Chapter 46  

Chapter 46   – Follow Me If You Can

“How is it?”

“What do you think? It’s great . ”

Jaegun said positively at Somii’s thought .

Who would dislike their work becoming a comic?

Jaegun didn’t think of anything else .

And it was Comic KT, so there was no need to hesitate .

“But I have no knowledge of comics, so I have no idea about the profit distributions . ”

“I have no idea either…”

Somii explained with wide eyes .

“If you do this comic with Comic KT, that means your novel will be a contract . Comic KT will buy the drawer, the writer, and others . It’s also very hard to make the entire story into one comic . ”

“Yes . ”

“The editor said it will be about 10 percent . 10 percent of the webtoon . So 5 to 5 with StarBooks as well . Because it’s a derivative work . ”

“Hm, yes . ”

Jaegun was thinking about the contract that all had the word “derivate” work . Whether if it was a movie or comic remake, the original was his .

Jaegun didn’t pay any attention to this at all his entire life, because he didn’t know his work would be used for another work .

‘Modern Ranking will be made into a comic…!’

The movie that played in his mind was coming alive . It was Jaegun who still didn’t believe what was happening .

“There’s not gonna be a huge profit . If the profit is about 1000 dollars, you get about 50 dollars . ”

“Yes . ”

“But if the webtoon gets good, the novel gets good publicity too . The 3rd book of the Ranking series . If the paper books go out, then the electronic version goes out, and then you can let the webtoons go out . That would be great . ”

Jaegun smiled .

Tewon’s expression that said to not forget his focus came up in his mind . He could always trust that man .

“I’ll do it . ”

Jaegun decided without saying anything .

“I hope it goes to a good writer and becomes well made . ”

“I hope it does . Don’t worry . I’ll see if it’s good . And if the candidate is decided, I’ll send him or her to you and ask for your opinion . ”

“Thank you . ”

The food was brought in and they started to eat .

Jaegun ate happily with Somii . The finished work relieved him .

“Uh, Writer Ha . ”

Somii said as she poured him a cup of water .

“Are you writing anything?”

“No, Not really . ”

“Then… do you… do you have any chance of writing a sequel . ”

Jaegun was thinking ‘Of course’ as Somii struggled to speak .

As the 3rd book was done, StarBooks wanted a sequel . As Somii requested the webtoons first, the order was pushed back .

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea of story currently . I can’t think of anything either . ”

“You must be tired . Then I can’t really ask either . I’ll wait, sir . ”

Somii backed off quickly .

Jaegun felt relieved, but slightly suspicious . He knew Somii was the type to put all her energy into her work .

But she gave up this quickly

He thought she would ask a bit more .

‘Maybe she really thought of my well-being . ’

As lunch ended, Jaegun still thought it was suspicious . He glanced at her face, but still couldn’t see her feelings .

“That was a good meal, Somii . ”

“No, this meal was good because of you, writer . ”

The two people went outside and stood by the road .

The wind was cool and soft . The heat was mild as well, so it would be good to go out somewhere .

“Are you going back to work?”

“No, Comic KT . ”


“Yes, I’ve heard your response, so I should go ahead . It’s why I came out . ”

Somii smiled and said . He had no expectations of getting over 20000 books .

This reflected his position as a new writer who had just begun to show off his name .

‘Let’s start . ’

Jaegun pulled out Se Gunwoo’s glasses and put them on . It was something to help him read fast .

He could read about 15 books in 1 hour at the least .

“Ah this is really good . ”

It was when he went by the fantasy section .

He could hear the conversation between two college kids .

Jaegun’s two eyes caught the two people . One person was holding Pegelon’s Swordsman and was speaking .

“The prequel one was Pegelon’s Magician and it was beast . I read it and I couldn’t read anything else for a while . You know him?”

“Yeah, it’s Pyung Cheon Yu . Haven’t you seen the Ranking series?”

“Of course I’ve seen those . Ah frick . I want to read it, but it’s wrapped . Ah, I’ll just buy it . It’s Pyung Cheon Yu . ”

The man pulled out every book in the Pegelon’s Swordsman series and went to the clerk .

Jaegun couldn’t move .

He could only listen to the employees and the money that went into his bank . But he never really saw the reader’s reactions as close as this .

He was very thankful to the man that said his work was fun .

Jaegun held his gracious mind and walked toward the genre mixture section .

“Hm, this is good . Romance has this feeling . ”

“Ah, this guy was the criminal? Wow?”

“Was this writer always this hardcore? This is kind of awkward . It’s violent but it doesn’t have the feeling . ”

“Ah, ah, this guy isn’t very good . ”

About 2 hours since he came in .

His hands almost couldn’t be seen .

Jaegun was leaning his body in corner and was flipping through the pages very quickly . The people who passed in front of him all looked Jaegun with curious eyes .

‘Ah, this line is done so let’s go here . ’

Jaegun was reading through books at a massive pace .

He wasn’t just flipping through them

He was reading at the speed of light with these glasses .

Jaegun’s 1 year average reading was about 150 books . Even if he read 3-4 books in a week, he could only read about 150 books .

But now in just 2 hours, he had read over 50 books .

A writer learns from reading .

At this point, Jaegun was maturing at a writer, in this corner of a bookstore


‘That person is always like that .

The girl employee looked towards Jaegun and widened her eyes .

It was a strange customer that she couldn’t just pass .

He was flipping through pages and putting them back . And then he pulled another and put that back… it was about 2 hours of the same thing .

‘Is he looking at something?’

Jaegun’s hand became faster and faster as she looked on .

The girl employee went to organize the book and slightly stood next to Jaegun . As she glanced at her face, she could see his eyes . His eyes were shaking, looking at the pages as he flipped .


The girl couldn’t believe it .

‘…is he reading?’

At that moment .



Jaegun sighed as the book ripped . It was a consequence of his hands moving too fast .

Jaegun lifted his head and noticed the employee and said to her .

“I’m sorry . I flipped it to fast that I ripped it . I’ll buy this book . ”

“Ahha, yes… . Hm…?’

The girl employee stared blankly . Jaegun’s face looked familiar to her .

“Uh… . uh… . Um…”


“Are you… . . Writer Ha Jaegun?”
