Chapter 16

At this time, shouldn't Jiang Kai be participating in that extreme variety show? How did he end up here?

Song Anan's heart suddenly sank.

In the original novel, Jiang Kai was an important supporting male character. He and the female protagonist met on set and developed feelings for each other. Back then, both of them were unknowns in the entertainment industry, but they maintained a good private relationship.

When the female protagonist was participating in that extreme variety show, one episode required the guests to invite a friend to help out. The person she invited was Jiang Kai.

Because Jiang Kai and Song Linchuan used to be members of the same band, when Song Linchuan suddenly passed away, Jiang Kai fainted on the show and was devastated when he woke up. He cried bitterly and said that even though their band had disbanded, they had remained good friends privately over the years. The audience was touched by their deep brotherly bond.

After this incident, Jiang Kai gained a reputation for being compassionate and loyal. His popularity with the public surged.


Thanks to this boost in goodwill, his career also took a positive turn. He received many endorsement deals, variety show appearances, and acting offers. Within a few years, he successfully rose to become a first-tier male star.

When Pei Kuang came by earlier, Song Anan brought up Jiang Kai in passing while chatting with Song Linchuan.

Strangely, Song Linchuan's reaction was very cold, seeming unwilling to talk much about him.

This was out of character for him. For people Song Linchuan considered true friends, like Pei Kuang, even if he complained about them, he accepted them in his heart.

Moreover, the original novel also mentioned that when Jiang Kai and Song Linchuan first met on a show, they were not close at all.

In fact, because Song Linchuan was cold towards him, he was criticized online for quite some time. People said he was arrogant and bullied his former bandmate, proving he had poor character.


The so-called deep brotherly bond was all one-sidedly manufactured by Jiang Kai after Song Linchuan's incident, just to gain public affection. He would stop at nothing to get ahead in the entertainment industry.

From this, one could see that Jiang Kai was someone to be wary of.

However, this was not Song Anan's biggest concern.

What worried her more was that the original storyline had changed - Jiang Kai did not go on that extreme variety show as he should have, but instead came to this show with Song Linchuan.

This faintly unsettled her.

Song Anan slightly turned her body and looked at Song Linchuan worriedly.

From the corner of his eye, Song Linchuan noticed Song Anan looking at him. He didn't think much of it, assuming she had seen the online news and learned about his poor relations with Jiang Kai.

Without turning his head, he reached out and ruffled her hair to reassure her.

But when Song Linchuan's gaze fell upon Jiang Kai, a barely detectable coldness flashed in his eyes.

Logically speaking, it was no secret in the industry that he and Jiang Kai did not get along. Even if the show wanted to bring in a surprise guest, it should not have been Jiang Kai.

But the issue was that Jiang Kai had recently latched onto a wealthy older woman. She had some clout and went over the heads of the network executives to get Jiang Kai directly cast on the show.

The production team was helpless and could only come explain the situation in person. After hearing the background, Song Linchuan did not make things difficult for them, which led to today's events.

As soon as Jiang Kai appeared on camera, the livestream chatroom erupted.

[WTF! What is the production team doing bringing Jiang Kai on? They must be out of their minds!]

[Nooooo, Jiang Kai go away! Stay away from my brother!]

[Is the production team trying to stir up drama by bringing Jiang Kai? Don't they know he and Song Linchuan don't get along?]

[Song Linchuan and Jiang Kai don't get along? Weren't they in a band together before?]

[That can't be right. I heard they had some major falling out back then.]

[What happened? Anyone have the gossip? Sounds juicy.]

[I know this story. When they were still in a band together, Song Linchuan often bullied his teammates because he was more popular. Once backstage he beat up Jiang Kai and Jiang Kai had a noticeable bruise on his mouth when he went onstage to perform.]

[Haha, classic case of rumors being spread easily but hard to dispel. This has been debunked! The management already clarified this and Jiang Kai himself admitted he fell by accident.]

[Even though Jiang Kai did post anonymously later hinting that he was pressured by the agency into taking the fall...]


As the livestream chat heatedly discussed past grievances between Jiang Kai and Song Linchuan, Jiang Kai himself acted as if nothing had happened. After greeting the others, he headed straight for Song Linchuan.

"Linchuan, long time no see!"

His attitude was very warm, as if meeting an old friend after years apart.

In comparison, Song Linchuan's reaction was very cold. He lightly hmm-ed in response and that was it.

[Wow, what's with Song Linchuan's attitude? Isn't he being too arrogant to his former bandmate?]

[Tsk, he's a top star now, he has to act aloof to match his status.]

[Pfft, he's just a popular idol, what's there to be so cocky about? Terrible personality but still has fans, ridiculous.]

"It's been almost four years since we've seen each other, right?" Seemingly oblivious to Song Linchuan's deliberate coldness, Jiang Kai continued chatting away. "I heard you were at an event last time too. I went to your dressing room to look for you but unfortunately didn't see you."

These few simple sentences revealed a lot of information.

"Haven't seen each other in four years" - indirectly acknowledging their estranged private relationship.

"Went to your dressing room to look for you but didn't see you" - indicating that as former bandmates, he wanted to catch up but the gesture was not reciprocated.

But why didn't he see Song Linchuan? Was he blocked from entering the dressing room, or did Song Linchuan simply not want to see him?

[Four years since seeing each other? So they haven't met since the band broke up?]

[Well their status is worlds apart now, one an A-list star and the other a no-name. Clearly not running in the same circles anymore.]

[Sigh, that's showbiz for you. Obscurity is the original sin.]

[Not just showbiz, it's the same in real life too. No money or connections, who will look at you twice?]

[Heh, how is Song Linchuan any different from those fairweather friends who look down on others once they make it big? Disgusting. His poor character will be his downfall, just wait and see his popularity go down in flames!] [Down with Song Linchuan!]

Song Linchuan glanced at him and, contrary to his usual attitude towards Jiang Kai, calmly replied, "Oh, I had to rush back to film on set that time, so I left right after the event ended without going to the dressing room."

He then added, "Next time you can message me in advance. I still have the same number."

[LOL, what injustice is Jiang Kai crying about? Song Linchuan says he still has the same number but Jiang Kai clearly didn't know and didn't try contacting him these past four years.]

[ I the only one who finds Jiang Kai rather suspicious?] [No you're right, going on shows just to play the victim, clearly trying to stir up public sympathy to boost his own popularity by vilifying Song Linchuan.]

[Classic underdog strategy played to perfection.]

Jiang Kai's expression remained neutral but he was quite surprised inside.

After years apart, it seemed Song Linchuan had matured a lot. In the past, he would have blown up over something like this. Yet now he was responding with such grace.

"That's good to know." Jiang Kai sneakily planted another barb.

While the words seemed innocuous, they subtly portrayed himself as a supplicant to someone of higher status.

This time, Song Linchuan didn't even give him a glance, just nodded perfunctorily to keep up appearances.

Seeing the other party not taking his bait, Jiang Kai was quite unwilling to let it go.

After these years languishing as a Z-lister, he was sick of it. He grew increasingly unbalanced as he watched his former contentious bandmate become more and more popular.


Why were Song Linchuan and Pei Kuang held up as top stars while he was ignored as a nobody?

Pei Kuang was slippery as an eel with his words and actions. There was almost no chance to take advantage of him.

So Jiang Kai set his sights on Song Linchuan instead. He had planned everything out before coming - Song Linchuan had a temper and vicious tongue. Provoking him would be easy.

Given their difference in status, he could then portray himself as the perfect victim online, blackening Song Linchuan's name while fishing for sympathy to create buzz and turn things around for himself.

A top star's popularity, if utilized well, could rocket him straight up.

Jiang Kai was very clear that getting on this show was not easy. He didn't know when an opportunity like this would come again, so he had to seize the moment.

His gaze skimmed over Song Anan beside them. "You must be little auntie? I've heard about you but haven't had the chance to meet until now."

Song Anan politely nodded. "Hello."

Jiang Kai acted familiar. "Little auntie, hello! I'm Guo'er."

Guo'er? Song Anan was a bit confused.

The next second, it was as if a nerve had been struck in Song Linchuan. He strode forward and shoved Jiang Kai. "Jiang Kai, are you sick in the head?!"

Jiang Kai staggered back a couple steps, posing as the 'victim.' "Linchuan, don't get so worked up. I was just joking around, no ill intent."

But Song Linchuan would not let up and moved to grab Jiang Kai's collar.

The other male guests, after a few seconds of shock, hurriedly pulled the two apart.

[Making risque jokes about a girl is scumbag behavior, Jiang Kai's terrible character is clear to see.]

[WTF Jiang Kai is so disgusting. 'Little auntie' is a normal address but after his joke how can Song Linchuan call her that anymore?]

[Damn! Jiang Kai do you think you're very funny?]

[Heh, no wonder he's unpopular, it's deserved.]

[Whoa, Song Linchuan what are you doing? Isn't it just a TV drama reference joke?]

[Song Linchuan fans shouldn't overreact so much, it's just a joke. Can't take it?]

[I've heard Song Linchuan has a bad temper and is arrogant. Now I believe it.]

[Heh, daring to be so shameless and violent on camera, how much more brazen can Song Linchuan get?]


Song Anan pulled on Song Linchuan's arm and shook her head at him. "Linchuan, he said he was just joking. It's fine."

Song Linchuan opened his mouth as if to say something, but hesitated for a moment and ultimately remained silent.

Jiang Kai was secretly delighted inside.

At this time, Song Anan suddenly turned to look at him and gently said, "Sorry, but I didn't really understand. Could you explain the humor to me?"

These words left everyone at the scene and in the audience stunned for a moment.

But Song Anan looked at Jiang Kai innocently, like a child asking the teacher to explain something she didn't understand.

Jiang Kai's heart tightened.

He didn't know if Song Anan truly didn't understand or was just pretending.

But how could he explain this joke with risque implications? Should he say "auntie" and "Guo'er" are a couple so I'm taking advantage of you?

Would he dare say that out loud?

Undoubtedly, he would not!

Often, so-called jokes lose their humor when explained bluntly.

Jiang Kai deliberated for a bit before deciding to gloss over it with an excuse.

At worst he could explain it away as playing off a drama reference for variety effect.

That would allow him to subtly demonstrate his professionalism while making it difficult for the other party to press the issue.

Shi Qing glanced at Jiang Kai as if seeing through his thoughts and breezily commented, "Anan, I saw online you just turned 17 recently, right?"

The atmosphere instantly froze.

Jiang Kai's smile stiffened on his face.

At first glance, Shi Qing's seemingly irrelevant remark actually reminded everyone of one thing.

Song Anan was still underage!

Jiang Kai, you're a grown man making this kind of joke about an underage girl. No matter how you look at it, it's in poor taste.

[Holy crap! Now I understand why Song Linchuan is so pissed.]

【It's true that although Little Auntie Song is older, she's still a child. You were teasing her in a flirtatious way between men and women. Who wouldn't get upset over that?!】

【Yeah, it'd be weird if 'Auntie Treasure' Song Linchuan could tolerate that.】

【To be fair, while everyone is getting used to calling Song An'an 'Little Auntie' in an endearing way, it can't be denied that 'Auntie' is still an honorific term. What Jiang Kai said was really tasteless.】

【Tasteless? Haha, it's not that simple. Trying to seduce a minor, I'd say Jiang Kai is trying to break the law!】

【Tsk tsk, digging his own grave!】

【I feel like there's more to Song Linchuan's sudden anger. I've been watching the livestream, and he doesn't seem like such an impulsive person normally. Could there be some backstory we don't know about?】 【Wasn't it said they have some past grudge? Maybe it's related to that?】

【Wild guess - wasn't there a rumor before that Song Linchuan beat up Jiang Kai? Maybe he was running his mouth like this back then too?】

【If that's really why, then Jiang Kai totally deserved that beating.】


With Song An'an and Shi Qing pointing things out, the hesitant netizens instantly took a side.

The tables completely turned for Song Linchuan.

Jiang Kai gritted his teeth, but could only put on an apologetic face on the surface, saying it was just meant to be a joke and he didn't think that much.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward for a moment.

But the show had to go on, and the director's team came in at the right time to lighten up the mood.

They first introduced the new guest - Jiang Kai's sister Jiang Yao, 18 years old, just finished taking the college entrance exam and will become a college student.

After going through some simple procedures, they went right into today's theme.

The director asked the guest team to send a representative to draw lots and complete the specified task to earn lunch.

Qi Mushishi eagerly volunteered, and no one had any objection.

But when he opened the lot he drew, everyone was stunned.

"Kill fish?" Li Yu said in disbelief.

Right on cue, the staff brought over a basin with a live fish swimming in water.

It was a big fish, Li Yu compared with her arm - it was as long as her forearm.

"Can anyone do it?" Li Yu asked the others.

The guests looked at each other and shook their heads.

【Hahaha, isn't the production team going overboard with killing fish right off the bat? So bloody】

【Tsk, celebrities sure are delicate, can't even kill a fish】

【No need to be sarcastic, I'm not a celeb, just an ordinary person, but I can't do it either】

【LOL, my mom's been cooking for decades, she can't kill fish either. That's totally normal, right?】

【Right, nowadays whether you go to the wet market or supermarket to buy fish, the vendor or staff will help you clean and process it. Super convenient!】


The guests all looked troubled, saying this task was too much and asked if they could switch to something else. But the production team insisted.

Their reasoning was sound - the theme of this episode was experiencing life, so preparing ingredients was very relevant.

As if recalling something, Li Yu looked to her husband Guo Xiu, "Dear, I remember you were on a show before where you had to kill fish, right?"

Guo Xiu held his forehead, "Wifey, you remembered wrong. That fish was already dead, I just had to scrape off the scales."

Li Yu sighed, "Well you still have some experience. Wanna give it a try?"

With the wife speaking, Guo Xiu had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and get to it.

He scooped the fish out of the basin onto the chopping block, then picked up a cleaver but was at a loss where to start.

After thinking for a second, Guo Xiu chose the less bloody approach - using the spine of the knife to knock the fish unconscious.

But with a full force knife strike down, either the angle or strength was off. The fish didn't get knocked out, instead giving a big flop that scared Guo Xiu into retreating two steps. The water flicked off the fish's tail happened to splash right on Guo Xiu's face, looking quite silly and messy.

This fish must be specially chosen by the production team, lively and tenacious.

Way too energetic.

"How about we skip lunch and just keep the fish alive?" Li Yu blinked and suggested.

Mainly because they really couldn't do it.

The others also reluctantly said they ate late breakfast so weren't hungry, skipping this meal was no big deal.

Looking at the flopping fish on the chopping block, Song An'an seemed to think of something and turned to the production team.

"Do you have sewing needles?" she asked.

Needles? The production team looked puzzled, "No..."

Song An'an looked thoughtful, suddenly recalling when they came over, the grandma next door was mending shoe soles with what looked like an awl.

That could work too.

"Wait here, I'll be right back."

After saying bye to the grandma, Song An'an immediately turned right out the yard, heading straight for the grandma at the next door.

"Grandma, can I borrow this needle for a moment?" Song An'an pointed at the awl the grandma was using to mend soles.

The grandma readily agreed without even asking why, and gave the awl to Song An'an.

Song An'an still explained properly: "Grandma, I need to use this needle to kill a fish, do you mind?"

The grandma waved her hand casually, "Why would I mind? This old lady doesn't have so many hang-ups. Go ahead and use it."

Song An'an thanked her and left with the awl.

Watching Song An'an's departing figure, the grandma couldn't help but ponder.

How do you kill a fish with a needle?

Not just the grandma, the livestream audience and guests in the yard were also wondering.

What's Song An'an getting the needle for? Is she really going to kill the fish with it?

Everyone felt Song An'an was thinking nonsense, such a thin needle couldn't possibly kill a fish.

They saw Song An'an walk over to the fish on the chopping block with the needle, then stab with the needle tip precisely into some spot on the fish's head.

The previously lively fish instantly stopped moving.

Lying perfectly still on the chopping block...

Everyone: "!!!"