Chapter 879: Let there be war. 3

"You two are mine!" Victor smiled widely as his wings grew, the gauntlet on his hand began to change until it formed an Odachi that Victor quickly caught, and performed by attacking the two Elder Gods.

But his blow was stopped by a shield of pure darkness created by the Elder God next to Ikor.

"Father, you were right... You are arrogant." The voice of the Elder God near Ikor spoke.

"Father...?" Victor looked at the giant next to Ikor who had sharper skin as if it were natural armor, the only similarity between them and Ikor was their eyes, everything else was different, even the skin coloring which tended more towards black and gray than white like Ikor.

"Fighting the two of us, you are a fool."

"You don't understand, Boy." Victor sheathes his sword, and his body glows with the power of red lightning, he disappears, and appears on the creature's face in an Iai Jutsu stance.


"I have to fight you two or it won't be fair to you." Victor pulls the Odachi from its sheath, and sheathes it again seconds later.

As if the world had been delayed, hundreds of thousands of cuts began to appear on the creature's face.

But the moment these cuts appeared, they were quickly healed, and the creature's body exploded with a type of dark energy, Victor quickly disappeared with his lightning and appeared far away.

"...I died... This body of mine will only hinder me when fighting someone like you."

"Var-Kar-Vi, don't do that."

"It is necessary, Father." He did not accept his father's orders, and in the next moment, his gigantic body began to shrink at high speed.


Victor didn't miss this chance and quickly went to attack him, but a barrier appeared around the creature, a barrier that was quickly cut by Victor.

Appearing in front of the creature, Victor cut it again, he felt that sensation of the flesh cutting, but... For some reason the flesh seemed more difficult for him to cut than before.

Even if you cut him hundreds of thousands of times until there was nothing left, he would still come back because the soul was intact.

[Victor his soul was not damaged.] Roxanne spoke.

[I know...] Victor looked at the Elder God leader.

Seconds later the Elder God's size decreased to two meters, a more manageable size.action

"You killed me… Hundreds of times."

Victor appears at his side and cuts him with Junketsu, but... The blade doesn't pierce him.

"Now, you can't kill me like that anymore."

Instead of being surprised and paralyzed, Victor roared in the creature's face, killing him again, but in the next moment, it came back to life.


[I know, I noticed it too.]

Victor flies away. 'The son has adaptation, while the father has immortality...'

The high-pitched tone is heard again, and a sonic blast flew towards Victor.

Victor's body glows with the power of lightning, and he disappears from in front of everyone, then he appears in the sky, and demonstrates his power to reshape creation.

Victor pulls the fireball into the sky, and throws it towards Ikor.

As the fireball flew towards the Elder God, Victor made a gesture with his hand, and in the next moment the fireball was compressed to the extreme until... A singularity was born.

A Black Hole.

When the singularity appeared, everything immediately began to be sucked in at high speed.

[Victor, are you crazy!?] Roxanne screamed at the madness in front of him.

Exceeding everyone's expectations, Ikor just reached out his hand, took the Black hole with his hand, and stuck it in his mouth and swallowed it.

[...Impossible...Despite being a natural Black Hole, it is large enough for a being to swallow a singularity...Just what is its divinity?][This beloved Roxanne of mine... It's the million-dollar question.] Victor's smile grew wider.

An endless darkness came towards Victor, but Victor quickly chased away the darkness by creating another fireball and throwing it into the sky.

"... Irritating." Var grumbled.

Rumble, Rumble.

"Close your teeth, Boy." Victor closes his fist, and punches Var's face with all his strength, a deafening bang was heard, the creature's head disappeared from existence, as did everything in front of that punch.

Wasting no time, Victor flew towards Ikor with his lightning, he needed to kill that leader.

Before he could even arrive, the gravity around Ikor grew hundreds of thousands of times, but it didn't affect Victor.

Victor puts Junketsu in his mouth, and with both hands, he summons the earth around him, thorns grew from the ground, and flew towards Ikor's feet, the stone property that was these thorns changed to sharp divine material that pierced the feet. of Ikor making him unbalance.

He takes Junketsu and puts more power into his lightning making it effectively disappear, but... He noticed that time around him started to slow down slightly.

'This feeling...' Victor turned his face to the side, when he saw the appearance of the 10-meter gorilla, and the golden-eyed angel, Victor's guesses were correct.

Lucifer's body shuddered when he felt Victor's gaze.

'I should have gone after that red-haired woman like Ikor ordered me instead of attacking that man... But... Something about him irritates me, he reminds me of that bastard Diablo.'

Without expressing any pain, Ikor brings both his hands towards his body, and makes a palm gesture, next moment, he attacks the air with his open palm.

Victor was effectively immobilized, with his speed sealed by the power of time, and on his way to an attack that covered a large scale, an attack covered in positive energy that as a being of negativity would harm him immensely, and what did he do?

He becomes a star, literally.

In the time of a millisecond, Victor accessed the power of the sun within himself, and covered himself, suddenly, everything heated up 5000 degrees Celsius of pure power burned the two attacks.

The two attacks were not only burned from existence, it also blinded his four enemies temporarily.

Victor quickly turns off the power of the sun within himself so as not to harm his ally, and disappears creating a storm of red lightning.

He appears on top of Ikor, his Odachi glowing red imbued with miasma, and soul power, with an impeccable martial art stance, he takes the Odachi and slashes from top to bottom.

In the next moment, the giant's entire body was split in half.I think you should take a look at

Blood sprayed everywhere, Victor wasted no time, and controlled this blood... He tried at least, because what came out of the Elder God's body was not blood.

'As expected... My senses weren't wrong.' Victor narrowed his eyes as that giant body began to fall from one side to the other.

He didn't feel 'life' in that body, it was all just a walking corpse, now that it was open, he could clearly feel better.

In the belly of that being, a creature similar to its giant version was present.

"Victor Alucard... You are certainly a broken existence, even in the face of all the diversities, you have an ace up your sleeve..." Ikor puts his hand on his face and removes the gunk present.

"Ironic to hear this from an existence that can deny cause and effect."

"A power I cannot use often." Ikor admitted truthfully, surprising Victor slightly.

"Unlike you, we normal beings are balanced, we have our strengths and weaknesses, but you... It's as if you have no weak points." A white staff appeared in Ikor's hand.

"Your energy, as the primordial said, is capable of supporting 6 planets, your martial arts are all at the threshold of grandmaster. Your divinity is about to awaken, as a progenitor dragon, you can control 50% of creation, a percentage that increases even more because of the existence of the tree of negativity."

"The word Irregularity must have been created just for you, the speed at which you evolve is extremely irregular, almost irrational."

"It's as if your existence is loved by the primordial chaos."

"... Thanks for the compliment?" Victor spoke slightly confused, but still with his guard open, although he noticed something. 'That's why he called me that the first time I saw him, huh?"

Ikor turns his neck from side to side, cracking sounds are heard, the next moment, he slams the staff's handle into the air causing a sonic boom.

"You Welcome... A special existence like you must be watched closely, it is a pity that you are an enemy." Pure green power began to pour out of Ikor's body.

Pure positive energy could be felt in his body. "But even if you are my enemy, I will show you something special, something I haven't shown anyone else."'No thanks.' Victor wouldn't wait for the enemy to finish his preparations, he quickly covers his body with lightning, and within a few seconds, he already appears in front of Ikor cutting him down.

When the blade would pierce the creature's body, he heard Ikor's next words: "Akashic Creation."

Time stopped, a white dome formed with Ikor in the middle, and then he, his son Lucifer, and the gorilla vanished from existence.



Victor blinks his eyes, and wakes up in a completely white space, he tries to use his eyes to try to understand where he is, but all he gets is neural overload, and an intense headache.

"It's useless."

Victor shakes his head, and looks at the voice, then he sees his four enemies, standing side by side.

"In this space, any attempt to understand it will result in failure."

"Where I am?"

"The place where everything begins, and where everything ends." Ikor looked at the horizon.

When Victor followed his gaze, he saw hundreds of billions of galaxies, the vision of the cosmos and its infinity was there before his eyes.

But that wasn't what caught his attention, but rather several small explosions in the distance that created even more galaxies, it was as if he was on the edge of the cosmos watching all of creation expand infinitely.

That was a hunch that proved correct when he heard Ikor's words.

"Welcome to the threshold of the cosmos, Victor Alucard. In this realm where everything exists, and nothing exists at the same time, your greatest capabilities related to manipulating creation, your irritating speed are sealed."

"This includes your ability to use negative energy."

[Roxanne!?] Victor quickly shouted internally.

[Yes, I am here. No one can separate me from you Darling, I am in your soul, and since I am here, your planet is also here, you can call for reinforcements if you want.]

[...No need.] Victor replied in relief.

Red power covered Victor's body again.

Seeing this power, Ikor's eyes opened wide in shock: "...What a surprise... To think that your bond was that deep, she is not a host of your soul, huh... She is fused with your soul."

Victor covers himself with the power of lightning, and realizes that he can still use it, but unlike before, he can't accelerate to absurd speeds.

Victor narrowed his eyes. "You prepared very well."

"You are an even worse threat than Vlad" Ikor spun the Staff, a green power covered the three beings near him.

"It's obvious that I will create countermeasures for you."

"... I see... More." Victor's body slowly began to glow golden.

[Don't do this, Darling! Even though your body is really tough, you can't withstand the entire temperature of your star, you don't have immunity to it like the sun gods.]

Because the star within Victor's dimension was many times larger, its temperature was significantly higher than Earth's sun.

[I know.] Victor wasn't a fool, he also wouldn't trust a power he just gained.

The tone of the glow began to change to violet until his entire body was covered with dragon fire. Instead of covering himself with the power of the sun, he used the sun to boost the destructiveness of the dragon fire.

"No matter how many countermeasures you take, in the end…" The power of negativity and the dragon flames came together, creating a natural armor around Victor, not satisfied with just that.

He covered his power of lightning, with his power of ice, with his power of nature, the power of blood, and also applying the small remnants of divinity within himself.

Pure miasma came out of his hair and spread around creating a heavy, disease-filled environment that came from the power of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse that he rarely used due to how irredeemable it is to the surrounding environment.

With his entire set of powers, if he uses the power he gained from the knight of disease and hunger together, everything around him will become just a barren wasteland with diseases that no one but him can enter.

Every time he released a power he had within himself, the pressure around him became more and more oppressive, more and more heavy, more and more frightening.

For the first time since he became a dragon, he was letting it all out.

"It is useless in front of me."

Ikor was silent before that embodiment of cosmic horror, he pointed his Staff at Victor, and said: "Kill him."
