It turns out that Feifei was correct. There was really someone Cinty liked. Surprisingly, it was someone a lot younger than herself too. Cinty is already 301 years old, while the one she likes is a little bit over 200. Still, his cultivation was close to her own at that time. Cinty was at the 1st Stage of the Void Breaking Realm while he was at the 8th Stage of the Soul Forging.

His name was Kiirion, a Silver Feathered Kite. Cinty came to know him over 70 years ago when she was out looking for some experience after spending some time cultivating. Of course, during the times she was out, she always refrained from using her real form. Hence, although the Kite knows that Cinty is a Demon Beast, he doesn't know that she is a wisp.

Feifei couldn't help but ask.

"He was already over 200 years old, was he still single when you met?"

Cinty nodded.

"It is nothing rare for someone to stay single for thousands of years when you think about a Cultivator or Demon Beast's Lifespan. I myself am already over 300, you know?"

Feifei then asked.


"Do you see him often?"

Cinty shook her head.

"How could that be? It would already be a miracle if we met each other every 2 or 3 years. Other than cultivating, there is a lot of things I need to take care of in the Wisp Worlds."

Feifei and Cinty continued to talk while Krune just listened. When they first met, Cinty was just passing by forest when she coincidently saved him. It was inside a No Laws Zone, so she found him injured and unconscious. Usually, she wouldn't have minded it. After all, the No Law Zones are places where death is a common occurrence.

But at that time, Cinty was looking for an item for a mission of the Mission Hall called Florked Stone. It was quite a rare one used by blacksmiths when making high-level Spatial Rings. But thanks to its Spatial Properties, it could not enter a Spatial Ring as well. Still, the payment for the task was reasonable, so she decided to give it a try. When she passed by Kiirion, she noticed that he was holding exactly the same Stone that she needed.

She came close and took the Stone. After that, she wanted to leave, but her conscience spoke louder, so she ended healing Kiirion right there and then. Kiirion's condition improved as time passed until he finally woke up the next day.


Noticing that it was Cinty who saved him, Kiirion thanked her. But Cinty shook her head and showed the Florked Stone that he was holding.

"I only saved you because I needed this Stone, so there is no need to thank me. Just focus on your recovery for now. Once you feel like you can fly back to the city, my part will be over."

Kiirion looked at the Stone and sighed in the end. He had risked his life for that thing, but now it was in someone else's hands. It turned out that he was also doing the same mission as Cinty, but he was luckier at finding one of them. The reason he got almost killed was that a group of cultivators with a Void Breaking Realm in the middle also noticed when he got the Stone.

Kiirion had spent a long time looking for it, so he didn't want to give it up. In the end, it took him his all to manage to just escape. But the injuries took the better of him, and he finally passed out.

But now, he didn't care much. He knew that he would be dead if not for Cinty, so the Stone was a price good enough for his life. The thing that really mattered was the fact that those guys who attacked him didn't get it in the end, so it was a good enough consolation.

In the end, things didn't go as expected. That group hadn't given up looking for Kiirion at all. A few hours later, they finally found the place where Cinty and Kiirion were staying. The leader of the group was a 3rd Stage Void Breaking Realm, two stages higher than Cinty. Of course, Cinty had a Major Divine Soul, so she really didn't care much about him. She was pretty confident in beating or killing that entire group.

But the thing was that Kiirion didn't know about that! Next thing Cinty knew, Kiirion had already charged at the enemy group while sending her a Divine Sense message.

"I will try to hold them as long as I can, please run! Also, thanks for saving my life, even though it turned out to be useless."

When Feifei heard that part, her eyes shined like bright stars!

"That's so unfair! Which woman wouldn't feel moved by it? You obviously had a higher cultivation than him, and he was injured. But he still chose to exchange his life to give you enough time to flee."

Cinty nodded vigorously!

"Right?! Right?!!! No one cares about the others inside No Law Zones, so that really caught me by surprise! Of course, things like love only flourished later on. At that moment, I was just moved by his personality."

Of course, the result of that suicide attack was obvious, the Void breaking Realm cultivator immediately sent Kiirion flying with a single attack. Still, Kiirion got up once more and attacked again. The enemy got annoyed and decided to get rid of Kiirion first before dealing with Cinty. But just as Kiirion was about to get close, his body was locked in place by a powerful Spiritual Energy!

Kiirion immediately thought that it was the enemy who did that and did his best to get free. But surprisingly, the one who stopped him was none other than Cinty.

"Are you idiot? Who said that I needed your help?"

Only then did Kiirion understand that it wasn't the enemy who did that, but Cinty instead.

"You... Aren't you only in the 1st of the Void breaking Realm?"

Cinty nodded.


Kiirion was speechless!

'So? What so? Even that guy who has higher cultivation than you wouldn't be able to lock me down with Spiritual Energy alone!'

But before he could say something, Cinty attacked!

Sure enough, she wasn't a Major Divine Soul owner for nothing. Cinty quickly got rid of everyone, while only the guy at the Void Breaking Realm managed to escape. Cinty could have pursued him to finish the job, but she felt too lazy to do so.

She then looked at Kiirion and rebuked him.

"What were you thinking? Did someone ask you to sacrifice your life for me? Even if I wasn't this strong, I would still be a 1st Stage Void Breaking Realm Demon Beast. I could still flee, you know?"

Kiirion was taken aback.

"So-sorry... I guess?"

Cinty sighed and gave up complaining. What was done is done, after all.

From that moment on, Cinty and Kiirion started to spend more time together. Of course, Cinty was a lot stronger than Kiirion, so they often got separated to go around doing their own missions. Still, they would always meet now and then.

Finally, it came a day where Cinty had to go back to the Wisp Main World, so she only told him that she didn't know when she could come out again. Surprisingly, Kiirion didn't mind and simply passed his communicator's contact ID to her.

The years passed. Cinty stayed in the Wisp Main World cultivating and dealing with the Wisps issues as she always did. During this entire time, she didn't contact Kiirion even once. She believed that it was just a one time experience, and it was already over.

Because Phillin's Teleport Formation could send her almost anywhere in the Dalin Universe, she would end up in different corners every time. That was to prevent the Dalin Universe management from finding out where she went or that she left at all.

She once again used it and came out to get some battle experience and to get used to her cultivation.

It was then that she remembered Kiirion's contact ID. She pondered a bit and decided to at least send him a greeting. Unfortunately, Cinty could only tell him about the missions and how the place looked like since she didn't have much to talk to other than that. But sadly, she didn't get a reply. In the end, Cinty simply sighed and resumed her daily practice and missions.

'Well, I guess this is it then.'

But one day, when she came back to the Mission Hall where she was taking the tasks, Kiirion was already there waiting for her. Cinty was utterly taken aback. She had gone to a completely different region exceptionally far away from where she first met Kiirion. How come he is here?

But before she could ask, he talked first.

"I say, why do you need to appear again in such a remote place? Do you have any idea how many teleport formations I had to get to arrive here? Look at my Spatial Ring; half of the spirit stones are gone because of this travel."

Different from Krune's group, other cultivators and demon beasts don't have that many Spirit Stones to spend everywhere. So such a distance was really expensive for someone like Kiirion.

"You... how did you know where I was?"

Kiirion laughed and said.

"Didn't you write about the missions and how the place you were staying looked like? I only had to go to the Mission Hall network and search for a place that looked like the one you described. Sure enough, quite a few met the requirements. From that point onwards, it was easy. I just had to contact each one of them and ask if they had seen someone like you around. In the end, I found you here."

Cinty was speechless! Would someone really go that far? Of course, it would be a lie if she said she wasn't feeling a little happy.