Chapter 116   - Help is needed

The sounds of swords clashing against each other could be heard Just outside the arena. This was where the knights were fighting against the dark guild members. They were doing their best to escort the citizens from the arena directly to the academy. The Dark Guild members outside the arena didn't seem to be as powerful as the ones inside.

The reason for this was not all of The Dark Guild members had taken the Purple liquid. Meaning they hadn't been infected by the shadow plague, which would have given them a power boost.

Still, they were just as skilful as the knights of Avrion and were fighting them toe to toe. If it weren't for the fact that Avrion outnumbered the nights two to one they would have never been able to escort the citizens out safely.

Meanwhile, just inside the arena, Kyle was currently running about heading towards the medical bay. To get down to the medical Bay kyle needed to head back to the reception area of the arena. This part of the building linked all areas of the arena.

From the reception, there were four areas you could go to. There was the exit that led out onto the street where the knights were currently fighting The Dark Guild members. There was a staircase that led you up to the second floor to the seating area of the arena. There was also another staircase that led down underground to where the medical bay and other areas were located and finally there was the fighting arena where Kyle was coming from.

Kyle ran from the arena into the waiting area and finally, he had made it to the reception room. Kyle stood still as soon as he entered, as the scene in front of him wasn't what he had expected. There were piles of bodies everywhere on the floor of not just knights but citizens as well.


Kyle felt his stomach churning and had to nearly stop himself from throwing up. Not only that but the fighting from outside had reached inside the reception area as well. There were a few knights locked in combat with The Dark Guild members.

Just in front of Kyle, a fellow knight had been stabbed by a Dark Guild member. After taking his blade form the man's body his attention turned towards Kyle. The Dark Guild member ran charging at Kyle, as he did Kyle threw his weight chain and tied up the Dark Guild member's legs causing him to fall headfirst onto the ground.

Then suddenly another Dark Guild member jumped up in the air and was heading straight for Kyle's head with his blade. Before the man could even reach Kyle though, out of thin air came a black snake-like whip. The whip whacked the man, sending him flying through the air and onto the wall several feet away.

Kyle turned and looked at who had just helped him just now.


Nay was the third-year contestant that had gone against Kyle in the arena. Kyle couldn't imagine she had followed him all this way. Unless she had feelings for him Kyle thought.


His eyes started to fill up with hearts. As Nay saw this she felt even more disgusted by Kyle.

"Calm down, Jack asked me to help you,"

Before Kyle could ask why their introduction was cut short. Just then a group of ten Dark Guild members came storming into the reception from outside.

"What is going on, where are all the knights?" Kyle asked.

The knights had only been buying time for the citizens to all leave the arena. Now that they had left, they had a new mission which was to escort the citizens safely to the academy. Unexpectedly to the knights though, the dark guild members decided to stay at the arena rather than follow them.

But the knights knew the citizens were their top priority. They needed to take the citizens back to the academy first before they could come back to the arena to help the rest. Leaving Nay and Kyle to take care of the rest of the Dark Guild members.

The Dark Guild members went straight for Kyle and Nay as soon as they saw the two of them. Luckily for them, both of their weapons could be used at long distances. They were able to keep the Dark Guild members away but at this rate, they weren't able to progress forward either.

Little by little without realising it the Dark guild members had been putting pressure on Nay and Kyle moving them back until they had reached the stairs.

"Crap, we are heading in the completely wrong direction," Kyle said.

"There's nothing we can do, there's too many of them to attack them properly," Nay replied.

Just then both of them could hear the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs behind them.

"Don't tell me there behind us as well?" Kyle said.

Just then a male with silver spikey hair and a blue and white straight coat came running down the stairs. As he saw the Dark Guild members, he started gathering mana in his hands.

"Water slash!" Max shouted.

Two beams went shouting out from Max's hands hitting two of the Dark guild members and knocking them over. Kyle and Nay didn't know who this boy was but clearly, he was not on the Dark guild's side.

Now with the support of Max, Kyle and Nay didn't waste any opportunity going on the attack. Kyle and Nay would attack and if a Dark Guild member came at them, Max would then shoot them with his water magic.

Finally, with the help of Max, they were able to defeat the remaining Dark guild members.

"Thank you for your help," Nay said politely as she looked Max up and down noticing he was quite handsome and her type.

"Do you know how to get to the medical bay?" Max asked.

Kyle and Nay then looked at each other.

"We're heading there right now." Kyle replied. "follow me I'll show you the way."

Max nodded and the three of them headed towards the medical bay together.