
Without hesitation, I snap my fingers, opening up dozens upon dozens of rifts to the Plane of Death. All across the cliffs. And out through them all pass Lesser Minor Death Spirits for days.

Down below us, the enemy soldiers look up at the cliffs, clearly noticing the sudden influx of creatures up here. But they’re too late as the spirits quickly grab the bombs the thrall of the mountain fortress had stashed up here for me before jumping down from the cliff towards the enemy soldiers. And no matter how many times the soldiers blast the incoming spirits, they simply reform while curling in on the bomb without letting it get damaged.

Until they’re almost at the ground and they set off the fuse, making the Death Spirits turn into suicide bombers that simply reform to attack the survivors afterwards.

Of course, most of the enemy soldiers don’t survive the attacks, and the ones who do quite literally shrug off the attacks of the Lesser Minor Death Spirits, but it’s something at least. And it still causes more chaos.

I occasionally withdraw all of the soul energy I put into some of the Death Spirits down there to force them into returning to the Plane of Death before I resummon more up here on the cliffs. Leading to these extra Death Spirits to grab more bombs and jump on down themselves.

A rather good strategy that I actually didn’t come up with this time. Not to mention one that doesn’t involve me killing myself. Which is a first for a while.

My eyes narrow as the more powerful ability holders of the forces down below begin to attack the cliffs, sending entire waves of spells and powers. But a barrier flashes when the attacks reach a certain point, blocking most of them.

The barrier surrounding the Clan’s territory that was altered for the mountain range just to defend these mountains.

I crack a grin. Meanwhile I am spammed with System Messages all the way till the one I’ve been waiting for.

User has leveled-up to level 13.

User’s skill ‘Servants of the Pale Horseman’ will now be upgraded.

Assessing user’s accomplishments and actions… assessment complete.

User’s new upgraded skill is as follows:

Servants of the Pale Horseman

This skill allows the user to summon up to Lesser Spirits of Death, including the two lowest of the hierarchy of Death Spirits. These spirits will then obey all of the orders given to them by their beloved Lady Death.

Set these Spirits on the fools who would try to harm Death herself.

For they do not know of whom they harbor animosity towards.

User will now be given their third skill.

Assessing user’s accomplishments and actions… assessment complete.

User will now be given the following skill:Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.

Soul Fire

This skill allows the user to burn the soul energy they control outside of their body, allowing Lady Death to pass judgment on souls, marking them for all eternity.

For they shall soon learn that Lady Death never forgets.
