He hoped that the restaurant staff was smart enough not to commit the same blunder that had occurred at Chunlai Hotel.

Otherwise, he would be risking his own neck by even suggesting it in the first place.

Over at the front seat.

Yao Tang calmly glanced at the girl beside her.

Unlike her, Yao Ran's expression wasn't too good. She seemed to be distracted and deep in her own thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Yao Tangasked as she stepped on the accelerator.

Yao Ran's heart jumped to her throat. She turned to Yao Tangand asked, "Sister, do you really not want to know why Mom and Dad do not like you? If you want to know, I can tell you right now."


She stared at Yao Tangintently, as if afraid to miss any subtle shift in the latter's expression.

Yao Ran refused to believe that a child who had lacked love from a young age wouldn't want to know why. Even ifYao Tangdidn't care much aboutYao YuanandQin Man, she should be a little curious, at least.

After all, she knew them to be her biological parents.

The fact that they had no affection for their long-lost blood daughter should make anyone wonder.Yao Tang kept her eyes on the road, her face remaining blank.

She looked like she hadn't heard anything at all.

But Yao Ranwasn't about to give up just yet. "Do you truly not want to know?" she pressed. "I can tell you everything—why Mom hates you, your whole background…"


She was desperate to pique the other girl's interest.

No, more precisely, she wanted to lead Yao Tangby the nose.

Unfortunately for her, Yao Tangwasn't taking the bait. "No, I don't want to."

Yao Ran was caught off-guard by her cold response.

By then, she was running out of options. There was only one other way left. Since the matter of her family didn't move Yao Tangone bit,Yao Rancould only try to tempt her with something else.

Gritting her teeth, she took out a small bottle that contained a pale green substance and showed it to Yao Tang.

"This is a potion I took from Madam Meng's hospital. This is the latest product of years of experiments that her hired experts have conducted. It's supposed to expedite the bones' healing process, and is said to cure fractures and the like.

"You and I both know that no such medicine is currently out on the market. This vial of potion is one of its kind. If it were to be sold to a large pharmaceutical, it would surely fetch a hefty amount of money. I will give this to you, but you must promise me one thing."

Yao Ran leaned over in anticipation, expecting Yao Tang to jump at the opportunity to make some money.

To her dismay, Yao Tangstill appeared uninterested. She merely frowned and glanced at the bottle inYao Ran's hand.

"Well? What do you think?"

Yao Ran's grip on the potion tightened as he hoped fervently that Yao Tangwould take the bait this time.

Yao Tang only had to say yes, andYao Ran's efforts for today would be rewarded. If she were lucky, she might even squeeze out a few additional favors from the other girl.

As for the money, it meant nothing to Yao Ran. She had grown up in luxury, after all.

But for Yao Tang, it was probably a big deal.

There was no reason for her to reject this over. She must have spent a large sum just to come to Beijing, right? She was probably in dire need of funds at the moment.

What Yao Tangsaid next shockedYao Ranto her core.

"You're nothing more than a test subject for other people to experiment their drugs on."

Yao Ran had surmised as much, but she didn't know howYao Tanghad figured it out.Yao Ranknew whyMadam MengandMeng Lingwere so generous to her. She had also eavesdropped on the doctors' conversations and knew her purpose for being there.

She was indeed a test subject.

At this point, Yao Ranbecame frightened thatYao Tangwould turn her away.

"I assure you, I want none of the profits that would come from selling this medicine. I'm okay as long as my ankle is cured. All I want is for you to arrange a quiet and secluded place for me to recuperate while I'm being treated. I don't need anything else."

It wasn't as though Yao Ranhad never thought of selling the potion and taking the money for herself. It was just that she knew for a fact thatMadam Mengwould come after her for revenge, andQin Manwould be furious at her as well.

She might as well let Yao Tangdo the dirty work.

In this case, if things went awry, she could push all the blame on Yao Tangand avoid the consequences.