shook his head.

"No need to thank me. You paid the price for this service, so I'm only doing my part. Since it is over, I'm leaving."

Krune didn't even have the chance to say farewell before the Elder disappeared from his sight.

Krune then returned to his group.

"Alright, we are done here. Let's go home."

Except for Fie and Liriu, Krune also sent everyone a Divine Sense message explaining everything.

Gilia Mink quickly helped Wamie to get up. But at the same time, she was confused. Wamie still has her cultivation, which means that she hasn't lost her Heavenly Fragment. If that is the case, just what was it that Krune asked her?

Wamie was also surprised. Krune is really leaving, just like that. She can tell that he didn't turn her into a Slave, and the only order in her mind is to not harm Feifei, him, or anyone he knows. That was all!


Krune was just about to leave with everyone when suddenly, Wamie grabbed his hand.

"Are you for real? Is this really all you want?"

Krune looked at her hand, which was holding his own. Only then did Wamie noticed what she was doing, and she got embarrassed, quickly releasing it. She couldn't be blamed. After all, she rarely had any contact with men while in the All Life Sect or here in Dalin. If there was any, they were majority kids, so it wasn't the same thing.

Krune then sighed.

"I don't need anything else. So you can do whatever you want. Why is it so hard to understand? Anyway, I'm leaving now."

Wamie then looked at Fie and made a decision.

"Since that is the case, I will go with you all too."

Let alone Krune's group, even Gilia Mink, was shocked by those words.

Everyone couldn't help but think.

"Just why did it turn out like this?"