Mister Rainnewt shifted some papers around on his desk.

“I think it would behoove me to explain the situation.

Most who come here and ask to become members of the Exploration Guild come from places like the Scumways.

They have no experience out in the field, have no referrals, and are generally not equipped with a class suitable to work as members of our guild.

From what I’ve read you are...

unfamiliar with our way of doing things?”“Pretty much,” I said.

“I like exploring, and I have some skills related to that, but Leonard and Emeric’s party were my first time meeting members of the guild.”Tarragon nodded.

“I see.

The Exploration Guild holds a strange place in the world.

You’ll find that we, more than any other guild, have members of a certain...


The adventurous and wild who occasionally have too much time on their hands and who want a river named after them or some such.

These members make up a sizable portion of our guild.

After these we have those who do genuinely love exploration and architecture and archeology, who want to discover ancient secrets and unearth hidden ruins.

Then we have those who are merely in it for the gold and the lower risk.

We lose far fewer members than most guilds whose activities are beyond the walls of a city.”He made a dismissive gesture in the air.“But enough of that.

The point I’m trying to get to is that we don’t just let anyone join.

When we get new members we usually give them a few rapid training sessions with some more veteran members before sending them off on a few simple, low-risk missions.

Right now, I’m in a bit of trouble.”I took a moment to digest everything he said, then tilted my head to the side.

“Trouble? How so?”“I have an odd number of applicants.

With few exceptions, new applicants are sent out in pairs.

Usually a noble and a talented new recruit.

I happen to have a new noble member but no talented recruits to go with her.”“I...

see,” I said.

“Do you get that many noble members?”He nodded, an easy smile still in place.

“A full third of our membership is made up of people with good blood.

Which is why your appearance today is such a boon.

Telling a new member that their first exploratory mission will be delayed would be a hassle.”I raised a hand, one finger up in a ‘one moment’ sort of gesture and Tarragon made a ‘go ahead’ gesture in response.The Exploration Guild, as he had explained it was...

not what I was expecting.

I thought they were scouts and explorers, sent out to find and discover all sorts of new things.

Not an old boy’s club.

The more he talked the more I recalled images of rich old gentlemen out in the Savannah with huge rifles next to the bodies of dead lions and elephants.Not that I had anything against pith helmets, they were pretty cool.I was still willing to try it out.

“What can you tell me about my, um, partner?”There was a shrewd look in Mister Rainnewt’s eyes that faded almost as soon as I noticed it.

“She’s a young noble lady from the Nesting Kingdom from the north.

A scion of the Albatross family who wants to spice up her life a little.

A Thunder Mage, if that helps any.”“That sounds nice,” I said.

“Okay, I was already interested.

But I have questions.”He nodded.

“I’m here to answer them, of course.”“Alright.

Are there any responsibilities associated with joining the guild? Are there any entry requirements I should be aware of? And do we get to wear cool hats? Oh, and what kind of pay do we get?”He blinked a few times then chuckled.

“There’s a standard yearly membership fee, five lesser gold or a percentage off any gains until such a time as the fee is paid.

Most missions pay one or two sil per day in the field.

The missions available for more senior members double that; any discoveries made are handsomely rewarded.

Most members who come in at your financial level still manage to make a tidy profit, though those who do the best are usually those who join a peer’s party.

As for your headgear, that is up to you, I’m afraid.”I nodded along.

The membership fee seemed steep, but they had to pay rent, and it sounded as if I had time to pay it off.

Judging by how liberal the party I had met in the Darkwoods had been with their gold I would still be making my money back.“As for responsibilities.

There are some, many even, but not for an entrant as you would be.

You’re still in your first rank?” he asked.“My first rank?”He chuckled.

“Between levels one and ten.

Past the tenth level you enter your second rank, past your twentieth level, if you become one of the few to make it so far, you enter your third rank.”“Oh, yeah, I’m level six.”“Six? Well well, I’m certain you’ll have an opportunity to grow stronger with us.”I had the distinct impression that Mister Rainnewt wasn’t laying down all his cards here.


if he was going to give me what I wanted.

“I’m looking forward to it!”He grinned and pulled the stack of sheets closer before drawing a small case out from his desk and opening it to reveal a very pretty pen.

He started making notes and checking things off with a flourish.

“Do you have any skills pertaining to exploration, Miss Bunch? Scouting, Cartography, Pathfinding?”“I have Archeology.

It’s still rather weak, but I think it should help.

Other than that most of my skills are based on support and, um, movement.” No one had to know that I had the Cute skill.

No one.

“Oh, and I have Insight at Rank C.

Um, that is, Disciple.”“Interesting,” he said as he made a few more notes.

“I think you might actually fit in nicely.

Beyond just coming in at an opportune moment.

Once you’ve returned from your first expedition come and see me, I might be able to place you in a team that will better be able to use your skills.”“Alright?” I said.He turned the document over and slid towards me.

“Do you know how to write your name?” he asked.I blinked.

Did he think I was illiterate? Maybe that was normal with poorer people.

I took the document, snapped it so that it held itself up, and then read the entire thing to the tune of a clock in the back of the room going ‘tic tock.’The contract part was fairly simple.

It marked me as a temporary member for the Exploration Guild for a period of one month or until I had fulfilled certain requirements.

It outlined the protections available to members, including some discounts available at certain other guilds and reductions on travel costs.

I could even demand a return for some expenses like food and special equipment.It wasn’t a very big or complicated contract, nothing like the end user agreements back home.I tapped a line near the end.

“This says that the guild will be taking a fifty percent cut on all profits I make for three years to recoup the cost of admission,” I said.

“But the admission cost is probably way lower than what I would lose over that same period.

Also, the temporary membership period is only for those that chose not to pay their first year’s membership fee up front.”“That’s correct,” he said.

His smile hadn’t so much as twitched.“What counts as a first year? Is it from the date I join to the same date one year later? Or is it from now until the start of the next year?”“That latter,” he said.“In that case, shouldn’t the fee be reduced by the amount of time that has already passed this year?” I asked.His smile grew into a full-on grin.

“I’ll see what I can do.

Is there anything else on the contract that bothers you?”“Nope,” I said as I picked up his shiny pen and wrote ‘Broccoli Bunch’ in big happy letters.

There was nothing that prevented me from just quitting whenever I wanted to or if I felt the guild wasn’t a good fit.

And there was a grace period in which I could pay my admission fee.

I would make my final choice after my first mission was done.“Then that’s done,” he said as he took the papers back, tapped them down to make sure they were neat, then set them to the side.

“I do suspect that’s all for today.

I’ll be giving you a badge.

Most members of the Guild have a bandoleer, something of a tradition, but I see you’re already equipped.

The pins and medals on a member’s clothes will usually give you an idea of their rank and accomplishments.” He tapped his lapel where a small compass rose was sitting with a few pins all around it.“Neat,” I said.

It was like the girl scouts all over again, but with more dragons and less cookies.Mister Rainnewt stood up and reached over to the table for a handshake, which I eagerly returned.

I just hoped that he didn’t notice the fizz of my cleaning spell after we had shook.

“Welcome to the Exploration Guild, Miss Bunch.

Now, I’m aware that your entrance is a little...


But it does provide some opportunities that I hope you will use to your benefit.”“I hope so too,” I said.“Very well.

If you can present yourself at the lobby tomorrow two hours before noon, with any equipment you would need for a week-long voyage, I would be ever so grateful.”I froze.

“Tomorrow?” I squeaked.“Opportunity waits for no one,” he said.“I...

can do that, I guess.


A voyage to where?” I asked.This was way too soon, and with far too little warning.“The new members are travelling by airship--”“I’ll be there!”“I...

see, that’s wonderful.

Do pack for a rather swampy area.”“No problem!” I said.

“Though I will have to leave now if I’m to have the time to get all the things I need.”“Of course.

Here,” he said as he opened a drawer and pulled out a small compass rose pin.

“The stores that offer discounts are all marked, I’m certain someone as shrewd as you will figure it out.”“Thanks,” I said as I took the pin and ran a thumb over it.

It was just simple steel with some porcelain embossing over it, the design little more than a deep blue compass rose with a tiny brown bandoleer running across it.I pinned it right over my heart, then, because my hands were already close, I gave Orange’s sleeping head a rub.“Okay then.” I said.

“I guess that means I’ll be off.

Until tomorrow?”“Until tomorrow,” Mister Rainnewt agreed.I left the guildhouse with a skip to my step and a bunch of plans percolating in the back of my mind.The next day I was going to meet my partner, and we would go on a grand adventure together.

Which meant that I would have plenty of opportunities to turn her into the very best friend ever.No more travelling with people for a few days only to be torn apart, or meeting cool new people only to have to move on.This time I was determined to make the best of my opportunity!Also, I’d get to ride an airship.People looked at me as I cheered and skipped down Guild Row.Congratulations! Through repeated actions your Cute skill has improved and is now eligible for rank up!Rank D is a free rank!...“No!”
