To the new beginnings - 1

Akira looked at him and she could understand that he was getting emotional. So she stretched her hand in his direction and said,


Taking a deep breath, Raymond came forward and held her hand with his and they walked ahead together. As they entered the lift, Akira asked,

"Do you remember once...."

"In the lift? Yeah, I do," answered Raymond even before Akira could even complete her sentence. Akira pursed her lips and looked at Raymond as there were other people in the lift along with them.

"What?" Asked Raymond with a hushed tone close to her ears.


Turning all scarlet, Akira looked at him from the corner of her eyes and that brought in a warm smile on his face. All the memories from the old office came flying back. They both remembered those initial days when they were trying to get close to each other and a smile etched on their faces.

"Here we go," said Akira looking at Raymond when they reached the 7th floor.

As they got out from the lift, Raymond pulled her hand, making her turn back in his direction.

"My Delphie was just a dream, but you made it turn into reality," he said with a tone filled with gratitude.

"Oh, come on, like I don't know about the shindig," replied Akira sarcastically.

"Shindig, what Shindig?" Asked Raymond looking at Akira. She looked at him scornfully and said,


"Now stop acting like I don't know. David had already told me about it. You were mostly aware of what was happening in the company, I mean of course after you were discharged from the hospital. And I also know that the whole VR project was your idea and not Kirk's."

"What? Who told you that?" Raymond asked all surprised and then he smiled and lifted his hands up and said,

"Guilty as charged, miss. But I hope you know that planning isn't everything. Execution is equally important. You got clients, pulled in funds. I mean you were amazing Akira. Do you know how proud I was when I saw you handling everything with such ease?" he said and slowly got his arms down and placed them on her shoulders and said again,

"Let's not lose any more time Akira."

"I am done fighting with people too, Raymond," said Akira and inched ahead to place her head on his chest, but then she remembered that everyone was waiting for Raymond's arrival at the office.

"Ermm... Let's go to the main hall now. Everyone is dying to meet you in person," said Akira and led him towards the main hall. It was a large meeting room where they used to hold their exhibitions and Technical Conventions. Having a room like that was a dream for Raymond and he had shared it once with Akira years ago when Delphie was just a startup. But Akira had turned his dream into reality by designing a state of the art main hall with all the facilities, starting from multiple projectors, live 3D prototype builders, robotic assistance, voice-assisted AI demonstration, and whatnot. She was waiting for his reaction, once he entered inside.

Taking a deep breath, Akira halted for a while outside the room and then turned back to look at him and asked,


Raymond nodded his head and Akira opened the door of the room wide open without even touching it through voice guidance.

"Smooth !!!" uttered Raymond, impressed with the usage of state of the art technology. And then he entered inside and saw his entire staff waiting for him. When he had started Delphie they had hardly 60-70 members but right now it employed more than 2000 people across the world.

His entire team that he used to work with at Delphie was present there.

But before he could walk in even one more step or even utter a single word, Kirk came running and hugged him tightly.

"I can't tell you how good it feels to be able to hug you right now."

And then came in the entire group, Simon, Brian and all, they came forward and hugged him. Slowly that one person hug became a group hug. Standing at the door, Akira couldn't control her tears. She could see the joy in the eyes of the people to see their boss alive, in flesh and blood.

But then her attention was diverted by the sound of approaching footsteps. She turned back and saw David behind her. He didn't say a word and stood their silently for it was not their moment to speak. It was a moment between Raymond and his staff which had still stayed loyal for him. Who worked their ass off, to turn his dream into reality even after he was gone.

She amazed to see the camaraderie that Raymond brought in.

She was proud to have fallen with a man like him.

Then, taking a deep breath, she turned back and said,

"He brings in a stage loyalty among people, doesn't he?"

David nodded and said, "I thought most of them would resign when you came and took the reigns of the company. But they stood firm to support his dreams. We really do have good people at Delphie."

Akira listen to him and smiled and then she slightly licked her lips and sighed, "I was talking about you David !!! We need to do something about your loyalty."

Saying that she tapped on his shoulders and left for her office.

She knew it was going to take a while.


[Author here - I have a new surprise for you guys. A new book - The rise of the saviour

Please give this book some love with your reviews and comments. I sincerely hope you will love this new book as well.]