Chapter 1846: Pressure The Gods.  

The fighting amongst the gods had stopped because of the presence of the two domain gods. But no one gave up and returned to Gemmis yet because they were hoping that the two domain gods would be too busy fighting each other to deal with them.

The situation became more complicated when the third domain god of the northern realm joined them. It was Feathered Serpent. He had a blue body with water for hair.

He said to Legion-1, "9 Crowns, congratulations on becoming a domain god. Who would have thought you would manage this before Crystal Hoard? We were supposed to be the ones to end you, but here we are."

Legion-1 replied, "Congratulations to you too. I hope the fact that I killed one of your Oracles doesn't make us estranged."

Feathered Serpent smiled and said, "No, not at all."

Legion-1 nodded sincerely. "That's good to hear. Speaking of an ambush that failed and its repercussions, my allies are waiting on you for that domain you promised. They know that you have a year to fulfill your side of the contract, but they hope that you can fulfill it earlier."

Feathered Serpent sighed and said, "It is going to be very difficult to do so, seeing as domains are so rare. That's why I came here."

Smite finally joined in. He said, "I am sure you are pressed to fulfill your part of the contract quickly, but that won't make me step aside for you in the upcoming struggle. You will only find a willing competitor in me."

Feathered Serpent refused to back down, but he explained his intention clearly. "I am not asking for you to let me have the domains. I'm sure I can get them on my own. But what I came here mainly for is to encourage you to influence the god kings and let the vote to allow Gemmis to give domain quests to pass. That way there will be more opportunities for us to get domains."

Smite nodded. "That's a good idea. It is better than my idea to create divine calamities. But my idea was far easier to implement. Creating divine calamities will be beneficial to the gods in the short term, so they are more likely to go for it. Allowing Gemmis to give out domain quests means that we will benefit first before them. They can't allow that."

Feathered Serpent didn't agree. "That may be so in the past. But there are more and more domain gods now, and the gap is already wide. When we besiege them soon and steal their domains, they will realize that they will never be able to rise above our shadow if they have to rely on such meager opportunities for domains. They will have to pass the vote."

Smite agreed, "That is true. Let us make that work."

Legion-1 who had been listening, decided to create a smokescreen for his upcoming actions. He asked them, "Are we really sure the domains can be taken out of God's Domain? It would be a shame to go through all of these struggles for nothing."

Smite replied, "I have tested it. The domains can indeed be converted to Authority in the void universe. My world god confirmed it. But she said that the Authority of the void universe was very weak. So I returned to God's Domain with the domain because the power of the Authority can only be increased here."

Legion was relieved to hear that, but only partly because they didn't believe what he said completely. But they are willing to accept what he said because it would provide the right motive for hunt any domain he comes across.

He can just say that he is doing so to pressure the gods into voting for those on the top of the ranking to get their just rewards. But he is not going to stop there.

Now that he knows that the gods will soon be willing to do anything for a domain, including letting the stronger gods at the top of the ranking gain more benefits, the ranking list has become too palatable to give up.

Currently, he is at the top of Authority ranking. Feathered Serpent is at the top of the Pantheon Ranking, while Smite is at the top for the divinity and power ranking. So the three of them constitute the largest potential beneficiaries of the ranking list. He would like to change that and become the sole beneficiary.

Legion-1 thought to the other clones, "Screw a domain we might get or not. We must kill these two at all costs."

He decided then that even if Smite doesn't have an extra domain to drop, he will kill the first domain god. That way, Smite's divinity will be halved, and he will lose his top ranking. This means he must also kill Feathered Serpent so that he can reap the benefits of his work.

He might not be able to bring down Feathered Serpent's Pantheon Ranking because the members of the Apocalypse Pantheon aren't as strong as Feathered Serpent's. But he must give it a try, and he must make sure Feathered Serpent doesn't replace Smite as the top on the divinity ranking.

The three gods chatted amicably, but that was only on the surface. Deep down, they were wary of each other. They knew that a fight could break out anytime, but they didn't leave because they wanted to hunt for domains for various reasons.

Besides, they thought the other two wouldn't start a fight until a domain appeared. So they simply let the tension simmer amongst one another.

The fuse was lit when a trial finished. Gods suddenly appeared in one of the locations where the ancient titans died. There was a god among all of them that was glowing brightly.

These were all the clues they needed to come to the same conclusion that someone had gotten a domain. They also came to the conclusion that it was time to fight. So the three domain gods used their divine spells immediately.
