I don't want this either magic
"It's not budging?" Xin Yong asked chuckling softly.
"Seems the dress doesn't want to leave your body anytime soon"
Jin Yue replied and they both laughed and he
immediately he held the edge of the dress with one hand and with the other hand unzipped the troublesome gown.
Xin Yong swiftly turned to face him. She smiled shyly and murmured a quick thank you.
Jin Yue nodded but she was still standing there not moving an inch. He looked at her surprised before he remembered that she didn't have anything to change into.
"Sweet, this night had been quite terrible for you right?, I'm really sorry, okay." Pausing for a while, he continued.
"I don't have female clothes, but em... let me see if I can find something for you to change into, wait a minute.."
With that he turned and took long strides to the stairs.
Xin Yong had not even thought about what to wear yet, she was still thinking of how to even leave the scene. It was when Jin Yue mentioned it, that she realized that she had nothing to change into.
Taking the opportunity that he had left, she quickly ran to the guest room and closed the door. She stood there for sometime before she heard footsteps approaching.
Jin Yue knocked quietly on the door and almost immediately she opened it, bringing out just her head and a hand.
He felt amused by her behaviour but decided not to laugh. He handed over a shirt to her and smiled when he saw the expression on her face.
"Don't worry, it's still new, haven't worn it yet."
"Mm" Xin Yong shifted her gaze from the shirt to his face, and quickly retracted her hands into the room.
She whispered before closing the door finally not waiting to hear his response.
Jin Yue stood there staring at the door, a smile on his face.
That shirt had obviously become his best!.
Liu Wei had not been himself after that night with Liling at the hospital. When he went back to China, he had busied himself with work and avoided anything related to Gahll.
He really didn't want to think about her but sometimes he would find himself dazed out lost in thoughts of her.
He wondered how someone he barely knew could have this much effect on him. She made him weak and vulnerable.
It was arranged that after the schools' graduation, they would begin the training proper. Gahll's graduation was the last to hold.
That was the tragedy of life. Many women wanted him, but the only one he wanted didn't want him.
Da Xia had been coming around lately. Files she could send through her subordinates, she would go up herself and submit it to him.
She had been thinking a lot about their relationship lately. She figured that he must be annoyed because she was being forced on him.
So, what if she says she was no longer interested in him, or that she was never interested in him, that it was her dad who had forced her into agreeing with the marriage proposal, he may reduce the glare he gives her and maybe they could be friends and from there, he may start to like her.
Besides, he had no one in his life at the moment and she was quite beautiful to behold.
"Boss, these are the files you asked for" Da Xia dropped the documents she had come with on his table, glancing at the seriousness of his face.
Liu Wei didn't look at her neither did he look at what she had just kept on the table.
Da Xia smiled, she pretended to walk out but then turned to look at him.
"Liu Wei, you don't need to hate me this much, it was my dad .... he forced me."
Liu Wei's eyes which were on his laptop shifted slightly. Da Xia smiled at her trick, she felt it was working.
Using a pitiful tone she bowed her head and continued sadly.
"He had said, if I didn't do it.... he would... he would disown me..." She bit her lip forcing tears to her eyes.
Sniffing, she continued soberly.
"I had to agree at that time, but it was never my intention to go through with it. Liu Wei you should not hate me anymore, I don't want this agreement either" With that she turned and walked out of his office, a mischievous smile on her lips.
Liu Wei stared at her retreating form, his brows creased.