Chapter 1845: Attack Or Not?
His suspicion is not a baseless suspicion. After all, Crystal Hoard got one, and so did they. If they are wrong about anything, it will be that Smite's reward has nothing to do with his motives. But they are certain that Smite should have received a unique reward.
The other things they are uncertain about are if they can get Smite's reward if they kill him and if they can kill him at all.
Legion-1 thought to himself, "If he has the smallest unit of the fire domain, he will have a world power of 100,000. If he has more, then he will be able to hit harder. But only that."
"The divine fire body doesn't enhance Endurance or Speed, so no matter how many units of the fire domain he has, he will remain vulnerable. It is just that his attack power will be very high, which will make it dangerous to fight him."
The fact that he is faster than Smite doesn't make Smite harmless. They just don't know enough to determine if he can be killed or if they will gain anything apart from divinity even if they kill him.
He was sizing up Smite to attack him as he moved closer to the god. He didn't use insight or bring out any weapon so as not to appear suspicious. He simply approached as if to have a discussion.
He asked when he got close, "What are you doing here?"
Smite replied, "Same as you."
Smite didn't take his eyes away from looking at the ground for prey. He didn't put up any guard apart from the usual divine shield either. It is because he doesn't think he has anything to fear from 9 crowns anymore.
He has identified the divine body that 9 Crowns possesses and come to the conclusion that it is not related to his domain. That means 9 Crowns won't be able to use his domain even if it was offered to him.
This made him feel smug. After all, he has an advantage over every god. Only he got a reward for being the first domain god. This reward allows him to have the maximum type of domains.
So he should be the only domain god that will attack any domain god indiscriminately, not Legion or anyone else. At this stage, he should only fear gods that have his type of domaim. They are his direct competition.
Of course, 9 Crowns can still attack him for divinity. But it will be easier and wiser to attack the weaker true gods for their divinity. So he wasn't wary of 9 crowns. Besides, he has already prepared for a fight with 9 Crowns. It is something he had to do when he found out that 9 Crowns had become a domain god.
He spoke calmly to 9 Crowns, but he was watchful for any suspicious actions. But it seemed he was right not to be wary. 9 Crowns didn't attack him.
He felt confident in himself because of this. That wouldn't be so if he knew that Legion-1 hadn't attacked yet because he hadn't made up his mind to. His clones were drilling the angel for more information to make a decision.
Legion-3 asked, "Will he drop his domain if we kill him?"
It replied, "He will drop one only if he has more than one unit of any type of domain."
Then Legion-9 asked, "How do we know how many units of his domain he has?"
The angel shook its head and said, "You can't tell that. But you can tell if he has more units than you when he attacks. You will be able to compare the amount of world power he is controlling to yours and make deductions from that."
He really wanted to attack Smite for his domain or for his reward, but there was just too much uncertainty about being able to get any reward for killing him.
First of all, Smite won't drop any domain if he has the smallest unit in his possession. He will only drop extra. Secondly, even if Smite can drop his reward, he won't drop it if it is in his inventory.
For the third reason, it is that even though killing Smite now will remove him from the top of the divinity ranking, it will only place 9 Crowns as second since there is still another domain god between them and Smite.
There is also the matter of the ranking not bringing any benefits since the gods have voted against rewarding those at the top of the ranking. So not only will they not become first on the divinity ranking of Smite is killed, it won't benefit them even if they become first.
So if he attacks and even succeeds in killing Smite now only to get nothing for it, not only will that waste his efforts, it will also turn Smite into his enemy. He doesn't want to be an enemy with the first domain god for nothing.
To top all of it off is the uncertainty of Smite's strength. All of these made Legion-1 decide on what to do.
He said to himself, "I will wait for him to attack something first. Doesn't he want to attack true gods with domains? Let's see how much world power he will use when I interfere. Then I will decide if I want to kill him or not."
Legion-7 suggested, "We can also try to capture him and see if we can force any benefits out of him."
Legion-5 shook his head and said, "That's too dangerous."
Legion-7 clarified, "It all depends on how weak he is compared to us. It is just an option for now."
So Legion-1 decided not to attack only because he was waiting for the right opportunity to do
The two domain gods stood in the air like birds of prey. Their presence pressured the other gods waiting below for the same thing. These true gods were at a lose for what to do.