Chapter 866: The 'Lady'.  

Everyone's brains seemed to reboot, and quickly, everyone who was standing took their seats.

The Limbo Guy chuckled inwardly. 'He does indeed have the potential to be an Overlord.'

In his existence, he had seen many Overlords who were Leaders of entire Universes, and a common characteristic among them was:

Their overwhelming presence demanded respect.

All Supernatural Beings observed the peculiar way that the Beings present chose to sit.

Tasha and Haruna stood up from their seats and moved closer to Victor, while Amaterasu walked towards the empty seat next to Haruna and sat there.


Now, Haruna never thought she would one day sit beside the Supreme Goddess of her homeland, but she wasn't complaining; she had nothing against it either.

Shiva sat alone on the right end, Odin sat alone on the left end.

Ra chose to sit in a chair after Odin.

The choices of everyone present spoke volumes about their own positions in relation to this meeting and who their allies were or were not.

Without saying a word, alliances had already been formed.

"Before we begin, I would like to call my assistant to this meeting," The Limbo Guy looked towards the door where everyone had come from.


These words raised the eyebrows of Shiva, Odin, and Ra. In all Meetings of Supernatural Beings, they had never heard of this man's assistant participating in any meeting; he mostly worked alone.

The door opened, and soon, a tall woman three meters in height appeared.

She had long light blue hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a tight suit that seemed to come from the futuristic worlds in a sci-fi fiction. Due to her clothing choice, everyone could see how 'impressive' her assets were, but that was not what the Leaders present here were focused on; it was her presence.

They knew she was strong, but they couldn't tell how strong she was. However, as an assistant to a Primordial, it was obvious she wasn't just an ordinary person.

Even after the woman's appearance, Victor didn't turn to look at her. He remained in the same position with neutral eyes, not showing any emotion. However, in those neutral eyes, he was observing everything and everyone.

Despite being limited by his current location, his senses were still strong enough to cover the entire room; he didn't need to turn to 'see' the woman.

Therefore, he didn't miss Odin's brief lapse of emotion when he saw the woman, a lapse that lasted only milliseconds, but was long enough for Victor to see everything he needed to. As an old and ancient man, Odin was very proficient at hiding his emotions. Unlike Zeus, he truly was a worthy KING.

'For such an old Being as yourself to lose control of emotions like that, you must really be shocked, huh.'

Footsteps were heard, and the woman's long blue hair that reached down to her buttocks floated around, exuding a unique aura.

'Oh? This Energy... It's the first time I've seen it…' Victor saw that, like himself, the woman's body was saturated with an unknown Energy, and this Energy was leaking slightly through her hair, giving it a very similar appearance to his own hair, which was covered in the Miasma of Hell.

The woman stood behind The Limbo Guy in an upright position with her hands behind her back, like a soldier at attention.

"Now that everyone is present, let's begin," The Limbo Guy clapped his hands, and the room's light dimmed slightly, leaving the room softly illuminated.

"As the host, I will list the points of this meeting.""First, due to recent changes caused by my colleagues, the Soul Zones known as 'Hell' have been reduced to three Major Zones."

The words of The Limbo Guy were proof enough that the change that happened in Hell was due to the decisions of the Primordials, and not because of a single individual... However, that was not entirely correct. After all, it was due to the events related to Victor that the Primordials made this decision.

"Tsk," Seth clicked his tongue. He didn't like this interference at all, but what could he do? When a Primordial did something, you could only accept it silently.

The Primordial's words also caught Odin, Ra, Sucellus, and The Heavenly Father off guard; after all, this detail directly influenced their own Heavens. In fact, this wasn't even a topic they were expecting in the meeting! They were here because of Victor.

But apparently, The Primordials had other goals in mind.

"But despite them reducing the number of Hells, the same did not occur to the Heavens where the good portions of the Souls go."

"And as expected, this action has caused an imbalance in the flow of Souls."

Victor raised an eyebrow. He looked at The Heavenly Father who only nodded slightly, agreeing with The Limbo Guy's words.

"At the request of the Three Judges of the Abyss, this problem needs to be corrected... Therefore, from now on, the Heaven where the good portions of the Souls go to will decrease to three."

"And this will begin... Now."

Ra, Odin, The Heavenly Father, and Sucellus opened their eyes widely when they felt their own Heavens changing and getting larger, so large that they even encompassed other entire Pantheons!

They broke into a cold sweat in the face of the overwhelming Power of these Beings; they simply shaped reality as they pleased.

With just a gesture, they casually forced these Pantheons to be literal neighbors now, no longer separated by Dimensions.

"As you could likely sense, the Heavens have now been reduced to three. Except for The Heavenly Father, you all need to decide how to divide Authority related to the flow of Good Souls..."

"Oh, and I will put up a barrier that will last for one year. That should be enough time for you to decide how to manage your new territories," The Limbo Guy snapped his fingers, and a massive barrier separating each Pantheon's territory was created.

Ra raised his hand.

"Yes?"I think you should take a look at

"This matter was not on today's agenda."

"That's correct. However, since it was a pending issue, we decided it would be quicker to discuss it now and resolve the problem promptly."

Sucellus raised his hand.


"Do you think it's right to withdraw our territories in this manner?"

"Hmm... You God-King Leaders of Pantheons seem to have a misconception."

"...Huh?" Sucellus exclaimed, confused.

The Limbo Guy looked at everyone present, not just Sucellus.

"The Spiritual Aspect of Existence related to the Soul is under the direct Authority of The Primordial, The Three Judges of the Abyss."

"If they decide something related to this direct Authority, you can only accept it. Understand that he is your boss, and you are merely his subordinate.""If you're dissatisfied, you can relinquish your Paradise, and we will assign this task to more capable hands."

The Gods remained silent and said nothing. Although some Gods like Ra and Sucellus were annoyed by these words, they were not willing to give up their 'Paradise.'

The Heavenly Father didn't care about these words. As The God of Creation, he knew very well that when 'Creating' something on a large scale that could upset The Balance of something, he needed to seek direct permission from The Universal Tree, who had absolute Authority over anything related to Life and the continued existence of The Universe.

The same thought applied to Odin. He knew very well that there were certain Concepts that no God could touch, and these Concepts were precisely those related to The Primordials.

You couldn't call yourself "Death" with The Primordial of Death around; a God of Death? Yes, you could; after all, you only influenced some Aspect of Death.

But there was only one "Death"; he was Death Incarnate, representing The End of Everything.

"...Seeing that no one is dissatisfied, let's continue."

As the meeting progressed, the tall woman's blue eyes were staring at all the Leaders present. She looked at Shiva.

'As expected, he is strong... Almost as strong as one of that bastard's Generals,' she thought.

She looked at Ra. "A Solar Entity... He is strong, but unsuitable as an ally; his intentions, though hidden, are clear as day, not to mention that his Pantheon is a complete mess."

She didn't even need to look at Odin; after all, she already knew the old man. She choked slightly when she saw a Beast of The End.

'What's with this Sector? Two Beasts of The End from the same Pantheon? That old man is certainly unlucky.'

During her stay in The Norse Pantheon, she had enough time to research this planet. She was also present when The Bifrost was destroyed by Hela.

She had read the stories about Fenrir, The Wolf that would bring about Ragnarok, and Níðhöggr, The Dragon that fed on The Roots of The World Tree.

These texts didn't state that they were Beasts of The End; this fact was confirmed by Odin himself. But seeing was believing, and she didn't trust Odin.

She didn't trust anyone on this planet. Despite staying in The Norse Pantheon for some time, she never let her guard down, always prepared for possible attacks.

Her eyes shifted from Fenrir to Tasha. 'The Progenitor of a Race, not uncommon... But she is different from the previous Progenitor of her same Race.' She thought about the records she read in The Norse Pantheon about The First Werewolf.

Comparing them, The First Progenitor of The Werewolves had roots from another planet, while Tasha had roots on this planet. They could be considered similar Species, but they were essentially different.

As someone with an outside and broader perspective, she could casually see this detail even though she hadn't met The First Progenitor of The Werewolves personally.

She didn't even glance at Vlad or Haruna. Vlad's Faction was too weak to deal with the Beings she was going to request aid against, and as for Haruna, she was from a new Faction.

The same thought applied to Tasha; she might have a pet End Beast, but you didn't win a war with just that. There were several ways to nullify such a trump card.

Yes, End Beasts were strong in any scenario; they were a supreme wildcard. But for an experienced Leader and someone who had dealt with these types of Beings before, they knew very well how to handle them.

Due to the nature of End Beasts, they were limited. For example, Fenrir couldn't learn Magic or other types of Energy because his existence was bathed in a very special Energy. He could learn Martial Arts, but he would always primarily fight using his instincts.

Even if he Mastered his instincts and fought rationally like a Human, eventually, he would return to fighting with instincts.

That was how they were made to be; as The End of Everything, they had no potential for growth.

That's how The Balance worked. If an existence was born too strong, it would always have a disadvantage to balance it out. The perfect example of this thinking were The Primordial Gods.

FEW Gods could evolve beyond the level they were born into. The reasons were many, from factors like mindset, the environment in which they grew up, behavior, to lack of talent. All these little things influenced a Being, but the main cause was not understanding oneself.

They didn't question their existence, so they didn't progress.

Eventually, her eyes turned to Victor, and her first impression was... Abnormal.

'He is clearly an Anomaly. Not even in my Sector is there someone with as much Energy as him, not to mention this perfect control... How many millennia did I take to have such control over my Energy? And this man achieved it in less than 1 millennium..." The more she analyzed him, the more she found him abnormal.

She had never seen someone with so much talent before.