No Goodbye

Unable to believe what she was seeing in front of her, Akira took a deep breath.

She was instantly regretting her decision of involving Dr. Nelson into all this. She never expected him to get hurt because of her decision. She had no clue that Dr. Oshana would try to take revenge from Dr. Nelson.

He could see the amount of deliberation that she was going through. He could sense the amount of disappointment that had spread on her face.

He knew that she had realized that his getting hurt by a nail in the church was a bogus story and there was no point of lying any more to her. So he said,

"I just didn't want you to get worried. I knew this was exactly the way you would have reacted. It is just a small cut."

"Small cut? Then why you have to take so many stitches for that?"


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The junior doctor quipped.

"Why you have to add fuel to the fire?"

Dr. Nelson asked and looked at his fellow doctor all disappointedly, who in turn just smiled at him and left the room.

"See it's all fine now."

Dr. Nelson said and showed her his hand.


Akira looked at his hand and then looked into the dust bin near him, which was filled with gauze and cotton soaked in his blood.

She remembered exactly a similar scene when Raymond was attacked by Anthony when he was trying to save her.

She turned back at him and said,

"Dr. Nelson, you have done enough. I already have many people around me, facing a lot of troubles because of me. I don't want to add your name to that list."

Dr. Nelson was shocked to hear her address him all formally. Suddenly from being Jaby, he had become Dr. Nelson.

"I know you mean well, but can you imagine what would have had happened if the wounds would have been a bit deep? All this name and respect that you have earned, would have gone into drain. Your hands are the most precious thing that you have and you can't lose them because of me."

Before Dr. Nelson could even say a word and interrupt her, she continued,

"I will call Dr. Oshana up and fix a deal with her. You are not to be involved in any of this."

"Just stop Akira."

His voice although soft, but was stern at the same time.

"Which part of not dealing with her do you not understand?"

"You do not have to worry. I have other ways of dealing with her. She cannot get to me, Dr. Nelson. I will amicably settle things out with her. I think more than feeling scared, she is feeling deceived. I shouldn't have involved you at all. All this is my fault. Completely mine."

Saying that Akira again looked at his hand onto which he slipped on a covering bandage to protect it from any dust and water and from her eyes as well.

"It was all my fault. I was unprepared. I didn't know that she was capable of physical assault. Now that I know, don't you think I will be able to take care of myself Akira?"

Saying that he looked into her eyes which had turned all misty and he suddenly softened.

"I am really fine Akira. Just not fine with the way you are calling be Dr. Nelson again."

Saying that he smiled.

Hearing that she also smiled briefly and then sat on the chair in front of him and said,

"You have no idea about my life. All the people whom I ever brought close to my life, have always been affected in some manner or the other. I have lost my parents, a friend, my love, too, which I have found back just because of God's grace. And you Jaby, you are a really nice person. I thought I could be friends with you. I really did. But I guess, its better for both of us if we stay acquaintances as well."

"Why are you saying such negative stuff Akira?"

"That's because right now it's ok. But what would have happened if she would have damaged a nerve of your hand? You would have been handicapped for your life Jaby. And trust me at that point of time, you would have loathed me. Probably you would have cursed your fate for bringing me into your life."

Saying that she got up from her seat and then looking fondly towards Dr. Nelson she said,

"So I guess its better that, our paths really don't cross with each other Jaby. God forbid, if anything happens, you might forgive me, but I cannot forgive myself."

Jaby stood there all speechless, as she picked up her bag and left.

She didn't even turn back to say goodbye.