Chapter 1871 Not Impressive.

Instead, he aimed for the space between its left shoulder and his head. So the attack was diagonal, not vertical. This meant that if the goblin would dodge, it had to dodge away from the strike and not towards. This was effectively narrowing its options.

That's exactly what happened. The goblin dashed to his left in order to avoid the attack. If he had another hand, he would have used shield bash to stagger the goblin as it dodged. Unfortunately, he couldn't, so he used the next best thing.

He kicked the goblin with his left foot. His foot struck it in the chest and made it cry out in pain. Its pain was short-lived because a blade stabbed into its chest.

Taylor removed the sword from its chest and swung it again. He repeated the diagonal attack, aiming for its neck. This time it couldn't dodge. So the sword cut off its head. Taylor smiled to himself and said, "That's how it's done. It is just a goblin, and I am better than a goblin."

But the gods watching him didn't think he was so great. Some of them thought he was weak for needing three moves to kill a goblin, and others thought he was cute for celebrating his victory over such a weak creature. They didn't speak their thoughts, so Taylor remained oblivious to their presence. He was returned to the first floor in a flash of light.

The people around the first floor saw him return just as he had disappeared. They didn't bat an eye at the sight.

They also noticed that the paper tag in his hand combusted instead of returning to the blackboard. It meant he had completed the mission successfully. They were not surprised or impressed by it.

They were not impressed either when he continued with an E-rank mission and completed it. It is not that they think hobgoblins and goblin shamans are weak; they have just seen too many powerful people take them down without a class.

Someone had even gone on to finish a D-rank mission without a class. They had fought an orc. It was a ferocious humanoid monster that is vastly more skilled than goblins and twice as strong as humans to boot. But that man defeated it without a class. That spearman had received a class from the gods immediately he performed such a feat. So they have seen a lot of powerful individuals. It is something that is to be expected amongst a population of a million.

If just 1% of them are fighting geniuses, that means there are 10,000 such geniuses among the 1,000,000 of them. Even if only 0.0% of that are fighting geniuses, that still leaves 100 fighting for the spot of top 10. The competition is just too intense for the completion of an E-rank mission to be impressive. So Taylor didn't make any waves when he completed more E-ranked missions.

He might have turned heads had he completed a D-rank mission. But he didn't risk it just so he could impress people. Instead, he went to the fifth floor to buy skills for his class. When he got to the fifth floor, he operated the terminal in front of the door of one of the rooms to peruse the list of skills and techniques available to him. He noticed that there were two prerequisites that he had to acquire before he could get any skill or spell. He had to pick one of these two or he couldn't get skills.

He asked Ragna, "Why is the Core engine a must?"

A tiny Ragna appeared beside him and replied, "It is the foundation of all your skills. It will be the bridge between your class and your body. Your class is already connected to the mana in the world, but Core Engine will enable you to be able to enhance your body with mana using skills."

"The opposite is the Spirit Lever. It is for mages and those who want to rely on their minds rather than their bodies. It is a must for them to acquire the Spirit Lever if they want to cast spells."

Taylor nodded and said, "Hmmm. I'll take it. Not that I have a choice. Besides, it is cheap."

He understood the requirements to be the foundation of warriors and mages. As someone who likes to play as a shield knight, he would go for the option to play as a warrior all the time.

Unfortunately, he only has one arm, and his class is already set, so he can only play as a warrior swordman. So core engine has to be his choice. He spent 10 training points on Core Engine. Then he spent 100 on Power Strike, 100 on Dash, and another 100 Harden.

From their description, he can tell that these three skills cover the bases for attack, speed, and defense. They are common and general skills that every fighter must have. They are also flexible in that they can be used in different ways. The door of the room opened with an audible swish after he made his selection. It had opened like the doors of an elevator. "Wish me luck," he said to Ragna as he entered it.

Ragna chuckled evilly and said, "You will need it."

Taylor thought little of his odd behavior and entered the room. The door was locked behind him, which plunged the room into darkness. Then the floor beneath him disappeared. He began to fall into total darkness. He was wondering what to do when he felt something dig into his chest. He looked down and saw nothing but darkness. But the pain didn't go away. It increased steadily until it became unbearable.

The pain wasn't in his head either. The spot where he felt the pain actually lit up in the dark. It became the only source of light in the dark. It looked like he had a small light bulb at the center of his chest.
