Chapter 10

With Jiang Han's reassurance, the director felt more at ease and the production team stabilized.

But the online community was not as calm, as the haters were actively guiding public opinion. Many netizens were misled and started to doubt.

Fortunately Song Linchuan's fans were not to be trifled with. They spontaneously organized themselves to counter, report and clear up the bad information. The situation was barely under control.

However, these were only temporary solutions. Ultimately Song Anan would need to respond herself to settle things.

But Song Anan was not a celebrity and had no social media accounts or management agency. At first people waited at Song Linchuan's studio Weibo account, but there was no response.

The only explanation was that Song Anan would respond on the show itself.


It was Saturday and people gathered in front of screens early in the morning, waiting for the livestream with aunt and nephew.

Finally at 9am, the other three groups' livestreams started, but Song Anan and Song Linchuan's channel remained closed.

One minute, two minutes...five minutes passed and still nothing.

The antis rejoiced and kicked up a fuss immediately.

[Haha, Song Anan is definitely chickening out, otherwise why wouldn't she show her face?]

[It can't be anything but guilty conscience. She probably hasn't figured out how to respond yet. It shows the exposes are real.]


[I thought she'd at least force a smile, didn't expect her to not even show her face!]

[Hehe, I knew it. Song Linchuan was never a good guy, how could his aunt be any better?]

[The entertainment industry has low barriers to entry but still has basic standards for conduct. This blocks Song Anan from debuting.]

[Let's not jump to conclusions. It could be an emergency. Let's wait for an official explanation.]


The live chat was in an uproar, discussing fervently. The antis were extremely arrogant.

Although some netizens remained rational, as time passed, the situation became increasingly disadvantageous for Song Anan.

Question marks filled the screen as people waited for an official response.

But what happened next would surprise everyone - the real reason Song Anan and co still hadn't gone live was because the camera crew was stopped outside the residential compound!!

Song Linchuan's compound was a high end development, with wealthy owners and strict access control over visitors.

Normally visitors needed access cards or to be accompanied by residents. Otherwise they couldn't even enter the grounds.

For filming, Jiang Han had given the crew a temporary access card, which allowed them entry yesterday.

But these temporary cards were only valid for one day. To continue using it required the resident's access card to re-register with the property management office!

Jiang Han had been too busy and forgot to do so, leading to this huge mess up.

The crew was anxiously negotiating entry with the security guards, but they were just doing their job and insisted they had no notice today and could not allow access.

Jiang Han was on the way over. He had tried calling Song Linchuan multiple times but no one picked up. He rushed over with Song Linchuan's normal access card that was left with him.

"I'm so sorry director, this is my fault. I was too busy yesterday and forgot." Jiang Han apologized profusely.

The director waved his hand signaling it was fine. "Let's go in first."

He had come today with the camera crew, hoping to see how to resolve Song Anan's situation. He didn't expect this twist.

Jiang Han quickly nodded and led the crew to Song Linchuan's door.

But with no response on the phone, he didn't know what was going on inside. So he looked to the director for guidance before ringing the doorbell.

The director paused, then knowingly glanced at the cameraman, "The camera's not on right?"

The cameraman shook his head, "Not yet."

Only then did Jiang Han relax. He took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

To everyone's surprise, the door opened quickly. It was Song Anan who answered.

Jiang Han looked at Song Anan uncertainly and asked, "Is Linchuan home?"

Song Anan nodded lightly and pointed inside, "In the living room."

After Jiang Han and the crew entered, they indeed saw Song Linchuan in the living room.

"Did something happen? I called you so many times just now, why didn't you pick up?" Jiang Han asked.

Song Linchuan paused, then subconsciously looked around the table and reacted, "Nothing happened. My phone's in the bedroom, didn't hear it."

Only then did Jiang Han relax. As long as nothing happened then it was fine.

At this time, Song Anan also came over, arms crossed as she stood in front of Song Linchuan, face full of gravity.

Song Linchuan carefully glanced at Song Anan.

Everyone paused, suddenly aware the atmosphere between the two was off.

From this, it seemed something had occurred before they arrived.

Jiang Han hesitated a few seconds before tentatively asking, "Auntie, did Linchuan upset you somehow?"

Song Anan subconsciously shook her head, but on second thought, heavily nodded.

Hearing this, the production team and Jiang Han immediately turned to look at Song Linchuan, waiting for an explanation. Song Linchuan's brow twitched and he looked somewhat awkward, "I, uh, played games last night." Everyone: ???


Song Linchuan silently sighed, "Wasn't paying attention to the time and accidentally pulled an"

Suddenly everyone understood. So the little rascal gamed all night and got caught by the parent!

Phew...they had thought some major incident occurred.

But seeing Song Anan's reaction now, she was truly angry. Gotta say, the elder's imposing manner was quite strong.

In fact, from yesterday's livestream, regardless of the production team or the audience, everyone noticed that while Song Linchuan addressed her as Auntie, he clearly doted on and pampered Song Anan like a little sister.

As for Song Anan, the impression she gave was silly, well-behaved and cute like the girl next door. No one expected she could assume such an elder's manner before Song Linchuan!

The director keenly realized this was a great opportunity. He looked meaningfully at Jiang Han.

Jiang Han blanked at first, then immediately understood the director's intent and nodded.

At the director's signal, the cameraman silently turned the camera on.

The livestream suddenly opened without warning, catching everyone off guard.

[WTF, what's the situation, sneaking up on us like that?]

[Gosh scared me! Is the production team really so sloppy, no notice at all?]

[Wait! What's going on with Song Linchuan and Song Anan, why's no one talking, are they filming a silent movie?]

[The atmosphere seems a bit tense, Song Anan looks quite stern, don't tell me they fought?]

Song Anan was indeed very angry now. Song Linchuan's physical exam results had come back yesterday and were mostly fine, but some markers showed potential issues.

For example, his gastrointestinal health was not great and his diet and sleep patterns were irregular.

In the past, Song Anan may not have paid it much attention. After all, most people dealt with such problems to some degree given today's high pressure, fast-paced lifestyle.

But now, in such a critical period, Song Anan didn't dare let her guard down at all, for fear the slightest carelessness might lead to Song Linchuan's sudden death like in the original novel.

"What did you promise me last night? I said no staying up late, yet you gamed all night. Do you think your life's too long, hmm?" Song Anan frowned and said sternly.

Seeing Song Anan's reaction, Song Linchuan knew she was truly angry and felt very regretful.

Sigh, he really hadn't planned on staying up last night. He just wanted to win a game then sleep. Who knew he'd run into such trash teammates and kept losing.

Then finally he won a game, but the pent up frustration remained. He thought he'd win a few more rounds - and accidentally gamed till morning, getting caught by Song Anan who got up early.

He put on an ingratiating smile for Song Anan, "Auntie, it's just one all-nighter. I'm really fine, I feel great right now, I can go another night no problem..."

Song Anan just looked at him quietly, frown deepening and expression growing sterner.

Song Linchuan immediately switched gears, "I was wrong, I promise I'll improve!"

[Hahaha, Song Linchuan's reaction is killing me, he's so gutless before the auntie. What happened to his cool swagger?]

[Wahhh auntie is so strict and fierce!]

[Of course he has to be gutless! A white belt daring to act rashly before a black belt, he'd have to be out of his mind!]

[Listen to your elders, brother. Staying up is really not good. You have to take care of your health!]

[Phew! Scared me over nothing. Turns out he just got caught staying up gaming.]

[Stop messing around. Song Anan, directly respond to the hot search matters. Don't think you can gloss over it.]

[Hehe, so this is the PR strategy they came up with? Do they think we're all idiots? I'll just watch them act out this show.]

Seeing Song Linchuan seemed sincere and not just perfunctory, Song Anan softened her stance somewhat. She decided not to harp on this anymore, especially with outsiders present.

Moreover, the director had arrived and she didn't want to delay filming.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Han righteously spoke up at this time, "Auntie, you're absolutely right. Linchuan often stays up gaming all night. You should properly scold him, otherwise he'll never learn."

After speaking, he looked at Song Anan full of expectation, as if saying _go on, scold him, scold him_.

Song Linchuan glared fiercely at Jiang Han, the warning clear.

But Jiang Han completely ignored him.

Even if he saw the glare, he couldn't care less right now. This talent under him was naturally rebellious and normally unmanageable, giving him constant headaches.

Now someone could actually control him for once. How could Jiang Han care about anything else? He had to tattle first!

Often staying up gaming all night?

Song Anan's gaze at Song Linchuan contained a few more disapproving looks.

Jiang Han chuckled. He continued righteously, "That's right. His diet is also very unhealthy. He especially likes snacks!"

Other snacks were still fine. Song Linchuan mainly loved potato chips.

But stars had strict physique management, with daily calorie intake needing control. He would often skip meals just to eat chips.

Hearing this, Song Anan blinked, eyes strangely evasive.

Umm...she didn't feel she had much ground to criticize Song Linchuan's snacking habits. After all, she also loved snacks.

"Most importantly, he doesn't eat proper meals either. Auntie, how can this do?"

Song Anan's eyes lit up and she said decisively, "Not eating properly won't do!"

Fortunately she still ate proper meals despite loving snacks too.

[Hahahaha I'm gonna die laughing. The tattletale's gotta be Song Linchuan's manager!] [Song Linchuan's manager legs akimbo: Roar! Finally found someone who can make him toe the line!]

【Don't say, Song Linchuan now has a inexplicable déjà vu feeling of a Samoyed being scolded after making a mistake】

【Hahaha, the above brother is awesome, I was just wondering why Song Linchuan looked so familiar, isn't he the same as my second Samoyed after making a mistake!】

Song Anan had originally planned to help Song Linchuan regulate his rest and diet during the recording of the show. She decided to take this opportunity to lay down some 'house rules'.

"Your health is the capital of the revolution. Don't take advantage of your youth and neglect your health. Eating irregularly and going hungry one moment and full the next easily leads to stomach diseases. Once you have the root of stomach disease, it becomes very difficult to nourish yourself back to health. What's more, in the long run you may suffer from chronic gastritis and even gastric cancer."

"Also, staying up late will firstly lead to mental fatigue, which in turn lowers your immune system. This makes people prone to being irritable, angry, forgetful and anxious. The body's functions become abnormal, which can exacerbate certain illnesses, and may suddenly lead to cardiac arrest and even death..."

Song Anan slowly explained the harms of staying up late and eating irregularly from a medical perspective. But for the listener, this was far more intimidating than a scolding.

Netizen: Stop scolding, stop scolding, I'm already changing!

Chuan's fan: Wuwuwu, auntie is right, brother you must take care of your health!

After Song Anan finished speaking, she suddenly said, "So, I've decided."

Song Linchuan's eyelid twitched, "Decided...what?"

Song Anan said earnestly, "I've decided starting today, I will supervise you to develop healthy living and eating habits."

"Sleep well, eat well, exercise on time, and..." she paused, "no snacks!"

Song Linchuan: "..."

Song Anan gritted her teeth and added, "Don't worry, I'll do it with you."

Song Linchuan held his forehead. These things seemed simple but were actually quite difficult for him.

"Or you don't need to do it with me?" He tentatively asked.

According to his understanding of Song Anan, she had always been strict with herself but lenient with others. For things she couldn't persist with herself, she tended to go easy when demanding it of others.

So this might be the only chance.

Song Anan insisted, "No, I must lead by example!"

Song Linchuan: "..."

It looked like his aunt was serious.

Well, he could only cooperate since she was his aunt after all. There was no other way, who made her his aunt!

After the aunt and nephew reached an agreement, they happily ate breakfast together.

The director initially thought the two would respond to things online over breakfast, but surprisingly, they ate almost the entire meal without making a sound.

The director was starting to feel anxious, but Jiang Han gave him a reassuring look.

After breakfast, Song Linchuan went to the kitchen to wash dishes while Song Anan wiped the tables.

Jiang Han walked over to Song Anan and casually said, "Auntie, there's nothing else scheduled this morning, why don't you read for a while and not let your studies slip."

Song Anan was stunned. Her first reaction was to agree.

She had been completely absorbed in Song Linchuan's matters these past few days that she hadn't studied much for several days already. When Jiang Han brought it up, she really felt an itch to study.

Medical school coursework was inherently heavy. She would start her third year this semester and hoped to do her internship early, so her requirements for herself were high. Even during the holidays, she usually wouldn't laze around.

But they were still filming the show. Song Anan felt it might not be appropriate and was afraid her actions would bring more backlash to Song Linchuan.

It seemed Jiang Han noticed Song Anan's concerns and continued, "It's fine, Linchuan also needs to read scripts. It won't affect filming if you read in the living room."

Song Anan looked towards Song Linchuan, who had just come out of the kitchen.

Song Linchuan gave Jiang Han a suspicious glance and replied, "Yeah, I have an urgent script to go through this morning."

Song Anan thought for a moment before looking towards the director to confirm, "Is it okay?"

Although the director didn't know what Jiang Han was up to, he still went along and said, "It's fine, reading in the living room won't affect filming, no problem."

Song Anan's voice was cheerful, "Great!"

Then she immediately tossed aside the rag and trotted into the bedroom to grab her books.

【Haha, she finally remembered to study, but is this really how you pretend to study? Too fake】

【This isn't remembering to study at all, it's clearly the manager reminding her to fix her image】

【Hehe, even now they're still trying to build a top student image? 】

【Song Linchuan's manager is just giving Song Anan an opportunity to respond to things online】

【Uh... auntie should be in high school right, I'm suddenly curious whether auntie studies liberal arts or sciences】

【Auntie looks gentle, I feel she should be a liberal arts student】

【The above are Song Linchuan's fans, stop covering for them. How can you use 'gentle' to describe a delinquent girl?】

【Heh, rumors require no effort at all to spread. Show evidence if you have any, with photos or videos】


The livestream was clamoring with noise, the barrage of comments covering the entire screen.

Finally, after two minutes, Song Anan came back to the living room with a book in hand. The livestream quieted down a bit.

Everyone unconsciously held their breath, attention fixed on her every move.

She placed the book on the table, then pulled over a chair and sat down.

The camera slowly zoomed in as everyone's hearts were left hanging.

Finally, a few large words on the book cover became clear under the camera.

Human Anatomy?!