We are dating
'Did I just agree to be his girlfriend!!...' Seemed her brain started functioning once more. She immediately turned to look at Jin Yue in the car.
He was driving, one hand on the steering while he answered a call with the other. Judging from his words, Xin Yong knew that it was about work. Xin Yong stared at him for some time then shook her head to check if she was dreaming.
'So it's real!, I'm really dating this Adonis!. Hahaha, what good did I do in my former life?' Xin Yong didn't know she was still staring at Jin Yue and blushing.
"Am I that handsome? " Jin Yue said out of the blues. When he put off the call, he had turned to look at her and noticed her stare. He tried to ignore it, but she had continued; so he was tempted to comment.
Xin Yong immediately recognized herself and coughed. She faced the road almost immediately, her face red from embarrassment.
"Sweet, why did you stop?, come on, stare at me, I'm all yours, you can stare as much as you like, and you can even touch me if you want to"
Jin Yue continued to tease her, she turned to glare at him and he laughed hysterically but stopped all the same.
"When are you graduating?"
Jin Yue asked as they drove into Gahll.
"Next two weeks" She paused for a while before she continued. "Are you going to come for my graduation?"
Xin Yong asked as she looked at him smilingly.
"If I don't come, who will?. Of course I'll be there"
Jin Yue turned to pinched her cheeks lightly.
"My parents, ... they'll be there.. "
Xin Yong replied trying not to sound awkward.
"Mmm, I know. That's even a more reason why I would attend, then you'll introduce me to them, as your fiancé."
Jin Yue teased, half smirking.
"Jin Yue!!, stop joking around" Xin Yong exclaimed lightly slapping his arm with her hand.
When she realized what she just did, she blushed at how much close they've become, just in a span of less than twenty four hours.
Jin Yue stepped out of the car and walked over to her side, opening the door. She stepped out and he walked her closer to the hostel building.
"I'll call you okay?" Jin Yue said as they turned to face each other.
"Mmm" Xin Yong replied but she didn't move. She just kept on looking at him, obviously thinking about something, a faint of red on her cheeks.
"Or do you want to come over to my place since you can't help staring at my face"
Xin Yong lightly knocked on the door. It was open, so she gently pushed it, only to be faced with three girls standing hands at akimbo staring her. She was stunned at the unexpected welcome, smiling shyly she waved at her surprised looking roommates. There was no response from any of them. She quickly walked past them and dove into her bed.
"Xin Yong!!!!!. You slept... slept with him!!"
Xiao Ran screamed all of a sudden and ran to the bed pulling Xin Yong upwards. Richen and Liling turned to look at her, still perplexed. They had thought she would come back later that night, but till twelve noon the next day they didn't see her.
They've been worried, it was not until they heard the sound of screeching tires, that they had looked out and noticed Jin Yue opening the car door for her.
"How could you sleep with him?, you just met him twice!! Just twice!!." Xiao Ran paused, and sat upright on the bed beside Xin Yong.
"But even though I'm angry with you, it won't change anything, so let's go to the gist proper. How was it? "
The three girls who were very sober turned to look at Xiao Ran who was now smiling, speechless. They were surprised that all of a sudden, she could switch sides.
"Haha, you know, the sex and all, I mean, don't tell me you forgot about it downstairs before coming up?"
"Xiao Ran!! " The three of them exclaimed at the same time.
"What!!!" She turned to glare at them, as though she hadn't said anything worth the scream.
"...so that's what happened " Xin Yong concluded her long story.
"So you mean, he didn't touch you, not even a kiss, not even a peck?" Xiao Ran frowned disappointedly. She had been anticipating a very exciting and exotic story. It was really disappointing.
"No, none of that happened " Xin Yong replied.
The three girls stared at her unbelievably. They knew how sexy she had looked that night, it was almost impossible for any man to keep his eyes off her body. But she was sitting right there saying that even though they had slept in the same house that he didn't touch her.
After some time, Richen spoke.
"Well, he must be a gentleman. For him not to touch you, it seems he really likes you".
"Yes, yes, he must like you a lot. Or rather he values you, I mean, no man would be able to stand your allure that night, but he didn't touch you! he respects you!. In fact, you should date him."
Xiao Ran exclaimed. She had just reasoned what Richen just said, she saw that she really had a point.
"Actually.... we are dating now... "
Xin Yong's statement froze the rejoicing Xiao Ran. She looked at Xin Yong perplexed. Things were moving extremely fast.
"Xin Yong?, really?. It's so fast, don't you think?"
Richen said as she stared at Xin Yong confusedly.
"Yes, i think you are taking it too fast, but it doesn't matter if it's fast or slow. What is meant to be will be. Haha, so Yong Yong is dating a rich Adonis!. Woah!!, haha" Xiao Ran added as she raised her hands in the air. Laughing happily.
Liling was just smiling. She didn't say anything, for or against her. She respected everyone's personal choices.
"Xin Yong, I'm so happy for you" Liling exclaimed. That was obviously the first sentence she had made since Xin Yong entered the room.
She leaned over and hugged her for a few seconds.
"But guess what happened this morning?"
Xiao Ran immediately changed the topic.
"What?" Xin Yong asked perplexed. What could have happened.