Chapter 767: 'Good Boy'

Her face turned slightly red. "I wouldn't do that!... Probably," she murmured at the end, even more embarrassed.

Pretending not to hear the last part, he said, "Okay, I will take a picture with you."

The woman quickly grabbed her phone and took a selfie with Victor. As they separated, Victor whispered something in her ear for her ears only.

"If you want more, you can find them here," Victor sneakily handed her a card.

He wasn't specific about what he meant by 'more,' leaving it to the imagination of the Wolf girl to figure it out.

The woman blushed even more with Victor's sudden approach and simply nodded humbly.


As Victor stepped back and suddenly disappeared from her sight, she looked at her hands. "Religion of The Blood God?... Suddenly, her face turned completely pale.

"Alucard! Oh my god, Alucard was in my shop!" Despite being scared, she was also very curious. She looked at the photo on her phone, and a gleam of interest appeared in her eyes.

"Will contact them!"

Meanwhile, Victor returned to Maya. "Here, read this," he said, handing her a book.

"Baki?" Maya read the title of the book.

"Mm, I bet you'll like it. Just give it a try. If you don't like it, you can throw it away." Victor said as he put the other volumes in his bag.


"You read the panels from right to left."

"Okay," Maya replied as she opened volume 1 and started reading. A few minutes later, she was completely absorbed in her reading. Victor even had to hold her arm as they walked through the city to prevent her from getting lost. Looking at Maya, engrossed in her reading, he couldn't help but inwardly laugh. She resembled Leona now when she completely lost herself in something she enjoyed.

"Hmm?" Victor looked up and noticed Tasha’s assassins searching frantically, looking in different directions. He raised an eyebrow and heightened his senses to listen to what they were saying.

"Ugh, I can't find him! Where is Alucard?"

"Stop shouting. It's no use getting agitated. You both know very well that he's a master at stealth."

"But we have duties to fulfill. The Queen wants to see him!"

"I know... And stop shouting!"

"I'm not shouting!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Actually, you're both shouting."

"We're not!" They both said at the same time.

The two assassins looked at the person who spoke and saw a tall man holding the arm of The Matriarch of The Lykos Clan.

"Alucard!" The two jumped back."Yo, I heard you had something to tell me," Victor smiled mischievously.

"..." The two assassins exchanged a glance, silently agreeing on something. They shared the same determination never to allow anyone to catch them off guard again. If the Queen learned about this, they would face severe discipline, something they wanted to avoid.

The two assassins looked at Alucard and immediately began relaying the Queen's orders.


While Victor was listening to the Queen's summons, the Queen herself was experiencing an irritating event.

"What do you want, Volk?"

Volk growled, "What happened to the traitor? And where is Alucard?"

"...First, it's Demon King. He is the King of another country and should be treated with respect."

Volk opened his mouth to say something but was immediately interrupted.

"Second, the traitor is our son, and during the interrogation, we hypothesized that he may have been controlled and forced to betray our people."

"Before you get bothered with jealousy," Tasha continued, her voice sharp, "the 'we' I'm referring to includes me, Adam, Maya, Anderon and the Demon King himself."

Volk's eyes shimmered with irritation. He was far from pleased with the situation, especially with Tasha's current attitude. The tension in the air was palpable, reflecting Volk's disagreement and frustration with the delicate situation they found themselves in.

However, despite Volk's irritation, Tasha stood firm in her position. She was determined to face the challenges head-on, act with rationality, and protect her people, even if it meant confronting the betrayal of her own son and dealing with uncomfortable issues.

Such as dealing with Volk's behavior. He was not a bad King, but he had a serious problem. When things didn't go his way, his emotions took over his demeanor.

And recently, that boiling point had been Alucard and his blatant disrespect of Volks authority, as well as Tasha's own 'challenge' to his authority.

With all these factors combined, Volk was highly volatile now.

"Your Majesty, Demon King, Victor Alucard, and his companion, The Matriarch of The Lykos Clan, have arrived."I think you should take a look at

Volk’s atmosphere became visibly hostile upon hearing Alucard's name.

Tasha inwardly grumbled when she saw this. They came at the worst possible time, but she couldn't just send them away, not when they were already here.

ƥ "I will fetch them," Tasha said as she gracefully stood and walked toward the exit. Volk followed Tasha, and the Queen said nothing about it.

Upon reaching the guest room, Tasha came across the sight of Maya holding Victor's arm while engrossed in a book, seeming completely lost in it.

Tasha's eyes shimmered with a celestial blue for a few seconds as she saw how close Victor and Maya were. The irritation she felt before returned stronger than ever. An irritation that she completely concealed behind her mask of indifference.

"Hmm? Oh, Volk, you're awake."

Volk growled with annoyance, and as he was about to start walking toward Victor, he stopped when Tasha held his arm.

Volk looked at the Queen, and as the eyes of the two Alphas met, a momentary battle took place.

"Let me go!" Volk's eyes said.

"Control yourself!" Tasha's eyes said.Victor watched this confrontation with an innocent smile as if all the chaos occurring had nothing to do with him.

Tasha ignored Volk and walked forward. "I came to fulfill my agreement."


"In exchange for healing Fenrir, I will let you meet my teacher."

"Mm." Victor nodded, satisfied. "I also want to talk to Fenrir. Is that possible?"

“That-“ Volk was about to say something, but he was immediately interrupted by Tasha.

"Of course, if Fenrir wants to talk to you."

And that made Volk's irritation grow even more. He was on the verge of exploding at any moment, but no one in the room seemed to care about him.

"Oh, Queen of Wolves, I guarantee he will want to talk to me," Victor smiled mysteriously as if he knew something that the two of them didn't.action

An attitude that Tasha and Maya were already getting used to. The same could not be said for Volk, of course.

"That's enough!" Volk finally exploded, his raw Power bursting from his body, creating overwhelming pressure around him. The air grew dense and oppressive as if the very atmosphere feared his wrath.

"I won't sit quietly while this Demon-" Volk began to say, but he was immediately silenced by a somber voice that seemed to echo from the deepest abysses of Hell.

"Yes, you will." A sense of dread spread through Volk's entire existence, making his heart sink under an unbearable weight. He found himself staring intently at the Demon seated a short distance away, whose countenance had twisted into something grotesque and horrifying, like a creature out of the deepest nightmares.

Cold, cruel hands gripped Volk's face, forcing him to meet the blood-red eyes of that Demonic Entity. Its eyes were bottomless abysses, emanating a chilling darkness and promises of endless torment.

"You will be nothing more than a mere extra, an insignificant shadow while I negotiate with The Queen," the Demon uttered with a voice laden with threat and disdain.

"You had completely forfeited the right to speak on this matter when you proved incapable of controlling your emotions," it continued, its voice reverberating like a whisper from beyond, "I've told you before, haven't I? Don't make me lose the last shred of respect I still hold for you."

A chill ran down Volk's spine as cold sweat began to trickle down his face, bearing witness to his deep and paralyzing fear. He stood before a creature that defied any description, something beyond the darkest and most profane terrors.

"For the consequences of that act will be overwhelmingly indifferent," the Demon's words echoed in Volk's mind.

"You may be The King of The Wolves; you may be considered a God by the citizens of this City. But in my eyes... you are nothing, Volk Fenrir," the Demon proclaimed with a twisted and cruel smile, making Volk subconsciously shudder and reinforcing the insignificance of his existence before this malevolent entity.

"So, be a good little doggy and stay quiet, alright?" The Demon's voice was a hissing whisper, permeated with unfathomable malice.

Volk remained paralyzed; his mind engulfed in a whirlwind of terror and fear. His heart beat erratically as cold sweat incessantly dripped from his forehead. Every fiber of his being seemed frozen in the presence of the terrifying Demon before him.

Terror invaded his thoughts, forming grotesque and horrifying images in his mind. He felt utterly helpless against the darkness emanating from the Demonic figure. Fear took root in his core, penetrating every part of his body and corroding his courage and inner strength.

The Demon's voice whispering in his ears felt like a macabre song, echoing in his mind like a persistent reminder of his own insignificance. Volk felt crushed by the enormity of power and malice emanating from that remorseless creature. It was as if his very existence was reduced to mere dust in the presence of absolute evil

A silent scream echoed within Volk as he struggled internally to maintain composure. Every instinct in his being told him to flee, to distance himself as far as possible from that living nightmare. Terror intertwined with an overwhelming sense of powerlessness, leaving Volk unable to articulate any words or take any action.

The Demon, with its distorted face and burning eyes, embodied all his worst nightmares personified. Volk felt defenseless against the overwhelming power of that Supernatural Being while his own feelings of self-confidence and bravery faded like smoke.

With each threatening word the Demon uttered, Volk felt as if he was sinking into an abyss of despair. The realization of his own insignificance and fragility in the face of that Supernatural Being fueled his deepest fears, causing his legs to tremble and his body to be filled with suffocating anguish.

Volk experienced a terrible sense of powerlessness, aware that he stood before a force beyond his comprehension and control. Fear dominated his reason, engulfing him in oppressive darkness. His thoughts became muddled, and his will dissolved, leaving him completely at the mercy of the dark and sinister will of the Demon.

In that moment of absolute terror, Volk realized how fragile and vulnerable he was before the dark forces that existed beyond his understanding. He became a prisoner of his own fear, unable to resist or escape the terrifying grip of the Demon.

Ultimately, all Volk could do was nod docilely in response to the Demon's words:

"Mm... I will stay quiet."

The creature's smile grew in satisfaction.

"Good boy."