Chapter 836: Determination to Get Stronger.  

"Darling, you're back!" Violet jumped into Victor's arms as she hugged him.

"Mm, I'm back," Victor nodded as he embraced Violet.

He looked at Sasha and Ruby, who were still lazily lying in bed.

"So, what happened that made you leave so suddenly?" Sasha asked, looking at Victor with laziness.

Victor kissed Violet's neck.

"Hehehe, that tickles."


"The Witches..." Victor replied to Sasha as he picked up Violet like a princess and walked towards the bed. Along the way, his clothes began to slowly disappear, and soon he was only in shorts.

Ruby and Sasha swallowed dryly when they saw their Husband's body. No matter how many times they had seen or experienced it, he always looked too delicious.

Speaking of delicious...

'I'm thirsty,' Ruby thought.

"They created a damn hole in Space and connected it to another planet."

Victor's words made Ruby and Sasha's thirst vanish completely.


"... Huh?"

"Yeah, that was my reaction, too, when I found out."

"...." Silence fell in the room as the two women pondered Victor's words. Knowing their Husband well, they knew that the situation was not as 'simple' as he made it sound. Probably, he had also stirred up trouble there.

"Fortunately, I was nearby, as was Albedo Moriarty, so no major problems occurred... Well, except that I killed some Gods and Odin's Ravens."

"That's a big problem!" Ruby exclaimed as she sat up on the bed. She knew that nothing would be simple when Victor was around.

"Ugh, he leaves for just a few hours, and this happens?" Ruby grumbled.

"... Well, we should be used to it by now; he's always been like this," Sasha commented after some late reflection.

Victor just laughed in amusement. He always enjoyed seeing these expressions on his Wives.

"Don't laugh! We just came out of one war; we shouldn't be heading into another!" Ruby growled.

All Victor did was pull Ruby into an embrace and kiss her neck, which melted her stern expression with tenderness.

"Hmm~, W-Wait, Darling, ahh~."

"No need to worry, dear, I know exactly what I'm doing... Not to mention, who we are now?"

"... A Faction?" Sasha replied as she crawled toward Victor along with Violet.

"You're not wrong, but you're also not 100% right."

Victor leaned against the wall and let Ruby lie on his chest.

Violet lay on his right side. Sasha lay on his left side.

"We're one of the most powerful Factions on this planet."

"Literally, no one will dare to fight against us without thinking twice."

"But no one knows that yet, Darling," Ruby pointed out.

Victor smiled. "But they will. At the gathering of Supernatural Beings, everyone will know the consequences of getting in Victor Alucard's way."

A subtle smile appeared on the faces of the three.

"... What should we do, Darling?" Sasha asked.

"Yes, we don't just want to handle logistics. We want to fight as well and be at the forefront of everything you do, just like Scathach, Jeanne, and Aphrodite are."

It was simply too difficult to compete with experienced women like Aphrodite, Scathach, and Jeanne. They had been alive for thousands of years, knew many things, and were strong.

That was a gap that couldn't be filled without training and time—unless you were Victor, of course.

An abnormal Being who, in less than 1,000 years, had become one of the most powerful Beings in the world, surpassing even the Gods.

"Get stronger, not just in Power but in mindset."

"The problem is that our progress is too slow," Violet grumbled.

If the Noble Vampires heard what Violet had just said, they would spit blood. After all, Violet, Ruby, and Sasha were already as strong as Elder Vampires, and they could even fight against the Former Pillars of Hell now and win.It's not that they were weak or less talented; it's just that compared to others, especially Victor, they fell far behind.

But considering their age, barely reaching 30, they were already among the strongest Beings out there—a feat no Noble Vampire except Victor had achieved so early.

However, making this comparison was unfair to Violet, Sasha, Ruby, and the younger girls. After all, Scathach, Aphrodite, and Jeanne had plenty of time to develop.

By the world's standards, they were already considered geniuses and even monsters, but... they weren't satisfied with that.

They wanted more! They wanted to help Victor more, as The First Three Wives. Whether they liked it or not, they would be in the forefront of everything Victor wanted to do, and they had to be prepared for that.

Victor fell silent, quietly looking at his Wives, feeling their determination.

"Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you want this?" Victor asked extremely seriously, his face showing no hint of fun or playfulness.

The response from the three was instant.

"Yes." Determination and resolve were evident in their words.

"... Very well." Victor closed his eyes and then disappeared from where he was, reappearing in front of the bed.

"Follow me."

Victor started walking in a direction, and the girls looked at each other and nodded. They followed him, not caring that they were in their sleepwear. After all, there were only women here, and they were all Victor's Wives.

The mansion was divided into two complexes. On one side, only Victor's Wives could go, while the other side was for people like Anna, Kuroka, and the Goddesses who didn't have 'deep' relationships with Victor.

Although, being who she was, Anna could go wherever she pleased.

As they walked, the girls noticed that Victor's wings had appeared and were faintly glowing with red and violet hues. It was clear that Victor was using his Power to do something, but they had no idea what that 'something' was.

Suddenly, earthquakes began happening around them, making the girls a little concerned.

'Just what is he doing?' they wondered internally, though they didn't express these thoughts. He seemed very focused on his work.

While walking down the hallways, they came across a woman with long black hair dressed in a black and red gown. She was looking out the window with a curious and worried expression.

Sensing the presence of people, she turned her face.

"Ara, Victor—." She stopped speaking and swallowed hard when she saw her son's condition. She bit her lips with desire but quickly regained her composure and returned to her noble posture.


"... What's with this earthquake? Is it you?"


"I see. I'm glad; I thought it was a normal occurrence around here."

"Nah, this planet won't experience such phenomena without my permission."

"... Okay." Even though she had quite a bit of contact with the Supernatural World, she still found the idea of someone controlling the entire planet ridiculous. After all, it was Nature, and no one could control Nature. That was her thinking when she was Human. Now? Her own son could control Nature.

The phrase, "This planet won't experience such phenomena without my permission," said a lot about her son's current Power.

"Come with me too, Mother. What I'm doing will benefit you as well," Victor said, and then he continued walking down the corridors.

"... Okay." Anna nodded and began following Victor with his Wives.

Feeling the gaze of the three girls on her, she asked:

"... What?"

"It's nothing. I just now understood where Victor got his beauty from," Sasha diverted the topic, although it was not untrue.

"Indeed, with that dress, you even look like a Queen."

"Thank you." Anna smiled gently, creating a warm and familiar atmosphere.

An atmosphere that was completely shattered by one person.

"So you were longing for your son." Violet, as always, had no filter. "Did you want him to fuck you? Did you want him to pour his seeds into your womb? Did you want to make a baby with your own child? Fuck that's hot."

Anna blushed deeply and lowered her head.

"Violet!!" Sasha and Ruby exclaimed, scandalized.

"Yes, I'm Violet?" Violet asked innocently.

"You... Woman... You have no shame! Control your mouth!" Ruby snapped, completely exasperated. She thought that Violet had grown up, but this woman remained the same!

"You shouldn't say that to our Husband's mother, Violet!"

Violet rolled her eyes. "She should stop lying to herself. She's not Human anymore, and soon, she'll be a Dragon. I guarantee a Dragon's desires are much stronger than a Vampire's. Just look at your mother, Ruby. Even she can't control herself completely now."Scathach and Jeanne were known for their self-control and were very disciplined women. However, even they couldn't completely suppress their own desires since becoming Dragons.

And this action was quite normal. After all, their 'Progenitor' was a man with The Essence of a Vampire, Demon, and Dragon—Beings known for following their own desires.

"Enough! We won't discuss this further!" Sasha exclaimed, knowing that if they continued, Violet wouldn't stop, and the situation would get even stranger.

"Humpf," Violet huffed.

Anna was now extremely embarrassed and couldn't even say anything in her defense because, for a moment, she had entertained those thoughts.

She sneakily glanced at Victor, who was walking as if he hadn't heard anything behind him, which was impossible since the three women were not being discreet.

Victor's lack of response left Anna completely puzzled. He should probably react to something, right?

"Anna." Victor's sudden voice startled Anna immensely. After all, he only called her 'Anna' when he wanted to make his position as the Progenitor clear.


"Do as you please."

These words surprised not only Anna but also Ruby, Violet, and Sasha.action

"Just don't forget who you are, what you represent, and your current reality." Victor stopped walking and looked at Anna.

Anna felt her heart in her throat as she felt his gaze. "Regardless of your decision, I will support you, just as I always have."

Then Victor turned and started walking again.

Despite Victor's brief words, they contained many hidden meanings that only those close to him understood.

Feeling someone touching her shoulder, Anna looked and saw Violet's face. "Stop lying to yourself, face your own reality, and think... What do you desire?"

Ruby and Sasha were about to speak up but fell silent because, in fact, Violet had given good advice!

Arriving in the yard, Jeanne, Zaladrac, Scathach, Roxanne, Gaia, Nyx, and Natalia were there.

"Is everything ready?" Victor asked them all.

"Yes, you just need to give the final touch," Scathach said.


"... Haah, to think you would do all this just for them."

"What a foolish question, Nyx. I will do everything for them, and none of my actions are useless or foolish."

Nyx displayed a small, kind smile. "I know."

Gaia looked at this interaction with solemn eyes. No one knew what was going through her mind.

"Roxanne, my love. Let's begin."

"Mm!" Roxanne held Victor's hand.

"Zaladrac, Scathatch, Jeanne."

"Get ready to use the Runes."

"Yes, Darling/Victor."

As Dragons, the Draconic Language came naturally to them.

A red Power began emanating from Roxanne's body, and in the next moment, tremors could be felt throughout the area.

"W-What!? What's happening!?" Pepper's scream could be heard in the distance, and the next moment, the mansion's residents began to gather.

"Quiet, girls. Just watch. No harm will come to you with Victor here," Scathach growled.

"....." A silence fell around until Natashia spoke.

"Hmm, are you sure she's a Dragon and not some kind of monster with premenstrual tension?"

Scathach's wings spread, and she glared at Natashia with a promise of pain.

A tense smile appeared on Natashia's face: "Hehehehe~, you wouldn't attack me, would you?"

The girls rolled their eyes at this scene; Natashia just never learned.

"Girls." Zaladrac's neutral and heavy voice came.

"Focus." These simple words made the playful atmosphere disappear, and they looked at Victor seriously.

Pillars of earth began to rise, and a structure began to form.

In the span of a minute, they all watched a gigantic tower rising into the sky.

Upon seeing this sight, the group's silence was broken by Pepper.

"... I think Victor's been reading too much Korean Manhwa..."