Chapter 857: My Egyptian wolf goddess with tanned skin and straight hair. 2  

hours after the 'battle' between Tasha and Victor.

"... So it happened as I expected, huh," Vlad said.

"Oh?" Victor rested his face on his hand. "You expected something like this?"

"Of course. After all, we're talking about the biggest Playboy there is. Such a result is normal," Vlad shrugged in disdain.

"How rude to call me a Playboy. I don't go around sleeping with just any woman, Vlad. Unlike them, I take responsibility for all," Victor replied.

"Well, you're an honorable Playboy then."


"I suppose that's a better term than before," Victor chuckled.

"... What about our agreement then?"

"It remains unchanged. But instead of talking to me, you'll be talking to my Wife."

"...." Vlad observed Victor naturally. The fact that he was calling Tasha 'my Wife' just hours after Volk disappeared from everyone's life was simply unbelievable. He wasn't joking when he called this man a Playboy. The man really was a threat to all husbands because of it, which is why he would never show his current wife to Victor.

He had already had too many cuckold incidents, thank you very much.

"Are you calling me a fool, Victor?"


"Of course not. Why would you think that?" Victor narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The fact that Tasha is your Wife means you have complete control over Samar through her, and even though you like your Wives to have autonomy, that fact doesn't change."

In a few words, a good understanding could be read between the lines. Vlad knew that what was happening in Samar now was the same as what happened in Nightingale.

This Playboy had taken all the women of the most powerful Clans in Nightingale for himself and gained enormous influence indirectly.

'OFFICIALLY' speaking, he wasn't their Leader, but he knew very well that if Victor asked something of his Wives, they would fulfill his request with all their might.

"When you said our agreement was unchanged, that's a complete lie."

In the end, it all came down to a political power game. Officially, Victor wasn't doing anything wrong by wanting to help Samar; he was just supporting his new ally. But everyone in the inner circle on both sides knew that The Queen of The Werewolves and The Demon King were intimately connected.

So Victor wasn't just helping Samar; he was helping his WIFE grow in strength, thereby increasing his own influence and power in the process.

"Don't look at me like I'm a manipulator, Vlad," Victor rolled his eyes. "It wasn't me who was secretly meeting with the Leaders of The Werewolf Clans to negotiate."

Vlad raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised that Victor knew about that. 'I thought I told Alexios to isolate the location... Don't tell me his Powers have grown so much that he can ignore Alexios's abilities?'

As a man who knew his subordinate's Power quite well, he was extremely shocked by this thought. Victor wasn't even a God of Space, yet he could see through Alexios's barrier. He wondered just how special this man's eyes were to be able to do such a thing.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Vlad said in a confused tone.

Victor snorted. "Stop the act; you know you can't lie to me."

Vlad grumbled; that ability of his was irritating.

"Do you know why I didn't interfere in your affairs?"

"Very well, I'll indulge you. Why didn't you?"

"Because, in the end, it doesn't matter."


"These Clan Leaders may have a long history and good influence in Samar, but each individual is worse than trash."

"The diamond called potential lies with The Lykos Clan, specifically Maya Lykos and her mutant Lineage, and The Wolf Queen, of course."

"The rest are trash who will never even reach the level of a Low-Level Battle God."

"Your standards are quite high, Victor," Vlad couldn't help but remark.

"Do you think so? I'm thinking my standards are too low. Honestly, any Being that doesn't have the potential to fight a High-Level Battle God is inadequate in my eyes, but I've generously lowered my standards to a Low-Level Battle God."

Vlad rolled his eyes. This man's lizard brain completely obscured his reality.

"In all of Samar, only The Lykos Clan and The Queen interest me, while the rest are inadequate or need time to develop, something we don't have right now." Victor's words may sound harsh, but his perspective must be taken into account.

He was the greatest combat genius to have ever existed; his views may seem crazy, but as they say, geniuses are often called crazy.

Despite having this personal opinion, it didn't mean he would ignore these 'inadequate' Beings. After all, society was not only made up of the 'Elite'. For the most part, society was made up of ordinary people, and it was these Beings that made society function. For this reason, he didn't ignore everyone. Although, the main reason he was not interested in the other Wolves is simple: he already had a society composed of Demons who would help him with anything. So right now, he was just looking for Beings who could become 'Elites' for his army.

Victor looked all over Samar, and he only found most of the potential in Tasha's subsidiary Clan and some specific Beings from Samar who didn't grow in a large Clan. These were talents that he'd judged as 'okay', talents that, even if nurtured, wouldn't reach the level of a Low-Level Battle God's strength but would be efficient.

If it were another time, he would have taken these talents and trained them. After all, he knew that the Power of numbers was a significant factor in war.

If he could take these talents and put them in an army with a solid command structure, it would yield wonderful results. But all of this took time and a good General.

Unfortunately, he only had one of those requirements, which were the Generals, but he didn't have time. As someone Blessed by The God of War [Ares], Victor could smell war from miles away... Especially now with the recent news that left him internally furious, news he would address in the next meeting of Supernatural Beings.

So he didn't need numbers since he already had that with his Demons. He needed Elites. Fortunately, he didn't need to worry about the Wolves. After all, his Wife was competent, and she would turn Samar into a talent pool in less than two generations. He firmly believed in this fact.

"I see, I understand your mindset... But what about our agreement?"

"As I said, Vlad, our agreement hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is that you will negotiate with Tasha now."

"That's not how an agreement works, Victor. If I make an agreement with you, I should deal with you, not Tasha."

"That's correct, but currently, she holds more authority in Samar than I do."

Vlad did his best not to roll his eyes; the man was too brazen.

"You're not keeping your word, Demon King."

Just these words were enough to make Victor's expression serious as the atmosphere grew heavy and a hostile mood settled around them.

Vlad unconsciously swallowed hard and prepared to use all his Power if necessary. The current Victor was no longer the same boy who challenged him in the past; he was a literal monster.

But instead of attacking or doing something aggressive as Vlad expected, he said:

"I haven't broken my agreement, Vlad. You will have your Werewolves. You will have what was promised to you. Unlike a certain old man, I didn't act behind your back and speak to several Clan Leaders. If we're talking about who broke the agreement... Vlad, you did it first, but I kept my agreement."

Vlad had no words to refute this because, in the end, it was true. Although there was some 'freedom' in Samar, the agreement between the two was only between Volk and Tasha. The other Leaders of large Clans and smaller Clans were not included. It was an unspoken consensus that they wouldn't talk to them, but simply because it wasn't 'said,' it gave Vlad the opportunity to act as if he was acting according to the agreement.

On the other hand, Victor kept to the agreement, and the only thing that changed was the situation related to Tasha and Volk.

Vlad had expected Volk to lose, but he hadn't expected him to lose so badly that he became useless to him.

If we put the cards on the table and say who is wrong in this situation, the first one to be blamed would be Vlad since he broke the agreement first.

"It seems you've stopped being hypocritical and understood what I meant," Victor said with disdain. "Don't confuse my inaction for weakness, Vlad. I know very well what I'm doing." He got up from the chair and turned around.

"The other reason I didn't pursue you over this agreement is because I also need you."

Vlad raised an eyebrow.

"A war is coming, a war that will involve everyone, regardless of whether they are from another Faction or not. Having The Progenitor of Vampires as an Elite in this war will be very useful."

'The Emperors, huh...' Vlad thought.

So what if Vlad gets some Wolves for his Faction? That didn't matter much to Victor anymore. After all, The Progenitor of The Werewolves was by his side, and she could make more strong Werewolves if needed.

Victor needed Elites, men and women who knew what they were doing. Not trash who only knew how to live in luxury. He wanted warriors and soldiers. He wanted the best specimens for himself.

Even the Elder Gods were not out of his sight. Vlad would have his revenge, a revenge that was not only for him but also for Ophis, his beloved daughter. But... the rest of the Elder Gods, including Nightingale's World Tree of Positivity, would be his.

A Dragon had awakened, and he wanted to conquer. No one would be spared on his path of conquest. Even Vlad himself if he overstepped his bounds.

The only two reasons Victor didn't interfere with Vlad were because the old man worked better alone and because Ophis wouldn't like to see her two fathers 'killing each other.'

"Go talk to the Queen. She knows about our agreement, and she will fulfill my part of the deal," Victor stopped playing politics and said exactly what he told Vlad to do in the beginning, this time with more details.

Vlad opened his eyes slightly. "She knows about this?"

"Of course, she knows, Vlad... After all, she is my Wife."


After this conversation, Vlad, together with Aleixos, headed to the Palace, and upon entering The Queen's Castle, he saw a line of Werewolves kneeling in front of her.

When Vlad laid eyes on Tasha, he contorted his face slightly.

The woman looked completely different. Her pressure, her eyes, the Wolf Tail, and the Wolf Ears, the tattoos on her face that seemed to represent the silhouettes of a Wolf's And most of all... her overwhelming aura.

Tasha Fenrir had become a Progenitor. Vlad knew that... But he didn't know that she face.

And most of all... her overwhelming aura.

Tasha Fenrir had become a Progenitor. Vlad knew that... But he didn't know that she also gained the unconditional support of the World Tree of Samar.

This overwhelming Energy coming out of her body that he could recognize anywhere, was the same Energy that came out of Victor's body from time to time. The only difference was that the quality of the Energy was more 'positive'.

'He tricked me...' Vlad couldn't help but think. This wasn't what he expected when he stepped into this place! This woman was clearly at the level of a God-King. How did she get so strong in just a few hours!? The change in Power was predictable. After all, Tasha's body had recovered and she became more accustomed to her current Power. Combine all that with the support of Fenrir's Blessings and the support of the Aurora World Tree,

Not counting the 'nourishment' she received from laying with Victor, it was understandable that in sheer Energy alone, she was at the level of a Low-Level God-King.

That was leaving the issue of combat aside, considering that Tasha was not exactly a warrior but rather a killer. Reaching the Energy level of a God-King was an incredible feat for someone who was not 'abnormal' like Victor. action

After all, she had been a Low-Level Goddess for several years and remained in that bottleneck until recently.

"Vlad Dracul Tepes, The Progenitor of Vampires and King of Vampires."

Now that Victor was no longer just The Progenitor of Vampires, Vlad reacquired his Title as the 'sole' Progenitor of Vampires.

"Here are your Werewolves."

"... It surprises me that you accepted this request so easily and have already prepared everything."

"It's a request made by my Husband. Of course, I will accept it." She smiled coldly. It was quite obvious that she was quite upset about this situation. She didn't like having her 'people' manipulated like this.

If it weren't for Victor having 'intimately negotiated' with her, she would be reacting much worse to Vlad's presence.

Even though these Werewolves that were leaving were useless to her, even though she knew she could make more Werewolves in the future by doing the act with her Husband and biting other Beings to change their Race to that of Werewolves,

Even though she also understood the context behind this request, due to the group of Emperors that would come in the future...

It was still annoying to give Vlad 500 Werewolves, even if they were traitorous 'trash'. After all, even these people had their uses for Tasha. They could be recycled, or she could use her Husband's idea and create a suicide squad that would fight for her Nation.

The group of Werewolves near Vlad who weren't in Tasha's inner circle opened their eyes in disbelief at what they just heard.

The woman had barely 'divorced' and already had a new Husband!? Just when did this happen!?

"Hmm..." Vlad looked at the Werewolves and saw that they weren't bad at all. He also noticed that some Leaders of the Clans he talked to were also in line.

'Practically, all the Leaders I talked to are here...' Vlad read between the lines and understood that this was a message from Victor. He 'saw' all of his movements in Nightingale and that nothing could be hidden from him.

A subtle display of Power that completely worked on Vlad.

'No authority, my muscular ass. This man has complete control over the Werewolves.' This scene only reinforced the idea of never introducing his wife and current lover to Victor.

"Who is the Alpha of this group?" Vlad asked.

"I elected this man." Tasha pointed to a tall, dark-skinned man. As the Alpha among Alphas, Tasha could elect a new Alpha with her Authority, and with that Authority, even a Beta could turn into an Alpha; they didn't need to be born with it.

Although it was a fact that those Wolves who were born as an Alpha were stronger and more efficient than those who were born as a Beta, just like everything in life... Strength was relative.

If the Alpha didn't train and exercise their talent, the beta who had always tried hard would easily defeat them.

"Very well…" Vlad looked at his subordinate: "Alexios."

"Yes, My King."

When Alexios tried to create the portal, nothing happened:

"...I can't create the portal."

Vlad looked at Tasha.

The Werewolf Queen smiled cruelly and said: "I will close my eyes to this intrusion for the sake of my Husband, but next time, there will be no forgiveness…"

"Stay away from my Wolves, Vlad." Her tone of voice made all the Werewolves around, and even the 'Alphas' lower their heads in submission. It was an instinctive act. When the Alpha of Alphas spoke, only obedience was required.

"Don't worry. Next time, I will negotiate with you directly." Vlad responded neutrally. He wasn't afraid or intimidated by Tasha but by the man who had her as his Wife.

"Hmm… Acceptable." Tasha nodded with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"You can go now." Tasha dismissed everyone with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Vlad looked at Alexios as the faithful subordinate nodded and tried again. Soon, a large gate appeared.

Tasha's group just watched disinterestedly as the group entered the portal and got smaller with each passing second.

When the group disappeared, three Beings appeared in front of Tasha.

"Satisfied?" Tasha asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Mm, thanks for the support, my dear." But just those words were enough for that irritation to disappear.

"Humpf." She wasn't happy or anything that he thanked her, okay? It's just a new feeling.

After all, when she did something for Volk, the bastard just acted as if she were his subordinate; the difference in treatment was obvious.

Her Husband was her companion, her partner, the man who completed her.

Even when he asked her to do it, he left the decision up to her. If she didn't accept, he would just say okay.

He didn't force her to do anything. She did it because she wanted to, she wanted to please her Husband a little.

'Hmm… Is this how the other Wives feel?' She felt a sweet sensation in her belly, and it wasn't his seeds in her womb. It was an intoxicating feeling of satisfaction in helping her Husband.

'Not a bad feeling.' Tasha thought.
