Chapter 1001 Foreigners

Two days later, Vicente and his group left Fallsor Bluff and headed off on an official road, a path less likely to be used by beasts, but still more dangerous than traveling around the island by plane.

The forests were definitely the most dangerous places to travel. But beyond them, there were magician's road zones, areas of greater activity and observed by magicians, where beasts and magicians could act against travelers.

Groups of bandits acted mainly on roads on the island, where the movement of medium and low-level individuals was intense. Strong beasts and magicians rarely wasted their time in such areas, making the place interesting for commercial travel and criminal actions.

Bert and Garin told Vicente about the dangers ahead, but he continued calmly. His biggest concern was leaving Fallsor Bluff, where he had had no luck finding an interesting beast for him to hunt, and decided it would be better to return to the sect.

Leaving Fallsor Bluff wasn't so difficult, followed by another five days of relatively quiet travel in which the group would stop to eat and rest and travel most of the time.

Vicente used the time to get to know more of the continent, experiencing different landscapes and types of creatures that he had never seen before.


With one day to go before Vicente's group reached the city of magicians from where they would take rapid transportation to Ravengarde, they passed a group of golden carriages that caught their leader's eye.

As they walked along the dirt road, surrounded by the lush vegetation of the area they were in on this sunny mid-afternoon, Bert, Garin and Vicente's eyes narrowed in the direction of the convoy of five golden carriages. This was not only the largest group of travelers they had seen in recent days, but it was also the best armed!

Each of the carriages had two coachmen and four guards riding around the vehicles, looking at their surroundings with arrogant and vigilant looks on their faces.

From one of the carriages, Vicente and his companions spotted one of the passengers on the train, a woman who shouldn't have been over 1 meter tall, with blonde hair, an adult body and pointed ears.

Vicente was not mistaken. That was one of Light Cay's fairies!

"That woman must be important," Bert said quietly. "There's a dwarf and an elf next to her."

Vicente observed the other two magical beings mentioned, a small human man and a green creature similar in size to the fairy and the dwarf, but skin as green as the leaves of many plants in the surrounding area.

There were fairies in Polaris Realm, which Vicente had already learned were races related to those in Anicane. The fact that drew attention to this group was that there were no fairies in Light Cay, which implied that this woman was from another island, or perhaps her entire group was from outside Light Cay.

"They say that dwarves and elves are friends of the forest. They serve the fairies of various races." Garin muttered, watching out of the corner of his eye, trying not to stare more than he should.

But Garin and Bert were clearly very interested, even more so than the curious Vicente.

"What's the matter?" Vice asked the two of them, leaving half the carriages behind as he walked under the icy stares of the apparently magicians guards.

"The problem is the clashes between islands, senior." Bert reminded Vicente of this important fact. "The islands of Anicane aren't friendly with each other, in most cases at least. Light Cay supposedly has friends around the world, but these are friendships of convenience. In short, as long as it's advantageous, the parties support each other."

"You think this group might be on the island for troublesome things?" Bert nodded positively. "Of course. I don't know if they'll do it because it's the main purpose of their trip. But foreigners always cause trouble."

"We should notify the sect when we get back to headquarters." Garin agreed with Bert.

"Hey, you!" Shouted one guard from the third carriage of the convoy, for a moment making Bert and Garin shiver.

'Shit! Did we speak too loudly?' Bert hesitated as he looked away, feeling that perhaps he had said things too soon.

Vicente looked at the individual of normal body size for a human, keeping calm with this group of 7th stage beings.

"What?" The black-haired young man asked, curious how the situation would develop. He was already curious about the composition of this group and their apparent opulence. Their approaching his group was actually something he liked.

The guard continued on his horse, while Rex stood in front of his master, ready to act.

"My lady likes your pet. She's willing to give you the grace to accompany her and listen to her proposal," he said in a firm, decisive tone, making it seem as if Vicente didn't have the option of refusing.

The two magicians next to Vicente looked at Rex and sighed. Given how good the Flaming Lion's magical and spiritual quality was, they had expected that, sooner or later, Vice would get into trouble.

Vicente scanned his surroundings, looking at the many guards monitoring him, but also at the people inside the train's central carriage. Smiling, he revealed the sword hanging from his waist, something he didn't use, but liked to have as a decorative item.

"Rex is not for sale," Vicente said this feebly, stepping forward, indicating clearly that he would fight if necessary.

His demeanor immediately drew attention. It wasn't common for someone in his situation, outnumbered and with inferior cultivation, to refuse an offer in such a way.

But although he was interested, Vicente would never enter a conversation with such a group without clarifying that his companion was not for sale.

"Didn't you hear what I said? This is an opportunity, you ignorant fool! Reconsider or deal with the consequences." The same guard who had spoken advanced until he dismounted from his horse, 15 meters in front of Vicente.

"Oh? Is that a threat?" Vicente asked with a smile on his face, making his two magical companions break out in a cold sweat. They were slowly learning how bad it was to travel alongside someone as powerful as Vice.
