The assassins were already waiting for the girl while hiding in the corners behind the bushes in the garden and gazebo.

All the concubines of the ruby palace were already taken away for a tea party arranged by his majesty.

The palace was desolate except for these few blood thirsty criminals.

As their carriage stopped, many smirked and their grip on their weapons tightened. But even after waiting for ten minutes, no one came out of the carriage.

They waited and waited, but in the end, they did not have much patience.

"Go and check why she is not coming?" one elbowed the other who frowned but nodded his head.

"The foolish girl must be waiting for the crown prince to come and escort him. Too bad, only we are here!" His words brought laughter to the face of everyone.

They didn't even try to lower their voice. The girl was already dead. She had no were to go but to accept her death now.

They all were dressed in the clothes of the knights of the royal palace. So, the mercenary stood up with an arrogant look on his face as he walked towards the carriage.

"My lady," he knocked the carriage with a big smile on his face, "his highness is waiting for you in the gazebo. He had sent me to escort you." he was sure the others would not get the chance.

Since he was sent to bring her, he would rather kill her in the carriage and ask the bigger part of the reward for himself.

He could not stop the smile on his face with that thought. He could already see the gold coins around him.

The door of the carriage opened, when the smile on his face widened. He held the knob and opened it but the smile on his face froze and his eyes widened.

Before he could even see who was inside the carriage a gun was pointed at him.

Guns were a recent invention in the empire and their number could be counted in one hand. How could a woman have a gun?

"Come in! Or I will kill you." came the cold voice of a man, only then did the mercenary take his eyes away from the gun and look at Leo.

His face turned whilte instantly. Who did not know the amount of mercenaries lost their life while trying to kill his wife.

He was an invincible mountain. The mercenary was no match for him. He gulped his own saliva when Leo tilted his head.

"Are you coming in or not?" that was not a choice, he knew but if Leo killed him with the gun, the loud sound would alert everyone.

Maybe he just wanted to know the position of others. With that thought, the mercenary consoled himself as he entered the carriage with staggering legs.

Others who were looking at the scene frowned. He was supposed to bring the girl out. Why did he enter?

"That bloody fool must have wanted the whole reward for himself. I will not let that happen!" shouted another as he stood up and walked towards the carriage with hasty steps.

He pulled the door and entered in with such speed. That he only noticed Leo when he was already in.

His eyes widened and mouth agape. His eyes looked for his partner but only Leo was sitting there with a big smirk on his face.

"Welcome!" the man gulped.

Others laughed when the second ran and they were sure that he would drag the girl out but once again.. There was a strange silence in the carriage.

None of them came out.

"Just what in the world are they doing there?" They looked at each other but no one replied.

One minute, two minute, three minutes.. Their patience was dying.

"I will go and see for myself." stood up another with only four left behind.

He was not hasty like the second one but he walked towards the carriage cautiously as it felt strange that everyone who entered was not coming out.

Just as he opened the door, a large hand pulled him in. but due to the door, no one noticed that hand.

They only saw that another of their friends entered in the carriage.

"Could it be that they were having fun with the woman? See how the carriage is shaking a bit." it is a bit far to hear low voices if they were even moaning in the carriage.

Many gulped as their eyes filled with lust. Except this, they could not think of any possible reason why the man was not dragging the girl out but staying with her in the carriage.

"Damn! I am sure it must be the girl who offered to save her life. But if that is the case, I want to have fun too before killing her." said another as he licked his lips and stood up.

He had seen Eli. Well, who had not seen her? You could see her on all the programs and charity with the crown prince.

That arrogant smile on her face made her so tempting. Watching her below them while pleading for her life.. Naked and moaning. He shuddered at the thought and all his defense crumbled.

He almost ran to the carriage, without knowing his death was waiting there, and opened the door hastily.

"You!" he looked back to shout at his other friends but it was already too late.

Leo covered his mouth with his one hand taking the benefit of the blockage of the door and took out a dagger from his other hand.

The dagger sliced his neck with one swift motion and his body turned limp instantly.

Leo dragged him in too and opened the seat on the other side. It was still empty. He threw his body inside and closed the seat box with a smirk on his face.

"Who would have thought that all of you are fools to still come to check when so many disappeared in front of your eyes."
