Chapter 444: Starting a war?  

The two girls along with Roy were trapped in the white room. There was absolutely nothing inside and it was square shaped with only the door in front of them. It was safe to say that the door was possibly made of glathrium.

When they had first entered the room, Slyvia had noticed a few things in the room. Although the walls were white, they weren't perfect. There were scratch marks all over the place. Pieces of dry blood in some areas and the same could be said for the door in front of them.

'Is this one of the rooms where they keep the beasts?' It was clear that it was most likely. If a beast with their strength wasn't able to break one of these doors, they all stood no chance.

They had no equipment and only their bare hands. Sylvia couldn't imagine any human breaking it down. On second thoughts there was one person she could imagine.

The three of them searched and searched trying to find a way out, but it just seemed like it was impossible.

"I think we're trapped in here." Martha finally spoke as she sat down on the floor, huffing as she had given up and her feet were starting to feel sore.


"You mean everything they said was a lie!" Roy was angry. "They don't really want to make us guards."

"Maybe we saw too much." Sylvia replied. "Maybe we weren't meant to see the beast that they kept here."

"Okay, I understand that." Roy replied. "But then wouldn't it be easier to just silence us?" While in this room, even with his powers, there wouldn't be much he could do. Which is why if he was outside he would have at least had a fighting chance to leave such a place.

In the end, he too had given up and chose to sit down in his frustration.

'Sorry about this." Sylvia said looking at Roy. "It was our fault for getting you into this mess."

"You're right, I don't know why I even followed you guys in the first place…" But he stopped himself for a second. No, it wasn't the girl's fault. He had been experiencing a run of bad luck ever since he had met that Nes person.


Maybe he had done some bad things in his life to experience this karma, but he thought saving these girls, something good might have come from it.

"The reason for keeping us here, it's a research facility. So maybe they plan to use us as research subjects." Slyvia said.

This certainly set the mood for them all. If that was the case, then they had to open the door up at some point right, maybe that was their chance out of there.

The three of them continued to stay inside, they had no choice, and to stop themselves from going crazy they started to play a few games with each other.

Seeing how many animals they could name with the letter A, then moving onto fruit, and so on. This continued for a while and they didn't know how long they had spent in the room.

It was hard to tell when they were doing nothing. But they all felt their stomach's growl in hunger. The girls were especially hungry since they hadn't eaten the food when they first arrived here either.

"If they want to use us as experiments, they can't just starve us to death, right?" Martha asked, worried.

It didn't make sense at all, and with nothing to do, they eventually all fell asleep. When they woke up, no change had happened. No one had come to speak to them, and nothing was different. Apart from the thirst for water and hunger.

"I wonder if a whole day has passed?" Sylvia mumbled to herself.

"Are you trying to figure out how long we are going to survive in this hellhole?" Martha asked as she was rubbing her hands against the walls, seeing if there was anything she had missed yesterday.

However, Slyvia was biting her fingernails thinking about something else. "No, I'm worried about a certain person."

Suddenly, things got a little interesting for Martha, as she stopped looking and turned around. "Is it Ray?" Martha asked.

'It is, but not for the reason you're thinking." Slyvia replied. "If Ray can't find us and we go missing for a few days, what do you think he would do?"

The thought had gone into her head, and she gulped out of fear. "He would start a war with the empire until he found us."

Roy, who was listening to all of this, started to laugh.

"Are you guys crazy, who in the right mind would ever start a war with the empire? Who even has the power to go up against them?"

He just couldn't believe what these girls were saying. He saw their skill and saw their equipment. Maybe they were here for the all kingdom tournament and thought themselves as skillful warriors. They were pampered by their kingdom and told they were the best.

But even Roy knew, with the position he was in. The empire had strong people. Scarily strong people that could have taken out the intermediate tier beast with ease.

"You wouldn't understand." Slyvia said. "It isn't whether or not, he thinks he would win or lose. That man will do anything for those close to him."

He could tell the girls were serious about this and were getting a little sensitive, so he decided to keep his mouth shut for now. There was no changing their minds in what they believed.

Finally, though, something seemed to happen. Inside the room, on the door, a little flap had opened, and a small sized metal box was pushed through and fell to the floor.

Roy immediately got up and ran over to the container. The girls were a bit suspicious that maybe there was something inside, but it was too late for them to say anything as Roy had already opened it up.

He had thought they were finally giving them food or water, but instead all that could be seen were three needles with the strange black liquid inside.

"If you inject the needles, then we will provide you with food." A voice said. It sounded like it had come from a speaker from behind one of the walls.

The two girls didn't say a word and moved to the corner of the room and sat down together.

"Wait, aren't you going to take it? We'll die if we don't drink or eat soon." Roy said.

"You go ahead." Martha said. "We're not stopping you, but we're not going to give into their demands."

"I'm not saying I'll die here." Sylvia replied. "But I will wait until the very last second until I do anything."

Roy thought these two were crazy. They had already checked the room several times, and because of the flap, they weren't going to open the door anytime soon.

But judging from what they were saying, they weren't refusing to take the liquid, just refusing to take it until they had to. Just what were they waiting for?

Then his mind went to their conversation they had earlier.

'It couldn't be, are they expecting that guy to come and save them?'

Although Roy didn't believe in this mysterious person to come and get them, he was inspired by their strong will power. In the end, he too had put the container down, and went to sit himself.

"I won't be beaten by you two. If I'm the only one that gets to eat it wouldn't be fair now would it." Roy said.

The two girls smiled, however. Suddenly, an aroma started to fill the room. From outside they could smell something cooking. In an instant, Sylvia started to drop from Roy's mouth.

Just how long could this fool last, they both thought.

The two boys had entered the strange place, and they had been told the same set of rules as the girl. At first they were reluctant to give in their weapons but what choice did they have. When they first arrived, they knew they were in the right place. The reason why?

As soon as they had got here, they tried to send Ray a message, telling him to not worry and maybe they had found a lead, but the message didn't send. Their system wasn't working.

Knowing this, they knew they were in the right place. Their style of searching though was completely different from the others.

As Kyle immediately got to work.

"What are you doing!" Harry called out.

"What, this wasn't against any of the rules they told us." Kyle replied.

"Have you happened to see a blonde girl, and brown haired girl together here. They should be around our age." Kyle asked.

Kyle was going around asking everyone about the girls, not caring who saw him or not.

"Boss, it seems like there are a couple of guys looking for those girls." One of the guards said.


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