Chapter 1823: Ring Leader.  

The boycott of the gods has reduced the rate of accumulating divinity, but it hasn't made them helpless. Their immense Authority has come to their rescue again. With 673,891

believers producing an average of 1 prayer per day, they can produce 6,740 divinity as long as they have divine crystals.

That's the equivalent of killing two gods with 6,740 per day. They can produce 2,460,100 in a year. After they pay their 100 divinity per day rent, they will still have 2,423,600 in a year.

So in time, their storage of Authority will become terrifying. Their increasing Authority will make that day come sooner.

Fortunately, they don't have to wait that long. The opportunity has come for them to fix the problem quickly. The gods desperation to acquire the Authority of the void has overcome their fear of the Orc Bandits. It is like Legion-3 said, they will be able to eat well again.

The six Orc Bandits went on a rampage immediately. They killed everyone around them and spread out to kill more. This caused wide-spread panic that reminded them of why they didn't come out of Gemmis for the past five years.

It also caused the gods to stop fighting each other. Instead of fighting, they all chose to run away from the Orc Bandits. They didn't do something useless like fighting back. They have learned that lesson after numerous failures.

Running helped most of them, but it didn't stop the orc bandits from hunting. At this rate, the Orc Bandits will kill most of them eventually.

But then a loud voice came from the sky. It said, "Stop running away, you fools. Surround them and kill them."

Everyone looked up to see a single god standing in the air. This god's race was not easy to identify because their body was burning with flames. Especially their hair and eyes, which were completely fire.

The identity of the god was determined immediately, though. If only for the fact that this is the first god that they have seen that can fly.

The god got everyone's attention, including that of Legion. The clones stopped to see what he wanted to do.

Smite continued to speak. "You are numerous than them. The problem is that you are divided. If you stop attacking each other and focus on them, then you will be able to eliminate them."

"But that will only solve one problem. Killing them will only get you 5,000 divinity. It won't eliminate them, and it certainly won't get you domains. What we need is a set of rules so that we can function properly."

"I propose that we stop hunting each other. Anyone that breaks that rule should be beset by everyone else. I will personally take action to attack whoever breaks the rule and ruins the peace."

"We should use this peace to raise divine calamities. Each Pantheon will feed a divine beast 10,000 divinity and allow the divine beast to kill about 90 true gods from their pantheon. That is the most effective way to make divine calamities."

The gods were silent as they considered the idea. It is not a new idea. Many others have proposed it, but it couldn't pass because of greed. Someone was always going to hunt other gods and get away with it. The agreement would eventually devolve after they began fighting each other.

But this time things are different. There is a very powerful god that wants to enforce the agreement. Plus, most of the gods are open to it. After all, they are all scared of 9 Crowns and his orc bandits.

This made everyone turn towards the orc bandits to see what their reaction would be.

Legion-1 asked, "What do you plan to gain from this? Surely you can't be doing this out of kindness."

Smite lied, "Our senseless violence empowers the divine beasts, which in turn empowers the ancient titans and makes them wake up faster. I want to prevent that."

Legion-1 said with disdain, "If you don't want to tell us your motives, then say that. Don't lie to us. We are not ignorant of the fact that creating divine calamities and killing them also speeds up the awakening of the ancient titans. So your motive of preventing the awakening of ancient titans is clearly dragon shit."

Smite insisted, "But my way eliminates waste that will otherwise help the ancient titans."

Legion-1 refused, "No, it doesn't. You were the one that told us that killing divine calamities can grant domain quests. That's the reason we're all here. If you cared about the awakening of the ancient titans, you wouldn't have spread that information."

Smite still continued to lie. He shook his head and said, "Those two things are separate. I can sell that information for divinity and also hope that it doesn't cause the ruination of the gods."

Legion-1 scoffed. "Who are you trying to deceive? You didn't even ask for secrecy when you sold that information. You were hoping everyone would know about it. Now here we are trying to create divine calamities."

"You didn't tell us to stop creating divine calamities. Instead, you offered a more efficient way to create them. I dare say that you are trying to use us to wake up the ancient titans earlier. This way, you will be able to monopolize them for yourself. After all, you are strongest."

Smite chuckled and said, "I don't dare call myself the strongest. I am only at the top of the divinity ranking. There is still you at the top of the Authority and Power ranking."

As a domain god, his limit of divinity has increased, and unlike when Legion became a true god, he has a lot of divinity to use to grow stronger, and he currently doesn't have any competition. So he was able to rise to the top of the divinity ranking.

But that doesn't mean he is the strongest god. He will have to beat 9 Crowns' feat of fighting off a pantheon on his own first and become the first on the power ranking list before he can compare himself to 9 Crowns.
