Chapter 41:Training Begins

The training seemed to be tough on everyone. Every morning we would be woken up by the sound of two metal pots banging as soon as the sun rose. Head down for breakfast for a meal, then start our training.

The basic training lessons were based outside. It was compulsory for all the new students to participate. The morning training consisted of stamina training, which included running several laps around the field. Then we moved on to strength training, which consisted of lifting, pushing and leg training.

After the first few hours of our fundamentals, we then moved on to weaponry. We were all trained in the basics of every weapon in case anything happened on the battlefield. This included archery, sword and shield, axe-wielding and even spear work.

Bernardo was in charge of overseeing the basic training, he would often comment and advise the students on their technique. Slyvia, Ian, and Gary continued to do well in training while Monk and Kyle were a bit behind the others.

I found that with the strength training I had to tone it down my actual fitness level to try to match everyone around me. I decided to match Dan in skill level so no one would get too suspicious. Although the skill training with weaponry I found useful and eventually got the hang of using all different types of weapons. My dexterity had greatly improved.

After physical training, students were required to spar with each other. Each student was given a rank depending on how they did on the test. I was given the number 300 being ranked the last place on the test, while Gary was given rank 1. This pleased him, as even though he had a black sash it proved to himself that he did well on the test.


Each student would have to spar with the person ranked above them, so I would spar with number 299. We all given chain mail to wear, that had been enchanted for extra protection on top of weighing more than usual. While you were allowed to pick your weapon of choice for sparing. The equipment used were made of wood making it near impossible to deliver a lethal blow.

If you were the beat the person ahead, you would then take their ranking number. The system was made even easier due to the watch items we were given. The watch seemed to be powered by a beast crystal and had a number displayed on it. The number signified your rank and would automatically update once you had defeated your opponent.

The ranking system even worked outside of the training facility were students were encouraged to spar often as long as they used the training equipment which was too blunt to deal a lethal blow.

At the end of the day, everyone bodies were too sore to move from all the training on the first day. Bernardo came forward to talk to the students.

"You all might be thinking that you are at breaking point and you can't go on but worry not for tomorrow will be a rest day. Rest is just as important as training, so even if you think you can train, it will only do you more harm."

This basic training routine continued for three months, in the cycle of training and rest. We still had not had any training related to our colour sashes and was beginning to get a little impatient. I also had asked if we were free yet to go outside, the answer was the same as always. "Not until you have completed your basic training."


I was eager to hunt some magical beasts and get my points up to 100.

After the three months of basic training had passed we had finally begun our special black sash training.

After a normal routine of basic training, Bernardo came to speak to all of us again.

"You all will now take part in your colour rank training. Now that you have built up a basic fitness level you will be able to deal with the special training lessons. These lessons will take part straight after your basic lesson training."

It made sense now why the new students didn't start with basic and special training in the first place. Watching the other students, they struggled to lift a finger after they had finished basic training. But now everyone was used to the demand and strain that was put on their body.

Joe asked for the black sash squires to head the mansion after they had completed their basic training. We met up in a small training room inside the mansion. The room was just big enough to fit all of us in including Joe. The room was dark and dimly lit just when our eyesight was finally getting our bearings the lights turned off in the room.

Joe's voice suddenly could be heard, but it sounded as if it was being projected from all sorts of different directions making it hard to pinpoint his location.

"Here is where your black squire training will begin, in this room, you will learn stealth."

Joe suddenly had put his hands on mine and Gary shoulder which was a shock to us both. before the lights had gone off we were clearly able to see him standing in front of us. If he had moved we should have heard him yet not one of us in the room did.

After Joe's hand had touched me, I activated my dragon eyes skill to see if I could see him. Thankfully unlike Sir K, I was still able to track Joe movements using dragon eyes. I could see Joe creeping around the room talking in a low voice.

"You will also learn how to pick locks, conceal yourself from your enemies and climb heights you have never climbed before."

Joe had provided us with special armour that only the black squire and knights were allowed to wear. The clothing items were all light but well protected while dark in colour to avoid being seen easily.

The first part of the training was about how to make our footsteps silent, Monk was a natural at this while I struggled but not as bad as Gary who didn't seem to understand the concept behind it.

Next, he taught us how to pick locks of all standards of difficulty, using my dragon eyes skill would give me an easy advantage but I decided to try to learn without it. And Joe even taught us how to scale and climb walls, with my extra strength it was a breeze.

We all begin to enjoy the black night training, the techniques I learnt were interesting so I stuck to them. Everyone became very skilful apart from Gary. Every day the frustration would get to him more and more.