Chapter 1859: Afro Samurai.  

By the time the cat was done with his corpse, only his bag and his unused blade were left. Then the cat ventured out onto the streets.

The cat wasn't the only beast that was riled up by all the commotion the humans were causing. Different beasts, ranging from giant rats to giant lizards and giant birds, also came out.

They were few in number for now. And they were easily scared off. Only those who were unlucky or alone met their demise at the claws of the beasts.

This was good news for many people. But for some, it was a bad thing that the giant cat was scared away easily. Abdul Taofek was one of those who were disappointed that he couldn't fight the giant cat. He was alone in that feeling.

He held two blades with both hands and was ready to "bust" a move when the cat ran away.

He sighed and asked no one in particular, "How will I be refined if the fires of the forge don't burn hot enough?"

He was really dramatic about it. He had torn off the sleeves of this shirt, made it tattered, and used what he tore off to form a rope of fabric that he tied around his head.

His feet were bare, and so was his chest. He didn't mind it. In fact, he made it so. Now he has achieved what he wanted. He looks like a true samurai.

As a hot-blooded male who's mission is to face overwhelming odds and come out victorious, he felt that he needed to look the part. After all, fortune favors the bold. So he has to be bold.

Unfortunately, he was too bold, which made the cat afraid. Now he has to trudge through the city looking for a great fight to make his blood boil.

So while others were running for cover or looking for where to hide, he continued to walk through the open streets fearlessly, looking for who to fight.

He didn't attack other humans unless they were aggressive toward him. There were a lot of these people who were aggressive toward him, but he dispatched them all the same. It wasn't luck. He killed all of them with a single purposeful move.

His life was preserved, but he wasn't happy about it. He always complained, "When will my worthy advasary come? When will death come to claim my head? How will my blade beat back death itself when there is no one to offer me death?"

Then he would sigh and say, "The worth of a man is how bright his life burns. Unfortunately, I have no spark or kindle to set my soul aflame."

He is truly sorrowful. He enjoys virtual reality games for the freedom it grants him to pursue the pinnacle of his art. He aims to be the greatest martial artist in the world and this particular one has given him a great opportunity to do so.

He has never felt this great before. His body is moving in total sync with his mind. His body does what he wants it to do, when he wants to do it, and how he wants it to be done.

It is a special state of full body control that martial artists throughout the world and across history have fantasized about. It is literally something he wishes for in his dreams.

So this game is a great opportunity for him to achieve the peak of what's possible with martial arts. It is so valuable that he would have sold an arm and a leg to gain access to the game.

To top it off, there is no limit to his range of motion at all. The things he couldn't do before because of the protection mechanism of his body have become possible now.

His muscles and tendons can stretch to the limit without fear of damage. When combined with total body control, the sky is the limit to what he is capable of.

Only his mind can shackle him. So all he wants is to put his new body through the ringer. But there is no one worthy enough to push him to his limit.

The only exciting thing that happened was when he was attacked by 4 people at the same time. He managed to come out of that fight without a single scratch, which made him sad after the fight was over.

Fortunately or unfortunately, night fell and the beast rose in the darkness. They were timid before, but not anymore. Now they have the advantage of numbers and can see in the dark. They became the predators they were meant to be.

Many people wailed and fled as they were hunted. But Ab Tfuck, as he would like to be called, only grinned. He raised his hand to the nearest giant rat and said, "Come to me. Try to free the blood in my veins. Make it run hot and flow into the world. End my suffering with magnificent death."

The rat didn't know what he was saying. But it heard him and turned to him. Then it lunged at him.

Tfuck laughed and moved to defend himself. He stepped forward and slashed one of the blades towards the face of the rat. The rat dodged by moving to the side, but this opened it up to the second blade.

The rat shriked when its face was torn open. But then air was cut off from its throat when Tfuck turned and kicked it in the chest.

The rat fell to the ground on its back. So Tfuck took advantage of the situation to stab it in the chest and end its misery. Blood splashed onto his face. It warmed his cold body and beat back the effects of the cold night wind.

"Hmmm," he exclaimed, "the sweet taste of victory. How wonderful. How addictive."

He didn't check how many survival points he had acquired. He hasn't checked since the beginning of the trial. Instead, he jumped into the midst of the beast hoard and fought for his

