Feifei and Krune were sitting in front of Cinty, who was in her human form at the moment. Because of that, they could see that her expression didn't look anything good.

"Let me see if I understand, Krune is a wisp, right?"

Krune nodded.

"Feifei is a human, right?"

Feifei nodded.

"You two only had one single intercourse ever since you got together, right?"

Krune and Feifei nodded together.


"Krune, a wisp, impregnated Feifei, a human, in their very first try... Am I hearing it correctly?"

Krune and Feifei dropped their head and nodded once more.

"Hehe... Hahahaha!"

"Are you taking me for a fool? Do you know just what are the chances of such a thing happen? This is a funny joke and a very hilarious one!"

Cinty then approached Feifei while saying.

"There is no way such a thing is possible. If you really hit the jackpot that easy, then I might as well send you two to a gambling planet. We will definitely become rich, and all the wisp worlds' financial problems will be resolved for eternity! Hahahaha!"


She then pressed her hands against Feifei's belly and sent some spiritual energy inside.

"You think I am an idiot or something? Just see how I prove that this is the greatest joke ever."

Suddenly, her angry expression changed into one of absolute disbelief!


Cinty couldn't accept what she was seeing. Feifei was definitely pregnant. She could see it through her Spiritual Energy and Divine Sense.

She couldn't help but ask.

"Just how did you do that?"

Krune answered.

"Oh! While my penis was inside, I ejaculated inside her vag-"


Feifei gave Krune a kick, which sent him flying! One must remember that thanks to her cultivation and her extra Heavenly Fragment, Feifei could be said to be almost on par with Krune!

"Shut up! If you say one more word, you are dead!"

Krune looked at Feifei with a wronged expression.

'I was just answering the question...'

Still, he decided to not say anything else. That kick just now showed that he would have a very hard time beating Feifei even if he goes all out!

"Cough, cough. Just access some of the human cities' network later and search for how it is done."

Cinty's mouth twitched again.

"I know how it works, idiot. That was just a rhetorical question."

Cinty's expression then got severe.

"You know that the five years' time is just three months away, right? Even though the 'coating' disappears between five and ten years, you might be unlucky and have it gone while Feifei is still pregnant. Even if it doesn't, and you give birth before that happens, are you sure you can take care of a child during such a time?"

Krune and Feifei knew that it was true.

Cinty sighed and then suggested.

"You might consider abort now and try again in the future when things get calmer."

Feifei immediately shook her head.

"Out of the question! It is, as you said, we might have to spend an entire life to be able to get this result again. And that is considering that we are lucky. If not, I might never get pregnant ever again. The situation might not be the best one, but I will protect him or her at all costs."

Krune nodded.

"I agree. I will also do my best to protect my child. Even if it means losing my life, I will exchange it with a happy face."

Cinty smiled and nodded.

"That's more like it. Krune was able to do something that I always desired but never had the chance due to my position. So make sure to protect it well. I will help as much as I can, even if it means revealing my cultivation realm."

Krune and Feifei smiled at each other after hearing that.

Cinty then changed the topic.

"It is still way too early to worry about it, but you do know that if your child is born here in Dalin, it will receive the Cultivation Monitoring Mark, right? After all, it is not really a wisp, but a hybrid with a human. The wisps' circumstance does not apply to him or her."

Krune and Feifei were taken aback. They had totally forgotten about that!

But it was then that Krune's eyes lit up!

"RIGHT! Olave Merfil's favor!"

Feifei heard that, and she immediately got excited.

"Yes! That is right. If what we want is for a single newborn soul to not be marked, then he should be able to pull it off!"

Cinty was also surprised by their choice.

"Are you sure about it? That is a favor that the Zenfin Sect's Sect Master owns you! It is not something that you will ever get again."

Krune then said.

"It is a favor that I got by coincidence, so I have the power to decide what to do with it. Besides, I will take this chance to add the full packet!"

Feifei and Cinty looked at Krune.

"Full packet?"

Krune smiled and nodded.

"Yeap! Tiane is also pregnant, right? Why don't I ask for Feifei and Tiane's children to be exempt from the Soul Mark and Alliance Seal at the same time?"

Feifei immediately nodded vigorously!

"Yes! Please do!"

Krune then looked at Cinty and asked her a question.

"Is there a way to confirm if a newborn child has a cultivation monitoring mark?"

Cinty nodded.

"There is. It is a little complicated since we would need a specific formation to check it. Still, it is possible as long as we pay the price for a Stars Path Formations Master to create one for us. But remember that it will be quite expensive."

Krune Shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Our group has just the right thing to make this necessary money."

Feifei laughed after hearing that.

"It seems like we did the right thing in keeping them in the past."

Cinty couldn't help but ask.

"What are you talking about that is this valuable?"

Krune then took out a piece of Red Crystal from his Spatial Ring, the same Spatial Ring that Karine gave him in the Elemental Path.

When Cinty saw that crystal, her eyes opened wide!

"This! Fire Crystals! How the hell did you get those?!"

Krune smiled and then explained that it was Karine who let them take it.

In the end, Cinty could only sigh.

"You guys were way too lucky! How many pieces like the one in your hand you have?"

Krune took a look into the Spatial Rind.

"I have another hundred or so."

Cinty nodded and said.

"Good, give me three pieces. It should be enough to invite a high-level Stars Path Formations Master and pay for the material necessary at the same time."

Krune was impressed by that. He didn't expect that these crystals were worth so much!

Krune took out ten pieces instead of three and passed it all to Cinty.

"This is way too much!"

Krune shook his head.

"I've always wanted to pay for your help, but I've never acquired something that was worth enough for it. I knew that these crystals were quite expensive, but not to this extent. Since that is the case, I want you to have the rest. You can use it to comprehend the Fire laws or simply sell them to distribute between the wisps. That is up to you."

Feifei had ownership of half of those crystals, but she couldn't agree more with Krune's statement.

"I don't want it. What is this thing about pay for my help? Even if you gave me a billion crystals like these, they would still not be worth as much as the Myriad Wisps and Energies Techniques that you passed to me."

Krune shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not taking it back either. What are you going to do, throw it away?"

Cinty's mouth twitched, but she smiled in the end.

"Fine! I will take the others and sell them as well. I can use those Spirit Stones to raise a lot of Divine Soul Realm wisps with your Myriad Wisps Technique. It will accelerate the plans by a lot."

Krune and Feifei nodded. The technique spreading plan was also something for their own good, after all.

"Alright, I guess we are done with it here. Just make sure to not call Olave over before the Formation is built to prevent any mishaps."

Krune and Feifei nodded and decided to leave.

But it was then that Feifei thought about something.

"Wait! Cinty, you said that you wanted to be a mother if not for your position, right?"

Cinty and Krune got puzzled by that question. Still, Cinty nodded in the end.

"Yes. Why?"

Feifei's eyes lit up.

"If you want to be a mother, that means that you DO HAVE someone you like!"

Suddenly, Cinty felt a chill on her back.

"That... is not true."

Cinty turned around and tried to flee, but Feifei thought that it could happen, so she was ready. She immediately grabbed Cinty's arm and didn't let her go. Cinty could have used her cultivation to get free, but she was afraid that something might have happened with Feifei's child, so she refrained from doing that.

"Let go! There isn't anyone! Do I need to like someone to want a child? Can't a be a single mother?"

Feifei, on the other hand, held Cinty with even more strength!

"This reaction! You definitely have someone you like, DEFINITELY! I will not let you go until you tell me! Who is it? Could it be that he is also from another race, that's why you don't want to talk about it? You probably met him during your travels outside when you used Phillin's Teleport Formation, right?!"

Cinty trembled when she heard that. That made Feifei understand that she was spot on!

"I knew it! Who is it? Which race?!"

Cinty finally lost her patience and... returned to her wisp form! In an instant, her human body disappeared, and she tried to flee again.

But just as she was about to succeed, Feifei grabbed her Wisp Core too! Feifei had predicted that move as well!

"Who do you think my fiance is? Do you really believe that such tricks would work on me? Before you tell me everything, I won't let you go!"

Cinty felt like crying!

After struggling for a few minutes, she finally yielded.

"Fine, fine! I will say it, okay? Now let me go!"

Cinty then gave up and returned to her human form.

Krune, who watched the whole process, didn't know if he should help Feifei or not. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and he always believed that.

Still... he was too DAMN curious!!!