Chapter 78

Over the course of a few days, Bai Yin noticed that the two seemingly loving couples on the reality show "Summer Romance" were not as sweet and blissful as they appeared on camera.

Lu Shenyun and Moli's relationship was unavoidable, just as Lu Shen had said. Moli wanted him to show his affection for her in front of the camera, and would make all kinds of unreasonable demands. Lu Shen, under pressure from her family, could only grit his teeth and agree, catering to her every whim. But in reality, he had to swallow the bitter water himself, and would not say a word when the cameras were off, remaining in a gloomy, depressed state.

The feelings between the actor couple Zhang Duo and Lin Qianxi were also not as sweet and perfect as they seemed on camera. Bai Yin discovered that they slept in separate rooms. When the cameras started rolling, they only had eyes for each other, but as soon as filming ended, they would immediately split apart, interacting like coworkers.

They would even discuss in a very official, polite manner about how they should show their affection and create a romantic atmosphere... Their behavior on and off camera was completely different.

Of all the couples, only Bai Yin and Chen Huaixiao remained in their usual casual state, without deliberately creating a sweet atmosphere or following a script.

The other two couples had romantic activities every day, like going hiking or strolling around old towns.


Bai Yin was worried that Chen Huaixiao was neglecting work by accompanying her in the villa to film the show, which would further displease his grandfather. She made Chen Huaixiao go back to work, only coming to the villa after he got off work in the evenings.

With Chen Huaixiao at work, Bai Yin had nothing to do, so she took over the kitchen. She would make all kinds of snacks every day - lava cakes, matcha mille crepe, macarons, strawberry daifuku, chocolate endless variety.

The villa was always filled with a sweet aroma. Not only did the guests love to sneak into Bai Yin's little kitchen to eat and drink, even the production crew members would often go to her kitchen to snack on desserts during their breaks.

"My mom asked me why I drool when I watch this dating show."

"Those Years I Was a Chef on a Dating Show."

"Watching Bai Yin make desserts is better than watching people date, so sweet, hahaha!"


"The kitchen is the most sought-after place in this dating show, Bai Yin is an expert at this!"


Late at night after the other guests had gone to bed, a lamp was always left on downstairs in the living room. Bai Yin stayed up waiting for Chen Huaixiao.

When Chen Huaixiao came back from work, he saw the girl with her hair in buns leaning on the bar counter, resting her cheeks in her hands and beckoning to him: "Come here."

Chen Huaixiao took off his suit jacket, walked over to her, and naturally gave her a kiss on the forehead: "Not sleeping yet?"

"Waiting for you."

"I told you that you don't need to wait up for me."

"Try the snowflake mochi I made for you." Bai Yin pushed two sticky rice balls with cream filling towards Chen Huaixiao and handed him a small fork.

Chen Huaixiao didn't like sweets, but he didn't reject her and ate the two snowflake mochi happily.

The rare alone time felt especially gentle, even the wind drifting in through the window seemed reluctant to disturb them.

Bai Yin smiled as she watched him eat, reaching out to wipe away the cream at the corner of his mouth, and licked her fingertip.

Chen Huaixiao was provoked by her action. He pulled her over, wanting to kiss her.

Bai Yin knew the cameras were still silently filming them from the corner! She quickly pushed him away: "Not now."

The fans immediately exploded -

"What content can't we see?! No hiding things from us!"

"Good heavens, this is the couple I'm shipping!"

"As expected, staying up late has benefits!"

"Please, kiss already! Kiss kiss kiss!"

"I want to reach into the screen and push their heads together!"

"These two were quite awkward at first, didn't expect them to be so sweet."

"I bet this couple is real!"

"Which civil affairs bureau can arrange a marriage like this? I'm begging for a recommendation as I cry."


After Chen Huaixiao finished the two teeth-rottingly sweet snowflake mochi, Bai Yin made tea for him, then stood behind him and massaged his shoulders.

"A Yin, I won't go to work tomorrow. I'll properly accompany you to film the show," said Chen Huaixiao. "No, you have to go." Bai Yin firmly kneaded the hard knots in his neck and shoulders, and whispered in his ear: "If Grandfather sees you're not working because you're on a dating show, he'll blow his top again."

Chen Huaixiao knew she was still thinking about the inheritance. He said helplessly: "Grandfather has already given up on me."

"But you can't give up on yourself!" Bai Yin encouraged resolutely: "Grandfather is just annoyed for now. We still have a chance!"

"This is a dating show. Can you stop strategizing for a moment?" Chen Huaixiao glanced at her speechlessly: "Can't we just date properly?"

"No no no, you should go make money. I don't need a lovestruck husband, I just want a husband who can make money."


Chen Huaixiao scooped some cream onto her chin, then pulled her over and licked it off: "I'll earn however much you want."

The audience was drooling -

"Damn! Can this be aired?"

"I'm satisfied, going to sleep now."

"As expected, even sweeter than snowflake mochi is the dog food from this tycoon couple."


The next morning, Bai Yin called Chen's grandfather's butler, Mu Yan: "Uncle Mu, how has Grandfather's health been lately?"

Mu Yan's voice was low and sonorous: "The old master is very well, you and Young Master Huaixiao need not worry too much."

Mu Yan had served the old master for a long time and was always by his side, taking care of his meals and daily life. Bai Yin had known him for a long time and trusted him very much.

"Huaixiao said Grandfather won't take his calls and is still angry. Does he usually mention him?"

"Anger is inevitable. The old master is stubborn and won't easily change his mind, as Miss Bai knows. This is a long-standing issue that can't be resolved in a day."

"I know."

Hearing Bai Yin about to hang up, Mu Yan hesitated and called out to her: "Bai Yin, yesterday when the old master was fishing, he had me bait the hook for him and said it had been a long time since he used worms to fish. He said...but I won't go on. You should come back to see him when you have time."

Bai Yin silently shook her head.

In her heart...she still hadn't let go of her resentment. Going back now would likely only anger the old master further, not please him.

"Uncle Mu, please take good care of Grandfather."

"Oh right, one more thing," Mu Yan added. "The old master watches your show with Young Master every day now. It's nothing really, just wanted you to know."

With that, Mu Yan hung up.

Bai Yin stared at her phone in disbelief.

What? Grandfather is actually following her and Chen Huaixiao's dating show?

How can she keep filming like this!


At noon the next day, the show welcomed a new mystery guest.

Hearing there would be a new addition today, Bai Yin went early to the market to buy ingredients and prepared a sumptuous lunch.

The other two couples were out on dates today, leaving only Bai Yin at the villa, so she had to take care of welcoming the new guest.

A light rain was falling on the mountain road outside the lakeside villa at noon. Hearing a car honk at the villa's entrance, Bai Yin took an umbrella and went out to greet the new guest.

A man stepped out of the black sedan wearing a light green windbreaker over a plaid shirt, jeans showcasing his slender legs, and pristine white sneakers, exuding a gentle charm with a youthful air.

He took off his duck bill cap and Bai Yin saw his refined features, crying out in surprise, "Li Chunfeng!"

Li Chunfeng strode over briskly and naturally put his arm around Bai Yin's shoulders: "Big sis, nice place here. Give me a tour around?"

Bai Yin moved away a little, looking at him incredulously: "What are you doing here?"

"You'll have to ask the crew, they invited me."

Bai Yin looked towards the director. The director pulled Bai Yin aside, away from the camera, and explained softly: "Well, since Huaixiao is too busy with work and you're always alone, we decided to invite Li Chunfeng, who you're pretty close with."

Bai Yin looked at them silently, "Director, although this is a romantic reality show, I'm married! You can't arrange other co-stars for me just because my husband is busy with work, can you?"

"No, no, no!" The director quickly explained, "I'm definitely not arranging other co-stars for you. Li Chunfeng is just here to have some fun. You and Mr. Chen are still the main couple. He won't get in the way of your marriage."

"Then what's the point of inviting him here if you don't give him a co-star?"

"Well..." The director hesitantly explained, "The audience wants dramatic twists and turns." Understanding the director's intentions to deliberately arrange a "love rival" to make Chen Huaixiao jealous, Bai Yin remained expressionless and said coldly, "Chen Huaixiao getting jealous... he would never make a scene. He would just freeze your show's crew out."

"Uh..." The director swallowed nervously and simply said, "Seeking riches and honor is dangerous."


In fact, Bai Yin didn't feel guilty at all. She had already "moved on" from Li Chunfeng, and they were just friends now. Even being on the show together wouldn't be awkward.

She led Li Chunfeng into the villa. After getting him settled, she gave him a tour of the rooms and garden, saying, "You should ask the director to invite another female guest star to be your co-star and fall in love."

Li Chunfeng laughed, "Because my PhD dissertation defense is coming up, I only agreed to guest star for 2-3 episodes. I'll finish my role as a plot device and leave."

"You really came just to be a plot device?"

"Why not? It's pretty fun."

Seeing that he had genuinely moved on and regarded her as just a friend, Bai Yin finally relaxed, "You must be really bored huh, have you finished writing your dissertation?"

"I have. I'm just waiting to defend it. Next time, please come to my graduation ceremony, Miss."

"Sure, you don't mind me bringing my husband do you?"

Li Chunfeng immediately made a gesture as if stabbing himself in the chest.

The audience was also very fond of Li Chunfeng's addition to the show—

"He's really got variety show charm!"

"Can't wait to see his and Mr. Chen's showdown!"

"The production team really knows how to stir things up!"

"I actually think they seem pretty natural, no big deal."

"A certain jealous king would not see it that way!"


Sure enough, when Chen Huaixiao came home that night and saw Li Chunfeng wearing a cute apron, bustling around Bai Yin in the kitchen, his expression instantly soured.

Li Chunfeng carried the cute little bunny pudding Bai Yin had just made over to Chen Huaixiao, smiling, "Mr. Chen, this is a dessert Bai Yin made for you."

Chen Huaixiao took the plate. Bai Yin added, "I just made this for fun. Don't force yourself to eat it if you can't finish it. Eating so many sweets every night isn't good for your health either."

Just as Chen Huaixiao was about to put the plate down, Li Chunfeng immediately said, "That works out great. If Mr. Chen can't finish it, I'll take it back to my room for a midnight snack."

Upon hearing this, Chen Huaixiao sliced off the head of the little bunny pudding in one spoonful, wearing an expression like he was ready to bite through the plate too.

The livestream commentary was bursting with laughter—

"What is this weird love triangle situation!"

"Poor bunny."

"Haha, I feel even worse for Mr. Chen coming home from work to see his wife and 'love rival' making dessert together."

"The production team really knows how to stir things up."

That night back in their room after her shower, Bai Yin leaned against Chen Huaixiao's leg playing games on her phone, not bothered at all by Li Chunfeng coming to the villa.

Chen Huaixiao was reading a book, but clearly wasn't focused on it. He asked in a seemingly casual tone, "Why did he come?"


"You know who."

"Oh." Bai Yin peeled off her face mask and handed it to Chen Huaixiao to throw away for her, "The production team invited him. Super boring. They just want to see you get jealous."

"Why would I get jealous?"

"Then it's fine if you don't mind." Bai Yin set her phone alarm, "What time are you going to the company tomorrow?"

"I'm not working tomorrow."

She put her phone down and looked at him, "If you're not working, what are you going to do!"

Chen Huaixiao said expressionlessly, "I'm going to date you."


And he says he's not jealous!