Sev hadn't said it while the others were there with him, but he was worried.

It was strange that he was the only one the Roads hadn't changed for. Misa had been given a choice. Vex's road led up, whatever that meant. Derivan's path ended in nothing, but presumably there was something for him even there — and even if there wasn't, he was the only one among them that could simply Shift himself out of that situation, especially with the mastery of the stat that he'd gained over the past month or two.

Sev wasn't sure exactly what he was afraid of. There was the idea, he supposed, that there was just nothing for him; that the others all had some sort of destiny waiting for them, and he had none.

Because you've given up yours, a small voice in the back of his head whispered. He ignored it.

The more he walked, the smaller the tunnel seemed to get. He was pretty sure it was just his imagination. It was easy enough to ignore the mild feeling of claustrophobia when he was surrounded by his friends, when they could laugh and joke together. They didn't even need to speak for him to feel comforted by their presence.

Walking down a dark tunnel alone was a whole other ballgame. He'd never considered himself particularly claustrophobic, but there was something almost suffocating about this. There was a part of him that feared he would be left wandering the Roads forever, walking down a straight tunnel with no end in sight; realistically, he knew that even if that were the case, Derivan and the others would come find him...

He sighed, and tried to force his mind to wander in a different direction, instead.

Misa, Vex, and Derivan had all made incredible strides in their fighting and magic. Sev had... certainly made some progress, but he didn't have the easily exploitable skills that Misa did, or access to the kind of magic Derivan and Vex could cast. He was a healer. He had his barriers, he had his divine spells — half of which he'd been barred from using, for the most part — and he had his connection to his Gods.

There didn't seem to be much of a path ahead for just healing better. He'd been able to figure some things out with his skills, had even gained a skill for [Healer's Intervention], which allowed him to attach to a target a small packet of divine magic that would burst and heal them when it was needed, effectively preventing death-by-health-loss, but it all seemed insufficient.

His connection with Aurum was stronger, too. He'd begun to meditate on that connection, allowing himself to draw more of Aurum's divine energy when the god allowed him to — which happened pretty much entirely on Aurum's whim. He'd gained a new skill, even, from Aurum's domain rather than Onyx's. He didn't particularly know how he felt about it.

[Buying Time] [Active] [Grade: Max]

The more gold you use, the more time slows down. Dilate time by 10% for every 100 grams of gold per second contributed to the skill.
