Heavin then resumed his attack with even more fierceness. He kept teleporting everywhere and using the Skills that Krune liked to use. Unfortunately, the first attack was really the best moment. Once Wamie saw it, she was always ready and could dodge and counter-attack without problems.

In the end, their battle only lasted for two minutes, and Heavin had to retreat after. That's because his reserve of both Tribulation Lightning and Spiritual Energy was almost depleted, so he had to recall the Parrot.

He teleported once more and appeared right beside Krune. Wamie's Light attack came right after, but it was suddenly blocked by a Flying Shield with Dark Element and Laws behind it. She knew that the one who blocked it was not Heavin, but Krune instead.

"Are you two finally going to join hands?"

Krune answered that question by putting Heavin's Parrot Puppet in his Spatial Ring.

"He ran out of energy, so it is only me now. In fact, I'm impressed that he lasted this long against you. After all, your battle power is definitely several stages above him."

Heavin could have put one of Feifei's Formations in the Parrot, but he refused that idea. Heavin wants to know how to fight by having a limited supply of energy since Krune wouldn't always be there for him to recharge.


Wamie felt like cursing him.

Sure, she was much stronger, but she doesn't have any comprehension about Space Laws. Because of that, she couldn't change the space laws around her to prevent teleportation.

Krune saw that she didn't reply and then released all his Kaleu Tribulation Steel Shields. He also took full control of his Divine Soul so that he could be safe. Suddenly, Half of the Shields started to teleport around the arena. Not only that, every single one had the Tribulation Lightning Layers that can hide them from Divine Sense. Wamie was really taken aback by that scene. It is one thing to be able to use Space Laws with one or two equiments. But Krune is constantly teleporting 19 of them!

Sure enough, energy attacks started to come from every possible direction. Krune, too, began to send his own Long Ranged skills, which were even more powerful. Of course, Krune was also using his displacement to teleport around. This kind of advantage will only last during the Soul Forging Realm. Once he starts to battle Void Breaking ones, the opponent won't allow him to use the Space Laws to do it. Void Breaking Realm can distort the Space laws in the arena, making teleportation a suicide thing.

In a second, Wamie was already in a bad position. Still, she wasn't a Heaving Fragment owner for nothing. She once more released her Domain and started to use the light to see from where those attacks would be coming from. She was hit now and then, but with her Light laws and Life Divine Soul, it only took seconds for a full recovery.

Also, her Domain might not affect the Shields, but it did affect Krune. Thanks to that, she always knew where he was teleporting and send attacks to those positions. The only problem is that a Life Divine Soul doesn't have a lot of power behind their attacks. Sure, they are fast, they can also cause a lot of damage. Still, they can't compare to Krune and his Elemental attacks fused with Tribulation Lightning. First of all, Wamie's attacks couldn't even shake Krune's Shields.


As mentioned before, Krune kept half of his Shields with himself. So wherever he moved or teleported, those Shields would come together.

He is taking this opportunity to try out his Laws and cultivation improvement. Also, there was still one thing Krune wanted to test.

'Alright, time to use Chaos Energy.'

Although Chaos Energy was being used to expand his Universe Foundation, it didn't mean that Krune couldn't stop it for a while to focus on a fight.

Sure enough, be it Krune's attacks, defense, speed, or whatever, everything about him seemed to jump several levels. When Wamie Zark saw that, she understood that only now Krune was using his real power.

Krune also started to release 200% of his Tribulation Lightning. He then used his Chaos Energy with it, which increased the Tribulation Lightning power even more. There was only one thing that Krune hadn't done yet: to release his own Domain. Even though Wamie's Life Domain was annoying, Krune's Tribulation Layer diminished most of its effect on him. If he releases his rainbow domain, then Wamie won't be able to do anything anymore.

Wamie also knew that things couldn't continue like this, so she greeted her teeth and made a decision.

"Light Fusion!"

Immediately, the Light Element around Wamie started to gather and enter her. Not only that, but her entire body seemed to shine with white light as well. Let alone Krune, even Gilia Mink, who was Wamie's protector, was taken aback. She had never seen Wamie using that skill before.

What seemed to be a one-sided battle, suddenly had a turn. Wamie seemed to become light herself! Be it her Light Element Control, Laws, Strength, or Speed. Everything seemed to have improved several times, just like Krune!

But such a technique had a price. This put an enormous burden on her body, dantian, and mind. So she had a time limit to finish the battle, or she would be incapable of continuing very soon.

"Light Rays!"

Hundreds of orbs of Light Element appeared around Wamie and released light ray attacks at Krune. At first, Krune tried to block them with his Flying Shields. But surprisingly, they moved around just as they were about to hit!

Krune had no other choice other than teleporting away.

"Light Suppression!"

The whole light in the arena seemed to get brighter, and Krune felt his control over the elements being outshined by the presence of the light Laws.

'Impressive. I've never seen an Element and Laws being used this way.'

Using teleport now would be a little tricky. But Krune also understood why Wamie hasn't done it before. She needed to be in that state to be able to use this skill. Obviously, that skill also put an enormous burden on her.

Light Rays started to rain down on Krune once more. Not only that, but Wamie was also increasing the power of her Domain, which forced Krune to use even more energy to keep his Life Energy under control.

Still, Krune wasn't alarmed or frightened. If anything, he was happy to see that. This Wamie Zark right now was just the perfect opponent for him.

Krune immediately gave up using his Space Laws for teleportation and changed into his Tribulation Lightning Movement. Krune can now use it at 200% output, so one can only imagine how much faster he became. A few of the Light Rays still caught up to him, though. Krune smiled and controlled his Shields to block it once more. Wamie then used her control to move around the Shields like last time, but it didn't matter where the Light Ray moved, there was always a Shield in front of it.

Just how long has Krune been using his Flying Shields? Something like merely changing the direction of an attack isn't enough to pass through them anymore. Because of his Speed, only a few of Wamie's Light Rays were able to catch him, but his Shields were more than enough to deal with it.

Krune's other Shields that were not protecting him also stopped teleporting. But they still moved around with the Tribulation Lightning power inside them. They aren't as fast as Krune since they are far away from the Tribulation Lightning source. But that didn't mean they are slow. Besides, thanks to Feifei's Energies Connection Formation, they had Krune's unlimited supply of Spiritual, Elemental, and Chaos energies.

'Time to come out, guys.'

As if they had received a command. Krune's Shields started to use Skills themselves! So far, they had only been releasing energy attacks. But out of nowhere, Krune's skills began to come out from them.

What else could it be if not Krune's Wills?

Krune had become a lot more proficient on it than when he was in the Divine Soul Realm. Now his Wills won't last a single minute, but an entire hour! In fact, they could last a lot longer than if they didn't do anything, but that wasn't their purpose.

Tribulation Lines, Tribulation Blazing blades, Myriad Tribulation Water Dragons, and others, all of Kurne's most-used skills started to come at Wamie from everywhere. Not only that, with much more Purple Tribulation Lightning and the new Chaos Energy inside, each and every one of them had speed and power that far surpassed any ordinary Soul Forging Realm!

Wamie, of course, was taken aback by that. Once again, she started to get suppressed by Krune's attacks. But at least, she was also on the offensive.

It was then that she noticed something. Far above in the arena, Purple Clouds started to gather and increase in size. As a person from the Luvile Universe, she immediately understood what those clouds are.

"Heavenly Tribulation clouds! How did he copy them?!"

In fact, these could be said to be the original ones. With Light Spirit's help, Krune was able to understand the principle behind them. Today, it was the first time he was trying it out.

"Tribulation Storm!"

Suddenly, several attacks around half the power of Krune's Heaven's Fall started to come down. This type of attack also took some time to get ready. But in an enclosed environment like an arena, he didn't need to be afraid of Wamie escaping its range.

Wamie wasn't to be underestimated, though.

"Light Converge, Light Shield!"

Light Element quickly gathered around her, and a super-concentrated Light Shield appeared around her body. She could still barely dodge Krune's Shield Skills while being hit but some and healing right after. But she really couldn't take that many Purple Tribulation Lightning.

Wamie supply of Spiritual and Elemental Source energy started to decrease at fast speeds. Especially because every time a Lightning Bolt hit her Light Shield, the Laws that composed it would be eaten away. It forced her to use even more energy to gather those Laws back. But she had no choice since if she got hit by all of that, she would lose for sure.

Krune, too, was started to get tired.

'Well, it went a lot better than I thought. It is time to finish it.'

Wamie had a feeling of foreboding. It was then that she remembered that Krune still hasn't used something that all Soul Forging Realm cultivators and demon beasts always do.

Suddenly, the entire arena was covered by a rainbow color. Or to be more specific, all of Krune's Domains appeared at once and fused together, including his Tribulation Lightning one.

"Rainbow Domain!"