Chapter 44  

Chapter 44   – With the Night’s Protection

“Thank you . Here . ”

The taxi arrived at his house and Jageun and Suhee left the taxi .

Jaegun went first and opened the door for her . Rika, who was sleeping on the floor came up to Jaegun and raised her tail .

“Were you resting well? Today, I came with Suhee . ”

“Rika, hello . Remember me?”

Suhee, who came up behind Jaeugn, greeted her .

Rika had the face that said she didn’t dislike Suhee, but she didn’t like her that well either .

She slowly turned around and went farther into the cat tower .

“She doesn’t like me . ”

“This means she does . She’s really selective so . Come in . ”

“OK . ”

Suhee took off her boots and came in .

Jaegun quickly closed the door and turned on the laptop . He put up the draft on the screen and then he put his shoes back on .

“I’ll go buy some beer and something to eat, so read it while I’m gone . ”

“There’s a store nearby?”

“There’s no convenience store, but there’s a small supermarket . I’ll be back”

“Ok, go ahead . ”

It was Rika and Suhee alone in the house when he left .

Suhee sat down on the chair in front of the laptop and said to Rika .

“Rika must have been bored today . He only knows writing, he doesn’t play with you, right?”

Suhee turned her glance to the laptop .

Jaegun’s story filled the screen . She put down her bag from her shoulder, and started to read from the first paragraph .

“Hm, what’s this? The male main is just like Park Jongjin?”

There was the feeling of being pulled into the book even in the beginning .

Suhee was already deep in the book with just a few pages .

She drank a few bottles, and she was a bit tired because she came in to a warm room, but the story was keeping her entranced throughout it .

“How is it?”

It was about 50 pages, when Jaegun came in with a bag . Suhee answered with a smiling face .

“I read until the part they met and it’s really good . ”


“Ah, yeah, but…”

Suhee hesitated and continued carefully .

“Maybe it’s because I heard you say it, but the female main character really feels a bit weird . There are some parts where I can’t connect to her as a girl . ”

“Ahhhh… . Is it . ”

Jaegun sighed and sat down on the floor .

Suhee, in addition to Professor Han Hesun, was saying the same thing . It was a problem that couldn’t be avoided .

“Try and revise it with a calm mind . You write well . ”

“Thanks, I should but…”

Jaegun sighed heavily like the floor was gonna collapse .

Suhee’s encouragement was nice, but truthfully, it didn’t help much .

‘Look at that, Rika . He brought me in here, but he’s only thinking about writing . Am I right? He only has writing on his mind . ’

Suhee complained in her mind and took a can of beer that Jaegun bought in her hand . She was about to drink one out of politeness and leave .

‘I came for no reason . ’

It felt like Jaegun was only concentrated on writing .

It slowly dawned on her that maybe her existence was making him distracted .

Suhee opened the bottle and turned around to the cat tower . Rika was lying on the tower, with her back to her .

‘Does he have no feelings for me?’

A question with an answer she could not bear to hear, a small drink of beer was going through Suhee’s throat

Just then,

Rika slowly turned her head around .

Rika’s two eyes had Jaegun and Suhee images put together in her two eyes .

The two people’s figures were becoming clearer by the second .

‘Ah? This, this?!’

Jaegun quickly lifted his head . With wide eyes, he was looking at Rika and Suhee .

“Jaegun, what’s wrong? Does your head hurt?”

“W, wait . ”

Jaegun, holding his forehead, slowly walked towards the laptop . His two eyes were glaring at Rika on the cat tower . ‘I should clean up . ’

Suhee lifted up the stocking that fell when she was helping Jaegun and started to clean . Rika was following Suhee with a glance that she liked her now .

‘He must eat ramen in the morning . ’’

Suhee put some rice in the rice cooker as well .

There was no food on the refrigerator so she boiled tuna-kimchi stew, made eggs, and put a wrap on it .

‘Sleep well . This one’s gonna do well . ’

Jaegun didn’t feel Suhee’s hand pulling the blanket on top of him .

Suhee, finished with cleaning, turned off everything except for a small light and left .


“The name Ha Jaegun is not a waste . ”


Office 403, next to Myunggyung College .

Jaegun, about to drink coffee, was baffled . Han Hesun was smiling widely in front of him .

“This novel is the best that you have ever written . The completion of this novel is high and the entertainment value was good too . This should be good enough for the literary world . ”

“I don’t know what to say . ”

It was very sincere .

He thought he wrote pretty well, but he didn’t think Hesun, who never gave out compliments, would compliment him so much .

“You must have worked hard . You’ve grown so much . I can see you as an adult . I can clearly see your figure growing as a writer . ”

Hesun tapped Jaegun’s shoulder and continued .

Jaegun put his head down and closed his lips .

His nose was tingling .

He could really feel Hesun’s care for her students .

“Look at this . ”

Hesun pulled her phone out .

Checking the screen, Jaegun surprisingly looked at Hesun .

“Professor, this…”

“Go in . ”

Jaegun swallowed .

What she showed was the Modern Teen Literary Contest .

It had a huge history and there was one winner every year .

Many books became bestsellers, and many books became movies and dramas . The prize money was also about 30 thousand dollars so it was a award that had a high standard .

“If you win here, you get a reputation greater than the metropolitan newspaper . I think your work has potential to win . ”

“Professor, I don’t have any want to have a reputation . And as for that, I already have the Digital Literary Contest…”

“You know what our country thinks of the reputation as a writer and you say that?”


“I’m not saying to be one of the greats of the literary world . I’m saying to get more people to read your works . The people who read your winning work will gladly read your other books -even the people who throw books away if it’s not a literary award winner . ”

“Yes, Professor… I get it . ”

Jaegun nodded her head .

He confirmed his mind with Hesun’s urging .

There really was no reason to think because it didn’t matter if he didn’t win anyway .

“But you have no title . I don’t think I missed it, so did you not choose one?”

Hesun was looking through it and asked . Jaegun answered while walking towards the sink .

“I decided when I was coming here . ”

“Yes? What is it?”

“Storm and Gale . ”

Hesun gazed with strange face .

Jaegun, with his back to the sink, continued with a unconfident voice .

“I made it so that the strong wind is like the karaoke helper… I felt it fit the story’s mood well . Is it weird?”


Hesun laughed a little .

The laugh became louder and she doubled over laughing .

“Is it that weird, Professor?”

“No, that’s not it . It fits you . It fits you . It’s fits Ha Jaegun . ”

Hesun waved, when she finally stopped laughing, .

Fixing her glasses, she gave him a thumbs up .

“I like it . Go like the storm and gale . ”

Jaegun’s face had a shiny smile .

With a swelling chest, he bowed to the professor that he admired the most in the world .
