In his sickening hate for Rudra, Lucifer did not even turn to look at the god's that had been freed as his attention was locked on the mortal who had defied all odds to destroy everything that he had worked hard to obtain.

The prison of darkness was destroyed , Lucifer lost his arm and now he was drained and battered and completely incapable of facing two powerhouses like Omar and Hades together.

All this had been brought about by Shakuni Won Knight a mere tier 5 half human half angel who was never supposed to be more than a small fry that should be easy to kill by Lucifer.

It was not because Rudra was weaker than him that Lucifer looked down on him, the true reason why he hated Rudra so vehemently was because long ago he was the same.

When he was tier 6 he tried to challenge the true god's and his master who was a tier 7 powerhouse and failed miserably.

At that time Lucifer licked his wounds and built his strength under the mindset that it was impossible to bridge the gap between tiers and that the only reason he lost to the old man was not because the old man was more talented or a superior warrior than him, but only because he was stronger and more experienced.

For two thousand years Lucifer harboured this notion until the day he met and fought against Rudra who despite being significantly weaker and unimaginably less experienced than him gave the devil a run for his money.


Everytime he met Rudra the mortal kept growing by leaps and bounds until today where he could fight Lucifer to almost a stalemate when playing defensive.

However the shocker came when he truly overpowered the devil and caused him to lose an arm!

Lucifer did not want to admit it which was why the hate inside his heart was flared even stronger.

Lucifer tried to deny it within his heart again and again, however he knew the reason why he lost his arm and it had nothing to do with power or tier.The reason why Lucifer lost to Rudra was because he was an inferior fighter compared to his opponent, plain and simple!

Despite his handicap, despite his loss of mobility, Lucifer was a vastly superior opponent compared to Rudra in terms of speed , strength , stamina , mana and quality of big attacks.

There were realistically no chances of Rudra coming out as the victor in their bout which is why his feat today was nothing short of a miracle.


A miracle that screamed ' YOU ARE TRASH'. To Lucifer.

While the devil could handle wounded body, he could not tolerate a wounded pride.

Unleashing the same devastating tier 6 sword strike that he did a while ago, Lucifer put all his last ditch effort in killing Rudra rather than focusing on the god's or fleeing for survival.

Rudra too instantly sprung into action by jumping back and flying away from the attack like Sariel taught him, his arms flailing uselessly at his sides as he seemed to put some distance between himself and the attack at first.

However, Rudra's time dilation ended at this moment as his speed and strength saw a sudden massive dip, slowing him down and leaving him defenseless and at the mercy of Lucifer's strike.

Would the leader of the elites survive? Or was taking the arm off Lucifer the last feat he would achieve in Omega?


( Meanwhile Max )

Max looked at his mobile phone and realised that it took him 57 minutes from big sister Naomi's call to reach home.

It was not fast by any means, he should have unquestionably been home sooner , however he was not too late either.

" Sister Naomi .... Big sister? .... Sister where are you ? " Max called for Naomi but nobody answered.

Max had reached his house only moments ago and to his horror the main door was wide open and nobody was answering his shouts.

" NANNY LINA? , NANNY? ". Max shouted for the maid that was supposed to attend sister Naomi 24×7 , but even she did not seem to respond to Max's shouts.

Max searched for Naomi throughout the house one room at a time until he was horrified to see drops of blood littered on the floor that seemed to lead towards the common bathroom on the ground floor.

Max kicked apart the bathroom door when he felt that it was locked only to see Nanny Lina and Naomi horrified as to the sudden intrusion.

Naomi was bleeding from her head and Nanny Lina had seemed to put her head under running water to wash away all the blood she was leaking.

" Max? " Naomi asked weakly as Max trembled and replied " here big sister , I'm here ".

Naomi's lips curled upwards slightly however she looked unnaturally pale for her usual demeanor.

" What happened? ". Max asked nanny Lina as he assessed the cut on her head as the nanny told her how mere five minutes ago Naomi who was pacing all around the house waiting for Max tripped and hit her head on the wall.

A pang of guilt erupted in Max's gut when he heard this as his own nails dug deep into his palms as he tried to control his raging emotions.action

" I'm sorry big sister , i was held up ". Max tried to apologise but Naomi waved it off.

If only Max was here 5 minutes ago this would not have happened would it?

This time around Naomi was lucky that nothing too serious happened and she did not need to go to the hospital as the bleeding stopped pretty fast , however if something did happen to her pregnant body who would be to blame?

Max personally bandaged her head and only after he made sure that it was clean and covered in gauze that he stepped out and brought a change of clothes for his soaking big sister to change into as he waited outside the bathroom while he called the doctor to visit his home to give Naomi a medical check-up.

Naomi soon stepped out and the doctor arrived minutes later, however from the dirty looks that the doctor threw at Max, he knew that something terribly wrong had happened.