Chapter 7

The livestream audience who witnessed everything unfolding before their eyes were even more dumbfounded. After a brief moment of silence, the barrage of comments exploded.

【Holy crap! Did I see that right? Little Aunt just took down two burly men barehanded?!】

【My god, my heart was racing for Song Anan just now. I did not expect such a shocking reversal!】

【This little girl sure has hidden depths. She looks so gentle and cute, who could've thought she packs such a punch? Badass!】

【Shoulder throw + dislocated arm, she's awesome! Well done Little Aunt!】

【Gotta say, the shoulder throw shows Little Aunt must've had training, especially the arm dislocation, so cool!】


【I can't even... Little Aunt gives off a weak and gentle vibe that makes you want to protect her. Never thought she'd whip out killer moves like that, it's unbelievable!】

【Waaahhh Little Aunt you rock! What a perfect girlfriend!】

【Mama mia, what other surprises does Song Linchuan's little aunt have in store? This contrast really shocked me!】

【Hilarious, so many people around yet only Song Anan rushed up. Her intentions are so obvious!】

【She's either playing hero or seeking attention! Tsk tsk, how shameless.】

【Definitely clout chasing. Song Anan suddenly joined the show to get famous. All that 'cute contrast' stuff is just an act.】



After catching the two men off guard and taking them down, Song Anan instinctively breathed a sigh of relief.

But she remained vigilant, keeping a close eye on the men on the ground, afraid they might get back up and retaliate. She asked a bystander to call the police for help.

"Aunt, could you please call the police for me?" Song Anan said to a young lady standing nearby.

The lady was startled at first, then quickly nodded, "Oh, okay!"

At this point, the onlooking crowd also realized something was wrong. Whether or not that woman's ramblings about family ethics were true, the appearance of the two burly men made it clear the situation was sketchy.

It would be best to let the police handle this.

Not just the people at the scene, even the livestream viewers agreed.

【Yup yup, calling the cops is the right thing to do. Better safe than sorry!】

【Little Aunt must know something. Why else would she stop the woman? These people might really be human traffickers!】

【I think so too. Little Aunt is young but seems very level-headed. She probably recognized the little boy from before.】

Soon after the lady made the call, a police car arrived with several officers.

"Who called this in?" asked an older officer.

The lady who made the call obediently raised her hand.

The police uncle looked at her. "Tell me what happened."

The lady hesitated, unsure what to say. She looked to Song Anan for help.

Song Anan nodded lightly at her.

The lady then explained everything to the police, including Song Anan recognizing the little boy and a man and woman at the mall earlier.

Song Anan added, "I wasn't sure of the situation, but the boy seemed very agitated so I thought it best to find out."

The officer nodded approvingly. "You did the right thing. Better safe than sorry. We'd rather err on the side of caution than let anything slide."

Everyone murmured in agreement.

Just then, a yell came from another officer nearby, "Brother Li, the little boy seems to be drugged unconscious!"

The officer talking to Song Anan immediately scowled. "Call an ambulance! Get the boy checked out first."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene and in the livestream realized what was going on.

【Damn! I didn't notice till now, no wonder the boy was so quiet in the woman's arms after that first yell. He was drugged!】

【F*ck! These must be human traffickers! Who else would carry knockout drugs and use it on a child?!】 【To do this brazenly in broad daylight, horrifying! Thank goodness Little Aunt was alert. The child was in grave danger.】

【Hilarious, where are the antis mocking Little Aunt's 'clout chasing' now? Come out and get flamed!】

With this development, it was basically confirmed the two men and woman were up to no good.

The police officer gazed grimly at the people on the ground and asked Song Anan, "Who took these two down?"

Song Anan blinked. "Me."

The officer stared blankly. "What?"

Song Anan repeated, "I was the one who restrained them."

The officer's eyes bulged wide in disbelief. He looked between Song Anan and the two men on the ground several times, utterly dumbfounded.

【LMAO the cop's reaction is just like mine earlier!】

【Even I can barely believe what I saw with my own eyes. Let alone the cop who wasn't there!】

【Cop: Can someone tell me if this is real or not?!】

A nearby middle-aged lady helpfully stepped up to corroborate Song Anan's story. "Let me tell you officer, this young lady isn't lying. She really did take those two guys down herself!

"My, didn't expect this delicate young girl to be so capable! It was quite impressive..."

The lady then grabbed the officer's arm and vividly reenacted how Song Anan had subdued the men.

After getting the full story, the officer gave Song Anan an approving thumbs up. "Nice work young lady, you've had training?"

"Mm, I practiced taekwondo before," Song Anan replied with a bashful smile.

The officer also smiled. As he crouched to examine the men, he remarked offhandedly, "Ah, dislocated shoulders huh."

Song Anan felt a bit guilty, unsure if that counted as assault. "I can pop them back into place..." In her panic earlier, she had only meant to disable the men's arms so they couldn't retaliate.

But the officer waved dismissively. "No rush."

【LMAO this cop is too cute! No rush he says!】

【Cop: Suffer for now. Want me to pop it back? Fat chance!】

【Damn human traffickers, go die! Little Aunt should've dislocated their other arms too!】

【Small question, can Little Aunt actually reset dislocated shoulders or was she just saying that?】

【Haha Little Aunt is so cute acting all guilty in front of the cop, like a kid caught misbehaving!】

【C'mon Little Aunt, don't be shy! We did a good thing here!】

Song Linchuan finally managed to hand the woman and child over to the police and hurried to check on Song Anan.

"Little Aunt, you aren't hurt are you?" He looked her over worriedly several times.

Song Anan smiled and shook her head. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

After confirming she was unharmed, Song Linchuan relaxed completely.

Although he knew Song Anan was capable, seeing her stand off against those men still frightened him.

【Whoa I just noticed Song Linchuan's side, what happened to him? He looks wrecked!】

【That woman from earlier did it trying to get to the child. Song Linchuan clearly didn't want to hurt the boy so he let her rough him up.】

【Yeah, gotta admire his restraint. That woman was pulling his hair yet hot-tempered Song Linchuan endured it.】

【For a so-called bad-tempered, unempathetic person, he showed remarkable patience and care.】

【I'm just an outsider but he doesn't seem that bad. Some antis were bashing him earlier yet now I feel he's decent.】

【Song Anan was right in the interviews, don't judge someone on hearsay. Look at their actions.】


The ambulance soon arrived and the police took the boy to the hospital for examination, while escorting the two men and woman to the station.

Song Anan and Song Linchuan also needed to give statements, so they headed to the station with the officers.

By chance, they rode with the same officer from earlier.

Before getting in the car, a show staff member brought the cameraman over to ask if they could follow the celebs to the station, explaining they were filming a show.

The easygoing officer waved and pointed at the cameraman, "No problem, we've got space for one more up front."

Once in the car, Song Anan, Song Linchuan, and the officer sat in back. The cameraman took the passenger seat while a younger cop drove.

The cameraman moved to turn off the livestream but was stopped by the officer. "I heard you guys say this is a live reality show? How many viewers are watching now?"

The cameraman glanced at the view count. "Quite a lot, almost broke a million."

The officer was shocked. "That many!"

After a brief pause, he decisively said, "Perfect, let me take this chance to do some legal education for the audience."

Cameraman: ???

Legal education? Now?!

Unfazed, the officer looked to Song Anan and Song Linchuan. "You two don't mind, right?"

Equally confused, they shook their heads. "Don't mind."

【LMAO so that's why the cop specifically told the cameraman to get in their car, he had this planned all along!】

【Cop: Wow, so many live viewers, perfect for an impromptu law talk!】

【Hahaha this cop is kinda cute.】

【Song Anan/Song Linchuan: We...don't dare mind!】

True to his word, the officer launched into an anti-trafficking legal lecture to the hundred thousand-plus livestream audience, using the incident at hand as a starting point.

The viewers went from baffled at first to actually paying attention. No one expected this turn of events.

Some tuning in halfway were even more confused. They'd heard this was a slice-of-life reality show, why was there a cop?! If not for Song Anan and Song Linchuan next to him, they'd have thought they entered the wrong stream.

In the broadcast control room, the director watched the bizarre unfolding of events with mixed emotions.

After years making reality shows, this was a first.

And there was no getting around the sudden "sponsorship" either.

The police uncle finally finished speaking. At last, he specially commended Song An'an for being vigilant and brave in helping others.

"Oh right, little girl, I forgot to ask your names. You must be very famous celebrities for one million people to come see you." The police uncle asked belatedly.

Song An'an smiled and replied, "Uncle police, I'm not a celebrity. Linchuan is though, he's really amazing and great. The people in his livestream are all here to see him."

"His name is Song Linchuan. I'm his little auntie, called Song An'an."

[Who said that? Little auntie, look at me, look at me, I came just for you!]

[Alright, I admit that at first I came for my brother Song Linchuan, but now at least half is for little auntie!]

[I'm suddenly a little touched, what's going on? With little auntie's proud expression, I'm crying, this means I sincerely feel Song Linchuan is great!]

[In a previous interview, Song Linchuan said that when he first joined the talent show, only his little auntie unconditionally supported him and saw his potential. This recognition is truly important. Just for this, Song Linchuan becoming "Auntie's Treasure" is a must!]

[Haha, has everyone noticed, little auntie's coy expression just now is carved from the same mold as Song Linchuan. They're a perfect aunt and nephew duo.]

[Of course, a nephew resembling his aunt is natural law. After all, they're blood relatives!]

[It's true, no matter the relationship, only mutual affection is the most joyful.]

Just as the netizens were moved by the touching aunt-nephew bond, the police uncle suddenly looked towards Song Linchuan.

His voice rose slightly, "You're the celebrity, Song Linchuan!"

Song Linchuan was startled. Although he didn't understand why the uncle was suddenly a little excited, he honestly replied, "Yes, I'm Song Linchuan."

The police uncle's brows were tightly knitted as he stared fixedly at Song Linchuan for quite a while, as if wanting to see through him completely.

The atmosphere in the car inexplicably became a little frozen.

Song An'an blinked and asked the uncle, "What's wrong with Linchuan?"

The police uncle glanced at Song Linchuan, then looked at Song An'an, hesitating as if he wanted to speak but held back.

Seeing the police uncle's reaction, whether it was the people in the car or the livestream audience, everyone was puzzled.

Could it be...Song Linchuan had some conflict with this police uncle in the past?

But that's not right either. If they had a conflict, then he shouldn't have not recognized him earlier.

Just then, the police officer driving the car in front spoke up in time, resolving everyone's doubts.

"Older brother Li's daughter is his fan. I heard she's liked him for years and always talks about him, calling herself his...what was it..."

"Oh right, wife fan!"

Everyone: ???