Character Index
Chuluo Khagan: Khagan of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, Ashina's father and Kayla's father-in-law. Asked for reinforcements to fight against the Western Turkic Khaganate, which is attacking under what appears to be the leadership of Shegui Khagan.
General Yan: General stationed in Xiazhou, he is an experienced fighter in the North. Reluctantly allied with Kayla.
Heli: The fifteen year old chieftain of the Tongluo tribe (one of the Tiele tribes), he is currently consolidating his hold with Kayla's support, having previously had his position challenged by his significantly older nephew.
Tabuyir: A Senior Investigator of Khitan heritage, he sent his nephew Yilie into Kayla's household as a "ward", but the boy is a de facto hostage.
Zhou Kuang: The Third Prince, one of the primary contenders for the throne. Treading more cautiously now that he sees victory in sight.
Zhou Yunqi: The Fifth Prince, supporter of the Third Prince. Sitting out from politics due to his awkward position.
Wei Guang: The Imperial Edict Bearer and Minister of the Office of Censure. Kayla's godfather and a supporter of the Third Prince.
Zhou Hong and Zhou Yong: The First and Second Princes, the only princes who were born of an Empress. Were deposed and exiled after the Emperor crushed the Gongsun clan.
Qiu Jinwei: Yunqi's strategist, a man with a unique personality.
Zhou Xianchun: The Seventh Prince, one of the contenders for the throne. Currently allied with the Empress Dowager, uncomfortably so for both.
Zhang Wuxian: An Attendant Censor with no background to speak of, he was promoted due to Kayla's reforms. Friends with Lin Jie, who warned him that Kayla chose the two of them precisely due to their lack of background, which makes them suitable scapegoats if things go wrong.
Lin Jie: An Attendant Censor with a bad arm. He was recruited to investigate a potential conspiracy by Hu Qing on Kayla's behalf after receiving treatment for his arm. He has a clear perspective of his position despite the rapid rise in rank he's seen in the last few months.
Hu Qing/Liang Hongfei: Vice-Censor of the Office of Censure and Lord of the Liang clan. Kayla's close friend and supporter, he attained his position with Kayla's backing.
Xie Rengui: Hu QIng's retainer, a farmboy who was recruited due to his sharp intellect (and also because Kayla noted that his name was similar to that of a real-life general of the Tang dynasty).