Chapter 850: Alpha among Alphas. 2  

"What are you doing?" Volk tried to question Tasha, but suddenly, he went catatonic, and his body started shaking as if it were being possessed by some Evil Spirit.

"Taking what is rightfully mine."

Everyone watched in disbelief as Volk's body visibly began to wither, and a Green Power started forming in Tasha's left hand.

"I understand... It seems they really are like a Hive. The Queen, or in this case, The Progenitor, has total control over her own members and can even withdraw their Powers when they want."

This was an ability that Victor didn't possess. Yes, he could take the Power of another Being for himself, but he had to kill and absorb that Being for it to happen. In most cases, if he didn't assign a high 'value' to the Soul of the Being he absorbed, he wouldn't gain much of their Powers.

Sure, he could absorb ALL the abilities of a Being if he assigned a high value to their Soul on the same level as Adonis, but that ran the risk of creating second or even third personalities, something Victor didn't want to do.


He didn't want to become a version of Legion, a Marvel Mutant, in his world.

Because of this, Beings like Zeus, Kronos, Nocturnos, and Erebus required him to assign a 25% value to their Souls, taking only 1/4 of their Power. Anything more than that and their personalities would influence Victor. After all, at the time, they were existentially more powerful Beings than he was.

However, were he to face them now, the situation would be completely different. His current state would easily allow him to assign a 50% value to their Souls, and he wouldn't feel any change. His body and Soul were much stronger existentially now. He predicted that when he became a God, this value would increase to 75%.

But it would hardly reach 100% without risking a situation similar to what happened with Adonis.

But even if it were only 25%, it was still 25% of the Power of a Primordial God, and that caused changes in Victor, changes that reflected in his current Powers.

Although this type of restriction only applied to the Power of the Being, memories didn't seem to be affected. Depending on the degree of 'value' he gave to someone's Soul, these memories could deeply affect him, even gaining him some hobbies and dislikes of the person he absorbed.


But if he kept the absorption at safe levels, he could read all the Beings' memories and not be influenced.

Even though Adonis had said in the past that Victor was the Alpha, The Progenitor, and that even if he absorbed high-value Souls, he wouldn't change, Victor had firsthand experience of how wrong those words were.

He had changed; Adonis's influence changed him. He would be foolish not to recognize that. And because of this change, he was extremely cautious about not over-absorbing Beings.

Although there were cases like War, where he ended up absorbing more than necessary out of the respect he had for him, and he didn't change much because War was similar to him, and the amount absorbed wasn't significant.

But that was an isolated and irrelevant case now.

Victor shuddered at the thought of adopting Zeus's "hobby" with women and men. What was Zeus's hobby? Did he need to say it? Everyone knows what his disgusting hobby was.

The whole process took 30 seconds, 30 long seconds. Whether they were Werewolves, Dragons, or World Trees, they all watched as Tasha "drained" Volk, taking all his strength.

"I... I feel weak," Volk murmured with difficulty as he fell to the ground.

With a wave of her hand, Tasha covered Volk's entire body with Green Energy, and it began to heal and regain color. But even though his limbs regenerated and his wounds healed, he still felt weak. The proof was his body, which now appeared skeletal.

"What did you do to me!?" He growled weakly. With no Power left, he was weaker than an average Human now.

Tasha picked up the Power Sphere and swallowed it. All of Volk's Power was added to her own without restriction or consequences, an ability that could only be used on members of her Race. She was the Queen, and no one would question her about it now.

Unlike The Progenitor of Vampires, she didn't gain extras like memories, combat experience, or even Volk's abilities. She only gained his "Power."

In just one night, she went from being a High-Level Goddess to the strength of a Low-Level God King, all thanks to the existence of her "followers."

"What I promised I would do." Tasha's tail swayed, and her eyes filled with Power. "Death's embrace is too kind for you, Volk. You won't have that privilege. I'll make you watch everything." She walked towards Volk.

Volk felt like he was in front of a Titan. He felt so small, so insignificant, so weak. He tried to use his "pride" to overcome this feeling, but his pride no longer existed, his strength no longer existed.

"I'll make you watch your name disappear from the records of history and from everyone's minds. I'll make you watch as I'm taken by a stronger, more competent man."

"I'll make you watch me take your children and live a happy life, something I never had with you." She displayed a big smile as if she could clearly imagine this image.

This smile caused even deeper damage to Volk's psyche; after all, it was a smile she never showed him.

Her smile vanished, replaced by a cold look. "I'll make you watch everything you built crumble before your eyes."

"And you'll watch all of this from the sidelines without being able to do anything or protest."

"You... You..." Volk wanted to say many things, but in her presence, he couldn't. He could only remain submissive, like a good dog.

When Tasha stopped in front of Volk, all he could do was lower his head and not look into her eyes. It was an involuntary gesture, a gesture that a Beta made when their Alpha looked at them.

"With my Authority, I expel you, Volk."

"From today forth, you will no longer be an Alpha or even a Beta."

"You will be a lone wolf, a wolf with no pack and no place to belong."

"You will be an Omega." The moment Tasha declared these words, all the Werewolves present felt the connection they had with Volk as a Pack Member disappearing completely.

For Victor, this spectacle was more visual as he could see the "thread" connecting Tasha and Volk being severed, thus completely cutting the connection between all of them.

Tasha was the source of all Werewolves, their Progenitor, and such an action to expel someone wasn't as simple as a normal Alpha.

The proof of this was Volk's reaction afterward.

He spat blood on the ground, and a hideous scream was heard by all. He was clearly in pain, a pain he had never experienced before.

For everyone, it seemed like Tasha did something to him or it was a reaction to Tasha's words, but Victor knew better. The moment Tasha severed their connection, Volk's Soul itself was damaged to the point where it crippled him completely.

Even if his Soul were to be restored, as long as he wasn't connected to the "Source" that was Tasha, he would never regain his "strength."

Officially, Volk had become even weaker than a Human child.

Victor knew this because he could observe.

And Tasha knew this instinctively because of who she was.

Elsewhere, Aurora had been watching everything through her plants.

"He's become useless for protecting my planet..." She looked at Fenrir, who was sleeping in his wolf form and spoke.

"Fenrir, remove your Blessing from Volk."

The bubble Fenrir was creating while he slept burst, and he opened his eyes lazily. "Hmm...? What?"

"Blessing. Volk. Remove." Aurora repeated.

"Mm..." Fenrir looked at Volk and scoffed in disdain when he realized how weak he had become. His eyes gleamed slightly, and the next moment, he said, "Done." As he was about to close his eyes to sleep again, he felt an overwhelming presence and instinctively looked in the direction of the person, seeing a man smiling at him with Dragon Wings.

"Victor...!" His eyes gleamed with amusement. "He got even stronger." A big smile appeared on Fenrir's face, and a light covered his body, transforming him into his Human Form.

The next moment, he kicked the ground and ran toward Victor.

A small Red Power appeared next to Aurora, and soon, Aria, this planet's Negative World Tree, appeared.

"Elder sister got even stronger... Dragon... Many Negative feelings... I like it." Aria displayed a small smile.

She disappeared into red smoke; where did she go? It was obvious, right?

Aurora sighed when she saw the reactions of Fenrir and her younger sister. She truly envied how much Victor could impact people. She knew very well that Fenrir wouldn't Despite understanding all of this, she couldn't help but feel bitter about it.

react as strongly to her presence as he did to Victor's.

The same could be said for Aria; she had never seen her younger sister smile!

Although, in Aria's case, her reaction was due to finding a "stronger older sister" of the same kind as her: Roxanne.

Despite understanding all of this, she couldn't help but feel bitter about it.

She sighed and then disappeared as well, going in the direction of everyone. She couldn't stay here alone, right?

When Fenrir's Blessing was removed from Volk, Tasha felt it clearly, and it put a smile on her face.

"It seems even Fenrir has abandoned you for being useless, Volk."

Volk didn't react to these words. The damage of being expelled as an Omega and the reaction to losing his only support, which was Fenrir's Blessing, were catastrophic for his psyche. His body was fine, thanks to Tasha, but the same couldn't be said for his mind.

"Adam, come here."

Tasha's sudden words startled Adam and The Lykos Clan.

"Y-Yes," Adam replied, and with a push of his feet, he appeared in front of Tasha.

"You are a General, Adam. The most loyal of Generals. I have a question for you, the one who supported Volk so much in the past."

Tasha pointed to Volk. "Even in this state, do you still consider him your King?"

Adam looked at Volk's pitiful state and bit his lips; this was no longer the man he saw as a King, but... He was still Volk.

"Yes, he is... But as a General, it is my duty to protect The Monarch."

"I see..." Tasha closed her eyes. "Your loyalty is admirable, Adam... But." The Progenitor's eyes shone with a celestial blue, resembling a cloudless sky.

"I don't need a General who isn't loyal to me." The moment she pointed her hand at Adam, a strong hand grabbed her wrist. action


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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