Vanessa was sure that she was going to get rejected. The way the man made a face when she touched him was brooding. Was it because of the woman who was roaming in his palace leisurely?

Her father was one of the vassal family of the duke who have worked for them for long. But he was never much appreciated.

Now that the duke and his loving and brooding son Leo had left, she had thought this was her chance to shine.

She had discussed it with her father and he had told that the man was an easy target.

She had come here with the report instead of her father. She had stood behind him instead of sitting at the opposite side and she had tried her best to gain his attention but the man was not paying attention to her at all.

He was another cold person who did not look into the eyes of the women. It made her wonder if the family was cursed when it comes to the charms of a woman?

She was about to leave but the smile on his face changed suddenly giving her a new confidence.

She smiled brightly and her whole face bloomed.

"That would be kind of you. I will bring the rest of the reports tomorrow then?" she asked in a sweet and shy tone like the women talk to their crush when he nodded his head again.

Though he did not have a smile or anticipation on his face like hers. He let her come and spend time with him, which was already an achievement.

At least she was not rejected at once! With that thought she felt confidence. So, when she turned to look at Hannah, her eyes were full of provocation. As if she had already won Ethan from her.Her eyebrows raised and she gave a look of Hannah after analyzing from head to toe that she could not stand in front of her.

Hannah had worked hard all her life. Though she was fair and slim, her hands were calloused and the look of poverty was still there.

But Vanessa had never done any kind of hard work, so her skin was soft and tender and there was a rosy glow on her skin that made her look like a blooming flower and could attract anyone. She felt superior after comparing both of them.

"What are you looking at?" asked Hannah in a cold and a bit loud voice. She could see the disdain on the face of the woman clearly.

She had faced so many cases like that, that she knew well what was going through the mind of the woman. She had to steer clear that Ethan was his!

Just as Hannah raised her voice, the eyes of the woman widened and she took a step back and shrunk as if she was deeply surprised and then scared by the woman standing in front of her.

"I.. I was just curious after seeing a woman standing in the office without even knocking. I did not mean to offend you. Must you be so loud?" she asked in an aggrieved tone as if the other person had already hurt her sentiments.

"You, do you…"

"That is enough!" Before Hannah could retort and speak the truth, Ethan raised his hands and stopped her. "Do not create a scene in my office, i still have work to do!" that was the last chance that he was giving her. Hannah knew it too well, that he had not forgiven her yet, so she could only nod and look away while biting her lips hard.

She felt dejected but she could do nothing about it. Though Ethan had not specified who he was scolding to, Vanesa naturally felt that it must be the other girl, and smiled as if she had been protected."Then i shall be get going.'' She had a bright smile on her face as she said so that brightened the whole room but Ethan just nodded.

"Who was she?" asked Hannah again when the girl was gone but Ethan just scoffed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked instead, making her chest heave. She was beyond angry.

She knew that Ethan was doing it intentionally to hurt her yet she was getting hurt. She had left everything for this men and was even going to sacrifice her life yet he was behaving like that! How cruel!

"I thought you were going to spend the night with me in my room." Her words were accusing and though she was not clear, she was sure that he was not there when he should have been.

His hands paused. He was there the whole night holding her. He had just come out of the room when Theo informed him about the presence of Vanesa.

But he would not tell her that.

"I have a lot of work to do. If you are here arguing without reason, then it would be better that you spend time taking care of your skin and body. You are going to meet all the vassal family and other nobles and my fiance soon." he said in a cold voice without even looking at her when she trembled.

She touched her rough arms and then stared at him with an indescribable feeling. She was…

"Even if you want to have another woman in your life. You have to wait till my death. I will never bear that you use me and my family and then enjoy your life with someone else.

I am not going to be my mother and i will never let you be Evangeline!" she shouted with tears brimming in her eyes and then she turned and ran out of the room as she did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her broken.

Ethan's eyes flicker when her words sink into his mind. He tilted his head and looked at Theo with grim eyes.

"Are you sure you have investigated her well and did not miss details?"
