As I waited for the interviews to end, I started to survey the bodies in the casks. My Trope Master ability worked on them. As I looked around the room, I found that all of them were enemies. That made sense. It was unlikely that they would be NPCs. Body snatching pretty much ensures an evil alignment.

Unfortunately, they only had two to three tropes. Some were so old they would die with ease, apparently. One of their tropes appeared to block my ability to see anything more than that. Their Plot Armor ranged from standard NPC all the way up to 51.

Oddly enough, I couldn't see any of their names, not even their colorful codenames. As I saw it, if I didn't "Wake the Beast," they would remain feeble test tube terrors.

I hoped.

Society Member

Plot Armor: 3-51




On Death’s Door (85% of the casks had this trope)

This villain is nearly dead and exploiting their weakness will easily procure a victory.

Don’t Wake the Beast (all of them had this)

This villain is asleep or in a similar condition. They will not stir without outside intervention. Waking them will transform them into a more dangerous form that plays by different tropes.

Decorative Danger (all of them had this)


This Villain’s presence is scene dressing. It would be best not to change that before the proper time comes.