Chapter 829: Ready to watch a show with an eccentric Witch.

Victor sighed as he leaned against the headboard of the bed, and lying in the bed around him were Zaladrac, Jeanne, Scathach, Morgana, and Aphrodite.

While Scathach, Morgana, and Aphrodite were sprawled across the ridiculously large bed,

Zaladrac and Jeanne, who were calm sleepers and didn't move much, were glued to Victor as if they wanted to merge with him.

After working non-stop, he finally managed to organize everything he wanted.

Along with Hephaestus and Thanatos, he created a staff capable of controlling an Aspect of Death. In fact, he went beyond the initial plan. Initially, he had only planned to give a small amount of Power, but... He changed his mind.

If he was going to strengthen his allies, he would do it properly, so he went further and used an Aspect of himself.


Using his Flames, along with the Powers of Blood and Soul, he managed to create a Technique that summoned deceased Beings.

You could even call them summonings since the creatures that the staff summoned were the Souls that were inside Victor.

The best thing about this staff was that the creatures it summoned could share their senses with Victor.

In other words... He could always watch whoever used the staff, and not only that, with the connection he had with the staff, he could even influence the user.

Although such an act was not necessary for his Disciple, it was always good to take precautions in case an arrogant God or any other individual tried to steal the staff. Thus, he made sure to put enough security in place for that individual to suffer greatly.

Indeed, it was a Divine Artifact worthy of a God's gift.


But that was just the beginning of his long, seemingly endless day of work. He needed to organize his army, strengthen his defenses, and, most importantly, create a floating island that would act as a fortress and base for his subordinates.

The place where all his subordinates would gather was a fairly simple pyramid scheme to understand.

First was Victor and his family on his planet; they were the True Leaders of everything.

Next came the flying island that would serve as a base for Victor himself when needed. This place would also be where all the Leaders of their respective groups, such as the Youkais, Vampires, Faeries, Goddesses, etc., would hold meetings. [Most of these Leaders were his Wives.]

And at the bottom of the pyramid was his Blood God Religion, which was controlled by Valeria, his direct Disciple, who would participate in these meetings as the representative of the Religion in the future.

It was a general consensus among his Family that the planet Victor created should be kept private. This place was their own personal 'Paradise.' A place where they could let their guard down and relax, a place where they didn't need to stress about the events of the world.

After organizing everything, he had to give a purpose to the Gods he had captured, and that was what he did.

He used them as slaves, forcing them to do all sorts of manual labor and more complex tasks. All these Gods were under Aphrodite's direct supervision.

It was worth noting that the Goddess quite liked this arrangement. Though, she had many complaints about these Gods. Thankfully, Persephone volunteered to help her.

Victor never thought he would see Persephone and Aphrodite working together on something, which also surprised his Goddess friends, who came from the original group that Aphrodite rescued.

That wasn't all. He also had to increase his war potential by transforming the most compatible women in his Family into Dragons... Something that was relatively easy, complex, and enlightening at the same time.

Honestly, this subject gave Victor a bit of a headache; after all, the transformation didn't follow a specific 'pattern.'

For example, Scathach turned into a Dragon and acquired a High Affinity with the Fire Element. Victor thought this pattern would continue... But he was completely wrong.

Evidence of this is Morgana herself, who turned into a type of Dream and Radiation Dragon. Instead of acquiring new characteristics like Scathach, she merged with the ones she already had and became even more proficient in them.

Another surprise was Jeanne herself, who turned into something like a Dragon but wasn't a Dragon in her own right. Why was she not a Dragon in her own right? Well, she didn't have the Soul of a Dragon, only the body of one.You could say she was in the same stage that Victor was before evolving into a True Dragon... But that's where he was mistaken.

As Jeanne's Spirit was of the highest possible level, unexpected changes occurred. First, all the influences she had on her material body were merged into one, and she acquired the Power of Holy Light and Wind, effectively becoming a Dragon of Light and Wind.

But it didn't stop there, as due to the influence of her Soul, she acquired an absurd Affinity with Nature.

After Victor, Jeanne was the only one capable of altering Creation as effectively as he could.

Jeanne's case was a complete surprise to Victor since he never thought that the 'sister' of a Primordial Entity would be so special.

He was even more surprised when she said the phrase.

"I feel my old Power returning... Now, I can help you more, Darling."

She was so lovely when she spoke those words that he had no choice but to pour all his liquids into her.

In summary, it was not that the Dragon Transformation gave her this ability; Jeanne could do it from the beginning. However, she lost those abilities because her material body couldn't handle that much Power.

Now, with the superior body of a Dragon, this was something completely different.

Victor sighed, "Well... I should have thought of that. After all, she came into existence even before The Universal Tree itself."

Honestly, if someone asked Jeanne, "Jeanne, how old are you?"

Jeanne would just answer, "Yes."

If you asked who came first, the egg, the chicken, or Jeanne?

The answer, without a doubt, was Jeanne; she was the oldest woman in existence.

Victor smiled gently as he stroked Jeanne's head.

"Hmm~." A smile appeared on Jeanne's face, and she snuggled even closer to Victor.

Victor just smiled and curiously touched her Dragon Horns.I think you should take a look at

"Vlad was a fool; he didn't realize the gem he had in his hands."

She wasn't just very kind and extremely loyal, but she was also very strong, and thanks to Victor's 'influence,' she became even more obsessive. She was perfect.

Just like all his Wives.

Victor laughed as he made plans in his head to make the girls even more obsessed and possessive.

While ordinary men ran away from a Yandere, Victor went around making more of them and even perfecting them.

Another surprise was Aphrodite's transformation.

He thought something like Metis would happen, but again, he was wrong. But this time, he wasn't shocked since Metis' case was also very specific.

Anyways, Aphrodite changed when she transformed into a Dragon, and he wasn't talking about her appearance, which gained new features like Horns and Wings.

He was talking about the very Essence of the woman changing... Or should he say Evolving?

For some reason, which he completely ignored, Aphrodite lost all her Minor Divinities... And a new Divinity was created by combining her Major Divinities.action

Precursor of Love and Beauty.Yes, the Concept she had now was no longer a simple word like 'Love,' 'War,' or 'Beauty.'

She had a whole phrase that encompassed the entire Concept of her Divinity.

What was a Precursor of Love and Beauty? Just as the name suggested, she was the one at the top of the pyramid in these two Concepts.

In other words, due to her recent Evolution, she went from being a High-

Level Goddess of Love and Beauty to the woman at the top of this Concept.

It might seem like a useless change, considering that she was already at the top before, but it's not that simple.

While Aphrodite was at the top before, she was still in that 'sphere' of influence where another God or Goddess could gain more Authority than her.

Now, that was no longer possible. She had completely stepped out of that sphere of influence and Evolved into something more.

If she so wished, she could even prevent the Gods of Love and Beauty from other Pantheons from using their own Concept! It was ridiculous.

Victor thought this was the stage Kali was in now, the woman who was one step away from becoming a Primordial Entity of Destruction.

While Kali was nearing the end of her journey, Aphrodite was just starting hers now.

She had reached the pinnacle of her Divinity, and to evolve to the next 'stage' to become a Primordial Entity of Love and Beauty, she needed to take the Concept itself into herself and embed it in her Soul.

An achievement that was much easier said than done; even Aphrodite herself had no idea how to do it.

She was also surprised to have lost her Minor Divinities, but she didn't complain much. After all, her Major Divinities became even stronger.

Victor couldn't say whether this situation was similar to Kali's or not, as he hadn't contacted the woman yet.

Perhaps Aphrodite's situation was completely different from Kali's, or maybe it wasn't; he couldn't say yet.

Honestly, this Evolution caught him completely off guard. With just these Dragons, his war potential had increased ridiculously.

Currently, he had seven True Dragons, including himself, and these seven Dragons were completely overpowered.

"No wonder the Gods are so afraid of Dragons," Victor chuckled.

Yes, he was well aware of the 'gathering' of Supernatural Beings, all thanks to the Host himself.

The Owner of Limbo contacted him and gave him a heads-up; it seemed he had become his 'new' friend.

"Probably, he wants to keep an eye on me," Victor thought. That was understandable, given that Victor's Faction was Evolving to compete with the Major Pantheons of the world.

They not only had Vampires, Werewolves, Youkai, Demons, Gods, and various other Races from the Mortal World, but they also had True Dragons, Beings said to be walking natural disasters.

As the man who worked the hardest to maintain The Balance, it was natural that he would keep an eye on them.

"Don't worry, I know very well how not to disrupt The Balance," Victor's eyes gleamed as he looked at The 'System.'

A truly magnificent work that spanned the cosmos.

"Hmm?" Victor narrowed his eyes, and he saw a small 'bug' in The System, so small and insignificant that The System itself would soon correct it, but since this 'bug' came from the direction of Earth, Victor was curious.

He directed his gaze to this small 'thread,' and soon his vision was in Australia, specifically in Arcane.

"... What is this woman doing?" Victor thought.

Victor's Dragon Eyes easily pierced the defenses of the Witches and fell upon a room.

In that room, he saw Evie with eight women beside her; even her 'blood' daughter was there. And they weren't the only ones. In the midst of all the girls, he saw a woman with long white hair, a witch's hat, black sclera eyes with red irises, and sharp teeth like fangs.

Although the woman stood in front of everyone, no one seemed to be paying attention to her.

Suddenly, the face of this woman turned in his direction.

"Ara... Watching without permission is offensive, you know? Progenitor."