Volume 8, Chapter 1: The Lone Struggle of the Defeated Remnants – Part?1

That morning he woke to the sound of bells ringing from afar. He knew that sound. He had heard it twice before.

The first time had been one year and nine months ago, during the time of Mokkania’s Rebellion. The second time was a bit more than a year ago, during the time of the Deep Blue Curse Rebellion. For him, who had once fought alongside the Armed Librarians of Bantorra Library, it was a horrible sound.

Enlike Bishile threw his blanket and got off the bed. He was inside the room of a hotel facing the main street of Bantorra Library’s town.

“Did something happen?”

Enlike peeked out of the window. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to see Bantorra Library from there. He hurriedly put on a jacket, left and ran through the hotel’s corridors. With his physical abilities it would have been easy for him to leap out of the window, but right now Enlike was concealing his own Magic ability. He could use neither his power of lightning nor his superhuman movements.

He exited the hotel’s main door and rushed into the road. Around him were other citizens who like Enlike seemed worried.


“Weren’t those terrorists gone already?”

People whispered to each other. It was natural they’d be afraid. The memories of the Rebellion a year ago were still fresh in their minds. Everyone feared another battle that would end up involving them.

“…Do you have any idea what happened?”

A guest of the same hotel spoke to him.

“I don’t know.”

Enlike shook his head. He wasn’t lying or evading the question. While he understood the internal affairs of Bantorra Library better than the average citizen, he still had no idea what just happened there now.

At that moment, someone bumped into his back. Normally he wouldn’t even stumble, but Enlike fell cleanly. This was to conceal his physical abilities.

“Sorry! Are you okay?”

The one to hit him from behind was a suit-wearing man. Judging from the impact to his back, it was a person who could use bodily reinforcement Magic.

“Are you fine?”


The suited man grabbed Enlike’s arm and helped him stand up.

“Forgive me, it’s only because this is an emergency.”

The man walked to Bantorra Library in a great hurry.

“Was that an Armed Librarian?”

The same hotel guest from before muttered.


Enlike replied.

That man was familiar to him. He was an Armed Librarian called Gamo. Mattalast had once introduced him to Enlike. But Gamo simply left after helping him stand.

Gamo didn’t notice that the person he had bumped into was Enlike. This was because the current Enlike didn’t look like how Gamo knew him.

Enlike had been once Eaten by the Book-Eater Zatoh. However, he reversed the situation and took control of Zatoh’s own body. The Enlike that the Armed Librarians knew was actually Zatoh’s form.

That Zatoh’s form had now been changed. His almond eyes now became sanpaku eyes. His oval face shrank, and his nose became lower and bigger. Also, while he had been once tall he was now at about an average height.

While a few vestiges of Zatoh have remained, this was the form of Enlike when he was alive.

He hadn’t planned on changing it; it became so naturally during the past year. He didn’t fully understand the reason for this, but his body was probably being adjusted to fit his soul.

Only the proof of his Book-Eating ability, his transparent hair, had remained. With only that left, he dyed his white hair back to black.

“He didn’t seem to have noticed.”

Enlike muttered quietly while watching Gamo’s back.

None of the Armed Librarians knew Enlike’s former face – not even the late Noloty. As long as he didn’t use his power of lightning, none of them would be able to notice his true identity.

Enlike had been staying at Past God Bantorra’s Island for about 20 days now.

He knew that the Armed Librarians were looking for him as the hero who overthrew the Indulging God Cult. The woman called Kyasariro had once invited him to their party. However, he had ignored all of it. He kept living while concealing his abilities.

This was because Enlike was planning on fighting the Armed Librarians.

He was planning on destroying their biggest secret: Heaven.

“Hey, you. I don’t know what’s going on, but shouldn’t we return to the hotel?”

The man nearby spoke to him.

“That might be true… but I want to gauge the situation a little bit more.”

Enlike answered and stared at the direction of Bantorra Library. He could see people running on the roofs and rushing into the building. He could see an airplane that flew by taking a sharp turn and descending. The Armed Librarians were gathering.

But he couldn’t understand what was happening at all.

“I’ll peek there a little.”

Saying so, Enlike started walking. The kind man next to him tried to stop him, but he soon gave up.

This might be a good opportunity.

Enlike started thinking. If the Armed Librarians were in the midst of confusion it wouldn’t be so bad to take advantage of that. Anyway, his first priority was to ascertain the situation.

He walked toward the Library. All in preparation to fight against the Armed Librarians.

Yes, they had been Noloty’s precious comrades; Enlike also possessed no personal grudges against them, and there were also those that he respected or felt friendly toward.

However, Enlike had no choice but to fight against them. This was in order to destroy Heaven and put an end to his fight.

He slowly walked toward Bantorra Library, where the bells were still ringing.

A year ago…

When the Deep Blue Curse Rebellion had ended, Enlike was at the Ismo Republic where chaos still continued. Three days after the war ended, Enlike sent Noloty’s Book and a letter noting the fact that he had killed Kachua to Bantorra Library.

With that he had fulfilled his obligation toward the Armed Librarians. He had nothing to do with them anymore.

After that, Enlike wandered aimlessly through the Ismo Republic. Who did he meet with and what did he do during that period? Enlike himself couldn’t remember it well.

In exchange for victory, Enlike had lost everything. Or more precisely he lost what was everything to him; he lost Noloty Malche. He even lost his sole goal which was fighting against the Indulging God Cult.

He had no reason to return to a Bantorra Library that had no Noloty in it. He also had no interest in a peaceful life after having defeated the Indulging God Cult. He only wished for a life unrelated to battle in order to relieve Noloty.

While wandering about he thought of fighting. It was the only thing Enlike was able to do. He knew nothing but fighting nor could he do anything else. Only that was on his mind.

How stupid, he laughed at himself.

Noloty wished for him to have a peaceful life. He could understand it but couldn’t accomplish it. It was because Noloty was no longer in this world. Even if he were able to achieve a peaceful life, Noloty wouldn’t be able to rejoice at that anymore.

He desperately searched for someone to fight. But there was no longer any opponent.

At that moment, a message came inside his mind. It came from the Thought Sharing of one of the Armed Librarians, Mirepoc Finedell.

‘Enlike-san… it has been a while. This is the lowly Armed Librarian Mirepoc Finedell. Where are you right now?’

Enlike couldn’t respond. Even if he could, he didn’t feel like answering her.

‘We are looking for you, Enlike-san. We have prepared a treatment suitable to the amount of gratitude we possess toward you for saving the Armed Librarians and the world. You may not like it, but please make contact.

There is what happened to Noloty, but… we do sympathize with you. Please do not let yourself head into ruin. That would also be Noloty’s wish.’

So stupid, spat out Enlike. What do you even know?

‘Also, we came to understand Heaven the Indulging God Cult believes in. We have no definitive proof, but it seems like the legend created by people of the past was shaped into a delusion.

We are currently eliminating the remnants of the Indulging God Cult. Please do not worry about the revival of the Cult. Well then, please contact us.’

The Thought Sharing was severed. What a crude ability, thought Enlike. It allowed one to rudely approach a man who wanted to be left alone.

“I see. So the Indulging God Cult’s been destroyed.”

Enlike muttered. Then the battle has ended. Enlike had nothing left to do.

This didn’t make him happy. If the Indulging God Cult was gone he would no longer have anyone to fight.

At that time Enlike sat in a cheap bar at some dirty town. He was dressed like a vagrant. The customers and clerk directed hateful gazes at him. These miserable circumstances are well-suited to me, Enlike thought.

“Give me some more alcohol.”

Enlike said to the bar’s host. He pretended to not hear him. Enlike laughed at himself and drank the few remaining drops straight out of the bottle.

Decaying like this wasn’t bad at all. He had been dead for a long time in the first place. Thinking this, he threw the bottle at the floor.

Enlike laid his face on the counter and closed his eyes.

‘The Armed Librarians will be destroyed and the world will be reborn. There is no place for you in my desired new world.’

An unwanted face rose to his mind. It was the face of the one who used Enlike and killed Noloty – Kachua.

‘Let us take her Book along with yours to Heaven. There will probably be room for you at some corner of that oh so vast and unfathomable Heaven.”

He also said such things. Though he didn’t want to listen to him.

Enlike then recalled Kachua’s just before he shot the great lightning that tore through the heavens. That expression of accepting his own death while still being convinced of victory.


Enlike muttered. Heaven was no delusion; no human would make such a face for a delusion. Kachua had been convinced. Heaven definitely existed somewhere.

“You’re wrong, Mirepoc.”

Enlike stood up. Finally finding an opponent, he smiled for the first time in a long while. However, that smile was on the thin line between sanity and madness.

“Heaven… does exist.”

The surrounding people shook their chairs to get away from him.

A year passed since then.

Walking through the roads of Past God Island Bantorra, Enlike was heading for the Library. A carefree voice suddenly called out to him.

“…Hey, do you have a moment? That bad-looking person over there.”

A woman wearing nightclothes in her sandals talked to him. Quite the reunion, thought Enlike as he looked at her. It’s been a long time, he almost said, but it stuck in his throat.

The one standing there was Olivia Littolet. She was the one who ran away from Hamyuts and fooled Mattalast – that Olivia Littolet.

“Did something happen? It’s terribly noisy, so is there some slasher on the loose or something?”

Olivia said in an easygoing tone. Having lost her memories, she was now no more than a normal citizen.

“Do you not know the sound of these bells, miss tailor?”

There were plenty of other people who jumped off at hearing the bells. They all looked at Olivia with strange eyes. She was the only one there to not understand the situation.

“Bells? Yeah, I’ve heard them before. What of them?”

“They’re Bantorra’s bells.”

“What about it? Uh, so cold…”

Olivia rubbed her pajama-clad arms while sneezing.

“You don’t know?”

“I only recently started living here so I dunno.”

The always-silent Enlike began explaining as Olivia started sniffing inelegantly.

“They’re the bells that signify an emergency of the highest degree. They’re summoning all of the Armed Librarians to gather with the highest priority.”

Olivia, sleepy thus far, widened her eyes for the first time.

“That’s not good. Did something happen?”

“I don’t know. I just saw the Armed Librarians running around.”

Olivia leaned her chin on her hand and thought for a while.

“Maybe it’s that…”

“What is it?”

Enlike asked back. People started flocking around Olivia. Everyone wanted some information, even mere rumors.

“A while ago I’ve talked with Hamyuts. She said that she has some enemy.”

“…What does that mean?”

Enlike inquired.

“It was about two weeks ago. She told me there was some unknown enemy after her, wondered who that was, said she didn’t know where they’d come from, stuff like that. It might be them.”

The townspeople started clamoring. Enlike also started thinking. Who was the enemy Hamyuts said was targeting her?

“No, that’s probably not it.”

Enlike briefly denied it.

An unknown enemy targeting Hamyuts would probably be the person who’s inherited the Violet Wish. And that unknown factor was right there: it was Enlike.

Eight months ago he had succeeded the Violet Wish from Olivia. That’s why he was there right now, targeting the Armed Librarians.

“Why not? Or rather, who’re you?”

Olivia looked doubtful.

“It’s bothersome to explain. I’m going.”

Saying that, Enlike passed by Olivia.

“Miss tailor, what did you mean just now?”

“Are you acquainted with the Director?”

The people around started talking with Olivia one after another. She was being pressed for a response. Enlike left the area.

It happened nine months ago.

Enlike decided on fighting against Heaven, but his road was full of difficulties. After all, he had no way of knowing what exactly Heaven was, where it was located, and whether it actually existed.

He didn’t even know the location of his enemy; thus started Enlike’s desperate fight.

No, calling it a fight would be too comical. Enlike could only roam around searching for clues.

At that time, a change occurred at a certain town in the Ismo Republic. A man spoke to Enlike. This happened in some bar at the slums.

He was an ill-bred man. He was armed with a gun and a flashy knife, but Enlike could see he was an amateur in fighting at a glance. The man curtly pulled out a photograph.

“Do you know this woman?”

Enlike widened his eyes. He remembered her clearly. She was the woman sheltered by the Armed Librarians, Renas Fleur.

He heard that she had been taken by the man called Volken and died. However, Enlike met up with her before she was taken away. At the time she introduced herself as Olivia Littolet.

Why was this man looking for that woman? Was she even alive? Who were those people looking for her?

Enlike had trouble not letting his doubts and agitation show up on his face. Luckily the other man seemed thick-headed and so probably didn’t notice any of that.

“I’m not sure if I have or haven’t seen her…”

Hearing Enlike’s vague answer, the man clicked his tongue and put the photo away.

“Wait, why are you looking for that woman?”

Enlike persisted. He might be able to get some sort of clue out of that.

“It has nothing to do with you. She’s just some geezer’s lover who’s run away or something.”

He probably didn’t really know the reason. Although he was someone’s pawn, he was a mere underling.

“Will you let me help? I’m in a little need of money.”

“Who cares. Go fish up the trash.”

“…Do you still not need me?”

Saying this, Enlike pinched the edge of the table and broke it. He then grasped the fragments, turning them to fine dust.

“Are you a Magic user?”

“I’m somewhat skilled. I don’t think you have anything to lose by letting me join.”

The man changed his behavior and drew closer to Enlike.

“Then you should’ve told me this earlier. We’ll welcome you.”

The man told him his affiliation. He made it very exaggerated, but it was a poor gang in this town. Enlike gave them a fake name and joined them.

At the time he didn’t think it would become much of a clue. But anything related to the Indulging God Cult was fine. He only noticed that he stumbled upon something outrageous after having found Olivia.

A month later, the search for Olivia proceeded slowly. They already found out the city she was living in. Next they just had to find her and report to their employer.

“Mister, has your face been changing lately?”

Asked the thug accompanying him as they walked around the town. Enlike’s face was continually changing at that time. There were signs of this change ever since the end of last year, but recently his face became completely different than Zatoh’s.

“Yeah, well, but don’t mind it. It isn’t a big deal.”

The thug shrugged, thinking it weird.

“I don’t really get people who use Magic.”

During that month Enlike was able to find who the employer of these thugs was. They were probably mercenaries paid by Mattalast. He once happened to hear about him hiring such people.

But why was Mattalast pursuing Olivia? Hamyuts was the one supposed to have announced her dead.

What was their reason for hiding her survival and pursuing her from the shadows? Enlike became interested.

Then, at a corner of that town… Enlike noticed a woman polishing shoes.

It was Olivia, or perhaps Renas. The thug alongside him hasn’t noticed her. Enlike softly stretched his fingers to his neck and released a small, small lightning.

“H-hey, what’s wrong?”

The thug collapsed. Enlike supported him while pretending to be flustered. Since he shot him with the minimal amount of power, there would probably be no wounds. Everyone would just think that he had suddenly fainted.

Enlike laid him on a bench and left the spot.

Feeling suspicious, Olivia stopped her shoe-polishing and ran away. Enlike chased after her and caught up to her in a back alley.

“It’s been a while, are you Renas Fleur? Or are you Olivia Littolet?”

No matter who she was, she pulled a knife out of her pocket and threatened Enlike like an angered cat. That means it’s probably Olivia, thought Enlike.

“…Wait, I’m not your enemy. Please listen to me, Olivia.”

“Shut up. Are you with Hamyuts or from the Indulging God Cult?”

“Neither. Just calm down. Do you remember me? We met once when you were with Volken.”

Saying so, Enlike produced a small bolt lightning in his hand. Olivia searched her memory for a while and then stared at him in shock.

“Are you Enlike Bishile? Your face is completely different…”

Olivia still not lowered her guard. She probably thought that he was working under Mattalast.

“Calm down. I didn’t come here to capture you. I came to talk with you.”


“Why are you pursued by Mattalast?”

Olivia and Enlike gazed at each other for a while. Finally she lowered her knife and sighed.

“In the meantime let’s eat something before talking. A lot happened so I’m tired.”

“…I see. Let’s go somewhere.”

At a cheap restaurant, Olivia finished a steak that was enough for two people. It seemed like she really was tired and hungry. Enlike was the one to pay; he had no shortage of cash at the moment.

During that time, Enlike went to wake up the collapsed thug and sent him back home. He obviously didn’t tell him about Olivia.

The pair spoke about their circumstances in the slums where Olivia was lodging in.

“…And that’s what happened with me.”

Enlike was the first to explain. He told her that despite having defeated the Indulging God Cult he was still looking for Heaven. Searching for clues, he joined in the hunt for Olivia.

“I will trust you for now.”

Olivia said. Enlike was somewhat relieved.

“Why do you so readily believe me?”

“Because you have no need to lie. If you were my enemy you would have killed me in a split second.”

Olivia smiled with a tired face. When he saw it, he was more interested in what happened to her. He could no longer see any trace of her brazen composure.

“On the contrary, I’m worried if you will believe me. Because it’s all too crazy. So much that even I can’t believe it.”

“Just talk for now.”

Olivia spoke for a long time. She first told him of how she had met Vend Ruga as a child. Next came the period she was on the Indulging God Cult’s ship. Finally she reached how she was robbed of her memories and how she turned to Renas Fleur.

“…This is quite the story even so far.”

Olivia said and smiled. Enlike himself had also led a fierce, outrageous life. But he thought that Olivia’s life rivaled his.

“There’s still more. The true fun only begins now.”

Olivia’s battle still continued: the retrieval of her memories; her meeting with Volken; and then came the fight against Hamyuts, concluding in her survival.

And finally, her meeting with Lascall Othello, as well as being told about the Violet Wish by him.

“…Regarding the last thing Lascall said, even I’m not sure if it was just a delusion. Because all of that is completely crazy and ridiculous. Do you believe me, Enlike-kun?”

Enlike held his mouth and sank into silence for a while.

“What’s wrong, Enlike-kun?”

“I… believe. He introduced himself as Lascall Othello, right?”

“Yeah. I’m not really sure but he was a strange brat.”

“Then I believe you. As long as it’s really Lascall Othello.”

Enlike also had a deep connection to Lascall. He had given Zatoh Enlike’s Book and he brought Enlike the Books of Qumola and Noloty. He couldn’t tell if he was an ally or an enemy to the Indulging God Cult, but there was no doubt he was a being related to the very core of the secrets.

That Lascall had clearly said – Heaven existed. That truth appeared accompanied by the proof called Olivia.

Enlike couldn’t really understand if he was feeling anger or joy. He simply got goosebumps and his fingers trembled. His battle finally started. Thinking of that made his skin shiver.

On top of that, he was able to gain yet another clue.

The sole method of destroying Heaven – the Violet Wish.

“Today’s been quite the day…”

Enlike smiled. He found an enemy to fight and the way of fighting them both at the same time.

“That’s a nice smile, Enlike-kun. I will entrust this fight to you.”

“Is there anyone but me?”

“True. There’s no one else.”

Saying so, they both laughed.

That evening, Enlike lodged with Olivia. On paper he was supposed to have been pursuing her, so they couldn’t loiter around together outside.

“What is Heaven?”

Enlike said. They both sat side by side on the one-person bed. Enlike was sitting near the pillow while Olivia sat cross-legs on the other side. Enlike started talking.

“The following is what I currently know. Heaven is a place that accumulates the Books of happy people. The Armed Librarians created the Indulging God Cult to produce those Books. They both cooperate to preserve the secret. But for what?”

“Who knows, I haven’t the slightest idea.”

Olivia shrugged.

“All I know is that the Armed Librarians and Indulging God Cult are birds of a feather. It means they’re the ones who’ve caught us and ruined our lives.”

“Why are they protecting the secret of Heaven? What does it exist for?”

Enlike kept thinking earnestly.

“That’s obvious. They’re the same as the Indulging God Cult. They want to go to Heaven after they die. That’s all.”

Olivia said.

“Is that so… I personally don’t think so.”


“While these guys are villains, some part of them is pure. They would stop at nothing to accomplish their goals, but they’re definitely not self-interested or act for their own benefits. They only think of fulfilling their duty.

Hamyuts Meseta is an exception, but she is also unselfish other than in battle.”

“Is that so?”

“I’ve been involved with the Armed Librarians for a while. So I know.

Their strength ultimately lies in their sense of duty and responsibility. This is the strength that the Indulging God Cult lacks and the Armed Librarians possess.

If their only goal was self-interest, the Armed Librarians would’ve been a much weaker organization.”

“…And what of it?”

“Protecting Heaven is not done out of self-interest, but because it’s their duty which must be fulfilled. I don’t know the circumstances that led to this, though.”

“Is that what you think? I have no idea.”


Enlike was also involved with the positive parts of the Armed Librarians, while Olivia only saw their negative parts. Since their viewpoints were different they would reach different conclusions. Right now they had no idea who was right.

“Anyway, about the identity of Heaven. If we don’t understand it we won’t be able to fight.”

Olivia shook her head to the side.

“Our survival comes first. We can’t fight if we don’t live.”

That’s true, Enlike reconsidered.
