Raymond Walker - The troubled lover

Even after silencing the entire board of Directors, there was the same indifferent look on the face of Raymond. As if nothing had happened. He smiled at the man again who opened the door for him and walked back towards his father's office which had now become his.

Somehow he was curious about his belongings. He was curious about how he lived and worked there night after night, without worrying about his family which always had dinner without him. The thoughts of the past came crowding in.

He opened his mobile before entering the room, to look through the face gallery to jog his memory, but when he entered the entire setting of the room had changed. His books, the picture frames on his table, all his belongings that made the room like his den, had disappeared.

'Is it the same room?' pondered Raymond and then his eyes locked on a person sitting on the couch.

"Why are you here?" And words just sprang out of his mouth seeing Dr. Nelson sitting on the right side of the room.

Dr. Nelson got up cautiously as Raymond entered the room and said,


"You sound bitter !!! Was the meeting with the boards that bad?" A genuine friendly smile was etched on his face and Raymond just couldn't hate him for trying to be friendly.

"No, the meeting was so-and-so. I am just surprised to see you here now as I thought that you were getting discharged tomorrow. I guess my tone was misleading," saying that Raymond went close to him and asked him to take a seat.

"You could have just called me. I would have come to visit you," said Raymond because he was really not comfortable seeing a man who had just recovered from an accident, sitting in front of him, trying to make peace for things which were not his fault.

"Well, I just don't want things not to get sour between us Raymond. You can't even look at me or talk with me properly," said Dr. Nelson looking into his eyes as he was trying to avoid his gaze.

Even though everything was clear from the side of Akira, even though deep down knew that everything was clear from Dr. Nelson's side as well, a part of him just couldn't rest in peace knowing the fact that Akira looked like his wife, and he had hidden the fact from both of them. He had tried hard to douse the fire, but it always crept back in.

Doubt was indeed a seed, that once sowed couldn't be done away with.


"That's a doctor's duty Raymond. There is nothing great about it," said Dr, Nelson and adjusted the cushion behind him, so that he could comfortably lean on it.

"Well, but to me, it was more than that. So I am sorry if in any way my behavior seemed weird to you in the past or in the present as well. I am not that sort of man who would ask you to stop being friends with my wife. I know you value her as a friend, and she thinks the same way. So there is nothing to be cleared out." said Raymond and finally looked into the eyes of Dr. Nelson.

A warm and hearty smile spread on the face of Dr. Nelson after hearing his words. He knew that Raymond was mature and understanding, but he didn't expect the hatch to be buried smoothly, without any casualty to their relationship.

Then, taking a deep breath, he said,

"Well, that went well." to which Raymond also had a small laugh.

Then Dr. Nelson looked at Raymond for a while and said,

"There is something else as well that I needed to talk about. That's why I came here all rushed."

"What's the matter?" asked Raymond and looked at him and thoughts ran wild inside his head,

'Is he really sick?'

'Is that why he came here to tell me about it, so that it can be hidden from Akira?'

And unable to pace along with his thoughts, Raymond asked before Dr. Nelson could speak a word further.

"Are you fine? If not you can tell me. I will do everything possible in my control. All my resources..."

"Raymond stop... Gosh !!! You and Akira just need a spark and you can convert that into a full-blown fire. I am totally fine, health-wise. Ok?"

"Ah... I see," Raymond said and calmed his nerves which had gone haywire a couple of second back.

"There is a new test that was held in Mexico. A drug trial with around 135 people from around the world and 131 people out of the 134 could recover from Acquired Prosopagnosia."

"Is that for real?" asked Raymond, unable to believe his stars.

"Yes, Raymond. I had been closely monitoring the progress of this research for long but didn't want to give you false hopes before the study came to any conclusion. But now that it has, we can try for it."

"I don't know what to say to you right now !!!" said Raymond standing there speechless as the man in front of him kept doing good after good even without expecting anything in return.

Then he got up from the couch and said,

"Well, that's all that I came here to tell. The medicine won't start working instantly. It takes some time. For some, it can be as long as 3-5 years. So you need to be patient and take the pills regularly;y. I have already given the prescription to David, and He will help to arrange for it."

With nothing but gratitude in his eyes, Raymond said,

"I am indeed?a lucky man to have people like you in my life."

Dr. Nelson didn't say anything, He just smiled and patted on his shoulders and walked ahead. Just before leaving the room he turned back and said,

"You are a lucky man indeed Raymond. Take care !!!"

[A little help please - Thank you for all the support. But your author needs a bit of help with votes for a new book - The rise of the Saviour. Please help to vote for my new book and help to increase its rank. I would be really grateful if you could give this book a chance as it would be an epic saga of love across the realms. A love that would transcend time. I have put my heart and soul for both the books and I promise you this book will not disappoint you.]