As Lucifer's attack inched closer towards a near defenseless Rudra , Hades swiftly intercepted the attack eventhough it costed him a significant divine energy.

Rudra had proven himself to be a worthy servant time and time again, proving to be extremely invaluable in his service.

It was by no means a stretch to say that without him there was no possibility of the god of death winning this war.

Hades was by no means a god who did not treat kindness with kindness as although it costed him a lot of divine energy to be teleported infront of a fleeting attack and stop it completely, he paid the price because not doing so would mean losing his most capable commander.

Blocking the same attack that took the entirety of the elites guild to huff and puff and stretch to the limits of their life with ease, Hades made Karna and Neatwit gawk in awe as to how strong the deity was.

Hades glanced towards Rudra and said " You have done enough my commander , leave the rest to this old god ".

There was respect and humbleness in Hades's tone as if he was not talking to a subordinate but to a great benefactor and Rudra did not know why but it made him feel extremely warm internally as a smile broke out on his face.


However Hades's gaze turned extremely cold when he turned towards Lucifer as a chilling voice escaped his lips as he said " Lucifer , you cannot run away now , neither can you fight.

Your fate is sealed and let the history books show that you were undeserving of even an ounce of mercy , yet me being the merciful God that I am, give you a chance to remedy your past mistakes and offer yourself to me in absolute servitude for 4000 years in return for a pardon for your crimes against me and the demonkind.

Lucifer laughed hysterically as he replied " So in the end the master of the human swoops in using divine power and saves his servant from my wrath.

PERFECT! , The little ant is just too Favoured by fate. So much so that it reminds me of my brother Micheal.

Say mortal , are you by any chance favoured by the unnamed god? "

Lucifer completely ignored Hades's words as he seemed to be only interested in talking with Rudra.


A small frown appeared on Rudra's face when he was asked this question, whenever a greater mystery was involved the unnamed god seemed to be always involved.

Till now Rudra knew these things about the unnamed god

. He was possibly the god who had granted him the opportunity to reincarnate and probably controlled the laws of time and space and other things beyond his knowledge

. He was the master of angels, apparently being the one who taught them combat and the manipulation of holy and darkness power when they were just younglings.

. He is the husband of Beniogre. Fathering many children with her amongst whom is the sun god whose bracelet Rudra wears to use solar beam.

. He seems to be someone even beniogre looks upto as untouchable and undefeatable, with his power level confirmed to be atleast at tier 7 but maybe higher / much higher .

. He is the patron of the phoenix race and grants them the power to use the Nirvana Flame, the signature purgatory flame of the species.

Apparently it's one of his many rebirth related skills.action

There were a lot of mysteries surrounding the unnamed god and Rudra had no idea as to who that being was or was he really his patron? However time and time again it seemed that he was the master of this universe.

Judging by Rudra's frown Lucifer understood that it was highly likely that the unnamed god was manipulating the strings of fate behind the scenes as the devil hollered and howled towards the heavens as he screamed " MASTER , IT'S BEEN 5000 YEARS SINCE I LAST SAW YOU , YET YOU STILL INTERFERE AND MANIPULATE MY LIFE?GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! , IT SEEMS MY HATE FOR YOU IS NOT WITHOUT REASON AND TODAY MY RESOLVE IS STRENGTHENED ONCE AGAIN!





Saying this Lucifer began to collect power in his mana veins and instantly Omar and Hades became alert.

Hades grabbed Rudra, while Omar transformed into his phoenix form and quickly scooped Furball, Neatwit and Karna in his beek as he started to fly off in hypersonic speed.

Rudra was confused as to what was going on as the god of death seemed to be sweating profusely, carrying him away from Lucifer as if his life depended on it, however just ten short breaths later Rudra understood the reason as to why!

Lucifer knew that fighting against Omar and Hades was going to be pointless and he did not want to bleed to a slow death, instead Lucifer decided to choose the more devilish option of self-destruction!

The devil accumulated power in his mana veins until they began to buldge uncontrollably and threaten to explode, but he just kept building his strength up and up.

One hundred breaths later, a huge explosion tore through hell terraforming the domain for once and for all.

Rudra saw the giant mushroom cloud and immediately knew this was a nuclear type explosion that would obliterate anything and everything in its path and although with the god's running as fast as they could they had already crossed the banks of river Thames , the explosion's aftermath still caught up with them as Hades was forced to shield them all from the powerful radioactive winds.

minutes! That's how long the devastation of the explosion lasted and it seemed like entire hell was undoing itself transforming from just a hell like place in name to an actual hell-like domain with active volcanoes , barren rifts and rivers of lava flowing.

To understand how powerful Lucifer's last attack was , he being at the capital city destroyed everything on the western side of river Thames including city of Sivanthe and the fort of Mirzapur into literal and absolute rubble.

When Hades finally stopped his protection spell and Omar let the kids out of his beek what the three Elites witnessed was a scene of utter and pure destruction that would be etched into their memory permanently.

However as much as Hades would have liked to feel hurt at the loss of so many beautiful landscapes and infrastructure. He could not help but smile widely as he said " Stubborn till the end, he enters a state of deep sleep atleast for a thousand years from now.

This means we have won! ".

A flurry of system notifications flood the entire server as Rudra's name once again reverberated amongst mankind.

Worldwide System notification: The devil Lucifer after being gravely injured by the player ' Shakuni ' has chosen to self-destruct and has entered a state of deep sleep for 8000 years as a result.

Worldwide System notification : The army of death under the God Of Death Hades has successfully won the realm war against the devil and his forces. The realm of hell is now connected to the middle realm and open for trade and explorations.

Special dungeons have been unlocked.

Worldwide System Notification : An fallen angel had been put into slumber by actions of a human and as a result all human's gain a permanent 5% boost to all stats!

Worldwide System Notification : The church of darkness has lost their patron god , the dark faction has lost its identity against the light. All territories owned by the dark faction are now turned to neutral and are up for grabs to be ruled by any light faction kingdoms.

Worldwide System Notification : All dark faction players now have a choice to either follow the relegion of light under Beniogre or of death under Hades. Failure to acknowledge one of them as patron god will result in 80% debuff on all stats.

Worldwide System Notification : Good has triumphed over evil and the main storyline of the tutorial game ' Omega ' is now complete.

Major contributors to this historic event are

. Shakuni ( True Elites ) ( 99.4% )

. Jhonny English ( True Elites ) ( 0.02% )

. Angel Lope ( Forthright'z ) ( 0.01%)

. Karna ( True Elites ) ( 0.0019% )


A total of 27 world-wide notifications flooded the servers as it seemed like Rudra and his team had broke the system completely. However things were getting even more ridiculous for those who had participated in this realm war as a flood of personal notifications and achievements unlocked by them were unimaginable.

However no-one got more rewards than Rudra Rajput who got a staggering total of 432 system notifications and a shitton of experience and rewards.

/// Full list of major rewards and important stuff will be covered in the next chapter.

This chapter officially concludes the war arc with Lucifer and the battle in hell , i hope you all enjoyed it as it was the ultimate crowning moment of this series.

I know there is a lot of aftermath left to cover and also a lot of unanswered questions and we will cover all of them soon before transitioning into the future.

If you have any questions that are not spoilers or need addressing feel free to drop a comment below on this chapter and i will try my best to help you understand and clear any confusion that you may have.

If not , just a small note on how you liked this arc will suffice. ///